Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Historic Preservation

Committee Chair/Advisor

Amalia Leifeste

Committee Member

Barry Stiefel

Committee Member

Laura Lee Worrell


There is constant pressure for a higher education institution to expand and modernize to continue to attract potential students, but for those located in dense historic cities their campus expansion is often impeded by the surrounding built environment. This statement proves true when examining the case study of the College of Charleston, which is situated in the compact historic city of Charleston, South Carolina. This thesis explores the multitude of influential factors that have impacted the growth of the College of Charleston’s campus from 1960 to 2024. These factors include a growing student population, political dynamics, administrative vision, financial considerations, modernity, connectivity, sustainability, and evolving preservation and planning ideologies.

Historic structures on a higher education institution’s campus are often integral to its identity, but the historic fabric surrounding these institutions not deemed worthy of preservation are often sacrificed to expand its built environment. Through thematic coding, primary sources were examined to determine which influential factors impacted the College of Charleston campus expansion. Using ArcGIS Pro, a campus property inventory, cross deed indexes, historic maps and aerials, a visual analysis was created to better comprehend the campus expansion.

The findings of this study show that campus planning and preservation ideologies are among the most impactful factors concerning the enlargement of the College’s campus. These influential factors not only have shaped the College of Charleston campus but the City of Charleston as well.



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