Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Mathematical Science

Committee Chair/Advisor

Brown, Jim

Committee Member

Xue , Hui


Let f be a normalized eigenform of level Npα for some positive integer α and some odd prime p satisfying gcd(p,N)=1. A construction of Deligne, Shimura, et. al., attaches a p-adic continuous two-dimensional Galois representation to f. The Refined Conjecture of Serre states that such a representation should in fact arise from a normalized eigenform of level prime to p.
In this presentation we present a proof of Ribet which allows us to 'strip' these powers of p from the level while still retaining the original Galois representation, i.e., the residual of our new representation arising from level N will remain isomorphic to the residual of our original representation arising from level Npα.



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