"Images: A Personal Vision of the Human Condition in Contemporary Socie" by Alan Clark MacTarggart

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Studies

First Advisor

Thomas McPeak

Second Advisor

James A. Stockham

Third Advisor

John F. Alm


This thesis will examine the exploration accomplished over the past three years. It will bee in three parts: (1) an explanation of philosophy; (2) a description of techniques employed; and (3) a discussion of the results illustrated through examples of the work. The work was a result of an interest in conveying to others images commenting on the human condition in contemporary society. To accomplish this goal, visual metaphors or images laden with multiple levels of symoblic interpretation were chosen. The work consistently has been based upon a representational approach so the audience would not be limited, and the artist's experiential stimuli both in the field and studio would be apparent. This effort was made in primarily two media: painting and pencil drawing. Photography, used as integral tool in the accumulation of data, will be considered. These were utilized because they proved to be the most effective means to convey the personal contrivances of embelmatic form. The work exhivits a continuity of preference for complexity of form and richness of surface. It is diverse in the subject matter, the handling of paint, scale, and the various methods used to enrich the image beyond the photograph. The differences were dicated by the artist's understanding of the relative qualities inherent in the subject matter and the appropriate choice of techinque.
