Publications | Automotive Engineering | Clemson University


Submissions from 2023


On the Measurement of Nakazima Testing Based Out-of-Plane Forming Limit Curves using 2D Digital Image Correlation, Akshat Agha and Fadi Abu-Farha


COMPOSITES 4.0: ENABLING THE MODERNIZATION OF LEGACY MANUFACTURING ASSETS IN SOUTH CAROLINA, Amit Makarand Deshpande, Gayatri Keskar, Sai Aditya Pradeep, Saeed Farahani, and Srikanth Pilla


Thermoplastics Foams: An Automotive Perspective, Sai Aditya Pradeep, Srishti Shukla, Nathaniel Brown, and Srikanth Pilla

Submissions from 2022


Effectiveness of 2D Digital Image Correlation in Capturing the Fracture Behavior of Sheet Metal Alloys, Akshat Agha


Advanced Anti-Buckling Device Coupled with Real-Time Digital Image Correlation for Complex Cyclic Tension-Compression Testing of Lightweight Materials, Akshat Agha and Fadi Abu-Farha


Numerical Implementation and Validation of a Viscoelastic-Plastic Material Model for Predicting Curing Induced Residual Stresses in Adhesive Bonded Joints, Akshat Agha and Fadi Abu-Farha


Design and Development of a Multi-material, Cost-competitive, Lightweight Mid-size Sports Utility Vehicle’s Body-in-White, Amit M. Deshpande, Rushabh Rajesh Sadiwala, Nathan Brown, Sai Aditya Pradeep, Leon M. Headings, Ningxiner Zhao, Brad Losey, Ryan Hahnlen, Marcelo J. Dapino, Gang Li, and Srikanth Pilla

Submissions from 2021


Experimental Methods to Capture Curing Induced Effects in Adhesive Bonded Joints, Akshat Agha and Fadi Abu-Farha


Viscoelastic Model to Capture Residual Stresses in Heat Cured Dissimilar Adhesive Bonded Joints, Akshat Agha and Fadi Abu-Farha

Submissions from 2020


Integration Concept of Injection, Forming and Foaming: A Practical Approach to Manufacture Hybrid Structures, Saeed Farahani, Sai Aditya Pradeep, and Srikanth Pilla

Submissions from 2018


Cure History Dependent Viscoelastic Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints using MAT_277 in LS-DYNA®, Akshat Agha, Fadi Abu-Farha, Rakan Alturk, Tim Welters, and Georges Romanos


State of the Art Review on Process, System, and Operations Control in Modern Manufacturing, Dragan Djurdjanovic, Laine Mears, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Asad Ul Haq, and Lin Li


A complementary Cyber-Human Systems framework for Industry 4.0 Cyber-Physical Systems, Matthew Krugh and Laine Mears

Submissions from 2017


Process and Operations Control in Modern Manufacturing, Dragan Djurdjanovic, Laine Mears, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Asad Ul Haq, and Lin Li


Nonlinear Parameter Estimation in a Typical Industrial Air Handler Unit, Lujia Feng, Pierluigi Pisu, Laine Mears, and Jörg Schulte


Electrically Assisted Drilling of Usibor 1500 Boron Steel and its Implications for Electrically Assisted Machining, Nived Govind Karumatt, Brandt J. Ruszkiewicz, and Laine Mears


Measurement of Operator-machine Interaction on a Chaku-chaku Assembly Line, Matthew Krugh, Ethan McGee, Stephen McGee, Laine Mears, Andrej Ivanco, K. C. Podd, and Barbara Watkins


Measurement of Operator-machine Interaction on a Chaku-chaku Assembly Line, Matthew Krugh, Ethan McGee, Stephen McGee, Laine Mears, Andrej Ivanco, K. C. Podd, and Barbara Watkins


High performance computing simulations to identify process parameter designs for profitable titanium machining, Mathew Kuttolamadom, Joshua Jones, Laine Mears, James Von Oehsen, Thomas Kurfess, and John Ziegert


Designing for Reuse in an Industrial Internet of Things Monitoring Application, Ethan T. McGee, Matthew Krugh, John D. McGregor, and Laine Mears


Mechanistic force model for machining process—theory and application of Bayesian inference, Parikshit Mehta, Mathew Kuttolamadom, and Laine Mears


Investigation of Chip Thickness and Force Modelling of Trochoidal Milling, Abram Pleta, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, and Laine Mears


Investigation of Chip Thickness and Force Modelling of Trochoidal Milling, Abram Pleta, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, and Laine Mears


