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This paper explores the attitudes and factors contributing to the motivation of Industrial Engineering (IE) students, and how these relate to various ASPECTS of their educational experiences. A mixed methods sequential explanatory study was used, starting with a survey (n=50) to assess different aspects of student motivation, followed by interviews with a smaller population of students (n=8). Survey data revealed that female IE students valued being students, and saw their coursework as more instrumental to their success, more than their male counterparts. Survey data also showed that students with university-sponsored authentic learning experiences had significantly higher expectations of success in IE than those without project experience. Eight themes were identified during interviews with students as things that contributed to their motivation: Altruism, Enjoyment, Goals, Nature of IE Field and Material, Personal Characteristics, Professional Identity, Relationships, and Resources. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to the program in terms of the IE curriculum and student projects.
