Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Construction Science and Management (MCSM)


Construction Science and Management

Committee Chair/Advisor

Shima Clarke

Committee Member

Vivek Sharma

Committee Member

Jong Han Yoon

Committee Member

Mike Jackson


This study investigates United States construction professionals’ view of trust in the workplace. In particular the focus is on building trust through trust building exercises. In order to accomplish this, a literature review was conducted focusing on trust in the worldwide construction industry. This was followed by interviews with US construction professionals who focus on team building. These interviews informed a survey sent to a wide variety of US construction professionals. The survey had two sections of content questions, 1. view of trust indicators and 2. perception of trust building exercises. Finally, experts in the field of construction team building were interviewed to learn their perspective on how trust is built through trust building exercises. The results of the study include a taxonomy of trust, ranking trust indicators in two ways, once via literature and once through survey data. Additionally, best practices are proposed for developing and implementing trust building exercises in the US construction industry.

Author ORCID Identifier


Available for download on Sunday, August 31, 2025