A Review of Electrically-Assisted Manufacturing With Emphasis on Modeling and Understanding of the Electroplastic Effect, Brandt J. Ruszkiewicz, Tyler Grimm, Ihab Ragai, Laine Mears, and John T. Roth


An Investigation of Electroplastic Drilling of Mild Steel, Brandt J. Ruszkiewicz, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Laine Mears, and Elizabeth Gendreau


Investigation of the Cleaning and Welding Steps From the Friction Element Welding Process, Jamie D. Skovron, Brandt J. Ruszkiewicz, Laine Mears, Tim Abke, Ankit Varma, Yuxin Li, Hongseok Choi, and Xin Zhao

Submissions from 2016


Energy Consumption Modeling and Analyses in Automotive Manufacturing Plant, Lujia Feng and Laine Mears


Energy, economy, and environment analysis and optimization on manufacturing plant energy supply system, Lujia Feng, Laine Mears, Cleveland Beaufort, and Joerg Schulte


Energy Demand Forecasting in an Automotive Manufacturing Plant, Lujia Feng, Laine Mears, and Joerg Schulte


Key Variable Analysis and Identification of Energy Consumption in an Automotive Manufacturing Plant, Lujia Feng, Laine Mears, and Jörg Schulte


Cost Estimation Model for PAN Based Carbon Fiber Manufacturing Process, Amaninder Singh Gill, Darian Visotsky, Laine Mears, and Joshua D. Summers


Cost Estimation Model for Polyacrylonitrile-Based Carbon Fiber Manufacturing Process, Amaninder Singh Gill, Darian Visotsky, Laine Mears, and Joshua D. Summers


Springback Evaluation of 304 Stainless Steel in an Electrically Assisted Air Bending Operation, Abdelrahim Khal, Brandt J. Ruszkiewicz, and Laine Mears


Prediction of Defect Propensity for the Manual Assembly of Automotive Electrical Connectors, Matthew Krugh, Kavit Antani, Laine Mears, and Jörg Schulte


Prediction of Defect Propensity for the Manual Assembly of Automotive Electrical Connectors, Matthew Krugh, Kavit Antani, Laine Mears, and Jörg Schulte


Statistical Modeling of Defect Propensity in Manual Assembly as Applied to Automotive Electrical Connectors, Matthew Krugh, Kavit Antani, Laine Mears, and Jörg Schulte


A wavelet-based data-driven modelling for tool wear assessment of difficult to machine materials, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Lujia Feng, Durul Ulutan, and Laine Mears


Extended Kalman Filter for Stochastic Tool Wear Assessment in Turning of INC718 Hard-to-Machine Alloy, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Martin Michel, and Laine Mears


State of health monitoring in machining: Extended Kalman filter for tool wear assessment in turning of IN718 hard-to-machine alloy, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Martin Michel, and Laine Mears


Parameter Inference Under Uncertainty in End-Milling γ′-Strengthened Difficult-to-Machine Alloy, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Durul Ulutan, and Laine Mears


Evaluating the Use of Artificial Neural Networks, Graph Theory, and Complexity Theory to Predict Automotive Assembly Defects, Apurva Patel, Patrick Andrews, Joshua D. Summers, Erin Harrison, Joerg Schulte, and Laine Mears


Cutting Force Investigation of Trochoidal Milling in Nickel-based Superalloy, Abram Pleta and Laine Mears


Cutting Force Investigation of Trochoidal Milling in Nickel-Based Superalloy, Abram Pleta and Laine Mears


Trust-based compliant robot-human handovers of payloads in collaborative assembly in flexible manufacturing, S.M. Mizanoor Rahman, Yue Wang, Ian D. Walker, Laine Mears, Richard Pak, and Sekou Remy


Temperature-Controlled Forming of 7075-T6 Aluminum Using Linearly Decaying Direct Electric Current, Brandt J. Ruszkiewicz and Laine Mears


Obstacle Filtering Alogrithm for Control of an Autonomous Road Vehicle in Public Highway Traffic, Qian Wang and Beshah Ayalew

Submissions from 2015


Investigations in subsurface damage when machining γ′-strengthened nickel-based superalloy, Yujie Chen, Cristina Bunget, Laine Mears, and Thomas R. Kurfess


Energy consumption modeling and analyses in automotive manufacturing final assembly process, Lujia Feng, Durul Ulutan, and Laine Mears


Correlation of the Volumetric Tool Wear Rate of Carbide Milling Inserts With the Material Removal Rate of Ti–6Al–4V, Mathew Kuttolamadom, Parikshit Mehta, Laine Mears, and Thomas Kurfess


Adaptive control for multistage machining process scenario—bar turning with varying material properties, Parikshit Mehta and Laine Mears


