"SHOWCASE (Concerns of the Southern Man: from Gatlinburg to Kaohsiung C" by Samuel Davis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Arts

Committee Chair/Advisor

Vatalaro, Mike

Committee Member

Detrich , Dave

Committee Member

Jensen , Heidi

Committee Member

McDonald , Todd


One's daily life consists of collecting objects, images, ideas, fears and dreams. These items and concepts do not conjure themselves, but are selected like so many berries in a basket. I question what objects people choose to showcase in their homes, their trophies and shrines. These types of objects serve to validate their owner's beliefs and through their collection, elevate that person's status. In what items does one subconsciously invest their identity?
My work speaks to the value of the collected once transformed. In my practice I juxtapose ideals held separately and simultaneously about the value and import of ceramic art. I use kitsch and ceramics as a vocabulary and platform that is universal, but through its construction and relationships can simultaneously speak specifically to one person, one region or one understanding. I use campy humor and novelty to undermine the works integrity while attracting the viewer. These works question the merits of my heritage and pedigree. I want the work to give an impression of environmental factors that shape the experience and expectations of a Southern man. Selecting objects of various materials, they are transformed into porcelain, altering their value. Many of these objects have a previous identity. I can claim ownership only of the concept and finished product. In adding gaudy and attention-grabbing stimuli, I foolishly attempt to bestow a higher status on each piece. In this way, the work parallels the condition of a middle-class life.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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