Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair/Advisor

Keri Ann Sather-Wagstaff

Committee Member

Michael Burr

Committee Member

Beth Novick


Given a tree T and a field k, we define the open neighborhood ideal N(T) of T in k[V] to be the ideal generated by the open neighborhoods of all vertices in the graph. If T is unmixed with respect to the total domination problem, then it is known that N(T) is Cohen-Macaulay. Our goal is to compute the (Cohen-Macaulay) type of k[V]/N(T) using graph theoretical properties of T. We achieve this by using homological algebra and properties of monomial ideals. Along the way, we also provide a different characterization of unmixed trees and a generalization of the total dominating problem with the corresponding decomposition theorem.

Author ORCID Identifier




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