Superalloy Machining Tool Wear: State Estimation and Alternative Path Planning for Mitigation, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Abram Pleta, and Laine Mears


In-process Tool Flank Wear Estimation in Machining Gamma-prime Strengthened Alloys Using Kalman Filter, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Durul Ulutan, and Laine Mears


Stochastic tool wear assessment in milling difficult to machine alloys, Farbod Akhavan Niaki, Durul Ulutan, and Laine Mears


An Investigation of Alternative Path Planning Strategies for Machining of Nickel-Based Superalloys, Abram Pleta, Durul Ulutan, and Laine Mears


Effect of Thermal Assistance on the Joint Quality of Al6063-T5A During Flow Drill Screwdriving, Jamie D. Skovron, R. Rohan Prasad, Durul Ulutan, Laine Mears, Duane Detwiler, Daniel Paolini, Boris Baeumler, and Laurence Claus


Comparison and Cost Optimization of Solid Tool Life in End Milling Nickel-Based Superalloy, Durul Ulutan, Abram Pleta, Andy Henderson, and Laine Mears

Submissions from 2014


The Correlation of the Volumetric Wear Rate of Turning Tool Inserts With Carbide Grain Sizes, Mathew A. Kuttolamadom, Laine Mears, and Thomas R. Kurfess


Finding Maximum Subsets of Relational Objects using SAT Decomposition, Bryan Pearce, Mary E. Kurz, Kavit Antani, and Laine Mears


Characterization of Flow Drill Screwdriving Process Parameters on Joint Quality, Jamie Skovron, Laine Mears, Durul Ulutan, Duane Detwiler, Daniel Paolini, Boris Baeumler, and Laurence Claus


Empirical Modeling of Residual Stress Profile in Machining Nickel-based Superalloys Using the Sinusoidal Decay Function, D. Ulutan, Y. M. Arisoy, T. Ozel, and Laine Mears

Submissions from 2013


Thermomechanical modeling sensitivity analysis of electrically assisted forming, Cristina J. Bunget, Wesley A. Salandro, and Laine Mears


Alternative Control of an Electrically Assisted Tensile Forming Process Using Current Modulation, Joshua J. Jones and Laine Mears


Thermal Response Modeling of Sheet Metals in Uniaxial Tension During Electrically-Assisted Forming, Joshua J. Jones and Laine Mears


Design of an Apparatus to Detect Small Changes in the Mass of Rotational Machine Components, Jonathan R.A. Maier, M. Laine Mears, and Joshua D. Summers


Direct Sinter Bonding of Metal Injection-Molded Parts to Solid Substrate Through Use of Deformable Surface Microfeatures, Thomas Martens and Laine Mears


Condition based maintenance-systems integration and intelligence using Bayesian classification and sensor fusion, Parikshit Mehta, Andrew Werner, and Laine Mears

Submissions from 2012


Electrically-Assisted Forming of Magnesium AZ31: Effect of Current Magnitude and Deformation Rate on Forgeability, Joshua J. Jones, Laine Mears, and John T. Roth


Life-Cycle Integration of Titanium Alloys into the Automotive Segment for Vehicle Light-Weighting: Part I - Component Redesign, Prototyping, and Validation, Joshua Jones, Mathew Kuttolamadom, Laine Mears, Thomas Kurfess, and Kilian Funk


On the Volumetric Assessment of Tool Wear in Machining Inserts With Complex Geometries—Part 1: Need, Methodology, and Standardization, Mathew A. Kuttolamadom, Laine Mears, and Thomas R. Kurfess


On the Volumetric Assessment of Tool Wear in Machining Inserts With Complex Geometries—Part II: Experimental Investigation and Validation on Ti-6Al-4V, Mathew A. Kuttolamadom, Laine Mears, Thomas R. Kurfess, Uli Burger, and April Bryan


Life-Cycle Integration of Titanium Alloys into the Automotive Segment for Vehicle Light-Weighting: Part II - Component Life-Cycle Modeling and Cost Justification, Mathew Kuttolamadom, Joshua Jones, Laine Mears, Thomas Kurfess, and Kilian Funk


Manufacturing Process Modeling and Application to Intelligent Control, M. Laine Mears, Parakshit Mehta, Mathew Kuttolamadom, Carlos Montes, Joshua Jones, Wesley Salandro, and Drew Werner


Vision-based tracking of a dynamic target with application to multi-axis position control, Carlos A. Montes, Chan Wong, John C. Ziegert, and Laine Mears


Vision-based tracking of a dynamic target with application to multi-axis position control, Carlos A. Montes, Chan Wong, John C. Ziegert, and Laine Mears


