Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Studies

First Advisor

Mike Vatalaro

Second Advisor

John F. Acorn

Third Advisor

Farrell B. Brown


During the past five semesters I have been engaged in a search for a personal philosophy of art. Simultaneously, I have worked towards visual self expression and a fulfi 11 ing body of work. I have found the search and the visual product to be mutually reinforcing. My recent work consists of two dimensional paintings and drawings on rag paper. I have adhered to the use of gouache and graphite to explore a single theme - that of WarWoman. My search and my intrigue with the WarWoman theme has been the motivating force behind my creativity. Likewise, the exploration and manipulation of media and theme has given positive physical evidence of my search.
