"Use of Metaphors and Materials in a Sculptural Process" by Claude T. Davis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Studies

First Advisor

Jim Dinnes

Second Advisor

Ireland Requier

Third Advisor

John F. Acorn


The basic concept of my work is the transformation of material in a sculptural process to form personal metaphors and analogies. The materials used to suggest these analogies through their color and tex-ture are wood and metal. The workability of these materials and their capacity to be physically manipulated evokes an emotional impression that is their resulting expression. The dominant source for conveying the meaning of my sculpture to the observer has been the house forms that have been used as metaphors to represent people and events. Wood and metal have been used as constructive and casting materials in creating the grouping of animal and house forms. This grouping or interaction creates the visual dialogue between the artist and the viewer.