Mobile Devices Within Manufacturing Environments: A BMW Applicability Study, Beshoy Morkos, Torsten Rilka, Joachim Taiber, Joshua D. Summers, Laine Mears, and Georges Fadel


A thermal-based approach for determining electroplastic characteristics, Wesley A. Salandro, Cristina J. Bunget, and Laine Mears

Submissions from 2011


Evaluation of lubricants for electrically-assisted forming, C. Bunget, W. A. Salandro, and Laine Mears


Injection Mold Process Optimization for Surface Microfeature Control, Manjesh Dubey, Laine Mears, Andrew Cannon, and Ralph Hulseman


Use of Fused Deposition Modeling of Polyphenylsulfone for Centrifugal Casting of Polyurethane: Material, Surface, and Process Considerations, Thomas Martens, Monty Graham, Laine Mears, Mike Dotson, and Phillip Sanger


Automotive engineering curriculum development: case study for Clemson University, Laine Mears, Mohammed Omar, and Thomas R. Kurfess


Hybrid Command Issuing in a 2-Dof Servomechanism Operated Under Vision-Based Feedback Control, C. Montes, C. Wong, and J. Ziegert


Organizational learning in automotive manufacturing: a strategic choice, M. Omar, Laine Mears, T. Kurfess, and R. Kiggans


Several Factors Affecting the Electroplastic Effect During an Electrically-Assisted Forming Process, Wesley A. Salandro, Cristina J. Bunget, and Laine Mears


Electroplastic Modeling of Bending Stainless Steel Sheet Metal Using Energy Methods, Wesley A. Salandro, Cristina Bunget, and Laine Mears

Submissions from 2010


Empirical Modeling of the Stress-strain Relationship for an Upsetting Process under Direct Electrical Current, Joshua Jones, Laine Mears, and J. T. Roth


Effect of Machining Feed on Surface Roughness in Cutting 6061 Aluminum, Mathew Kuttolamadom, Sina Hamzehlouia, and Laine Mears


Motivating Industrial Engineering Students: The Effects of Authentic Learning Experience, Gender and Class Standing, Danielle McDonnell, Maria E. Mayorga, Lisa C. Benson, and Laine Mears


Motivating Industrial Engineering Students: The Effects of Authentic Learning Experience, Gender and Class Standing, Danielle McDonnell, Marla E. Mayorga, Lisa C. Benson, and Laine Mears


Assigning Storage Locations in an Automated Warehouse, Mark H. McElreath, Maria E. Mayorga, and Laine Mears


Investigation of the Machining of Titanium Components for Lightweight Vehicles, Laine Mears, Mathew A. Kuttolamadom, Joshua J. Jones, Thomas R. Kurfess, and Aditya S. Choragudi


2-D Absolute Positioning System for Real-Time Control Applicants, Carlos A. Montes, John C. Ziegert, Chan Wong, and Laine Mears


Quality and Inspection of Machining Operations: Tool Condition Monitoring, John T. Roth, Dragan Djurdjanovic, Xiaoping Yang, Laine Mears, and Thomas Kurfess


Model-Based Control to Enhance a Novel Two Dimensional Positioning System, Chan Yet Wong, Carlos Montes, Laine Mears, and John Ziegert

Submissions from 2009


Volumetric Flank Wear Characterization for Titanium Milling Insert Tools, Uli Burger, Mathew Kuttolamadom, April Bryan, Laine Mears, and Thomas Kurfess


WARNING! Engineers in Training: Introducing Middle School Students to Industrial Engineering, its Usefulness, and its Applications, M. Grubb, A. Berger, D. Browning, M. Mayorga, and Laine Mears


Quality and Inspection of Machining Operations: CMM Integration to the Machine Tool, Laine Mears, Thomas Kurfess, John T. Roth, Dragan Djurdjanovic, and Xiaoping Yang


Method to Measure Planar Displacement Using Centroid Calculation, Carlos A. Montes, Laine Mears, and John C. Ziegert

Submissions from 2008


Characterization of a Nano-Composite Sensor in Multiple Environmental Domains, Swathi Chimalapati, Laine Mears, and Andrew C. Clark


Selection of the spraying technologies for over-coating of metal-stampings with thermo-plastics for use in direct-adhesion polymer metal hybrid load-bearing components, M. Grujicic, V. Sellappan, Laine Mears, Norbert Seyr, Andreas Obieglo, Marc Erdmann, and Jochen Holzleitner


Open-Loop Velocity Planning to Mitigate the Stiction Effect in Pushing Positioning, Laine Mears and Thomas Kurfess