Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Industrial Engineering

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Jackie Cha

Committee Member

Dr. Alfredo Maximiliano Carbonell, II

Committee Member

Dr. Anjali Joseph

Committee Member

Dr. Qi Luo


Introduction: Robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) is a form of minimally invasive surgery that is increasing in both its adoption and development due to many perceived advantages such as tremor reduction and motion scaling. However, RAS is still relatively new and there are a variety of novel barriers and challenges to the adoption of these platforms. Objectives: This study aims to understand how the integration of RAS platforms impacts the interactions and outcomes of interactions between surgical team members to explore the barriers from three aspects critical to facilitating Robotic-assisted-surgery (RAS) adoption: the human-robotic interaction, built environment, and RAS training. Future guidelines for research and design will be identified from these perspectives. Method: This study consisted of four phases: 1) a scoping review of current surgical human-robotic interactions; 2) surveys to RAS stakeholders; 3) focus groups and interviews; and 4) a workshop with subject matter experts. Results: A novel framework outlining the impact of integrating RAS systems into the surgical team was developed. Human-robotic interaction barriers include hesitancy among clinicians to trust automation. Barriers impeding team communication and workflow disruptions were also identified throughout the built environment. Training barriers were exemplified by varying curriculums from formal (courses) to informal (peer training) for surgeons. Crowd-sourced survey findings suggest that socioeconomic status plays a role in the perception of RAS. Conclusion: Design guidelines from barriers include: 1) improved ergonomics; 2) deliberate and careful automation; 3) sufficient in-room storage for prospective operating rooms and the development of compact RAS devices for older/smaller operating rooms.

Available for download on Sunday, August 31, 2025
