Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Computer Science

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Eric Patterson

Committee Member

Professor Rodney Florencio Da Costa

Committee Member

Professor Kathleen Ann Thum


Ancient scholars and artists turned to the classic muses for form, worship, and inspiration in pursuit of crafting their greatest works. In an information age rife with new ideas and new artists, it is inevitable that new creative obstacles will be encountered and new muses will be called upon to overcome them. This project is an exploration of the digital modeling pipeline through the formation of such muses. It begins with the creation and iteration of concept art for three original characters, moves on to the sculpting of the characters in Zbrush, creation of clothes in Marvelous Designer, posing, and finally to rendering. The project also involves designing an environment and using a combination of modeling in Maya and sculpting in Zbrush. These characters and the environment were conceptualized to represent modern day muses within the head of an artist struggling with art block and self doubt. Design choices of both the characters and environment are inspired by both classic and contemporary depictions of the muses and the human mindscape.



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