Clemson OPEN - A repository of copyright educational resources for higher education: Video at Risk: Preserving Commercial Video Collections in Libraries

Intended Audience


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Date Created



These guidelines seek to clarify exemptions for copying audiovisual works under Section 108(c) of the United States Copyright Act and thereby enhance the ability of librarians to preserve their video collections. They provide guidance for interpreting and applying the specific language of 108(c), clarifying definitions of ‘damaged’, ‘deteriorating’, ‘replacement copies’, ‘reasonable effort’, ‘fair price’, ‘obsolete’, ‘public’, ‘circulate’, and others, in a useful eight guideline overview.


Reference Material


These guidelines were developed as part of the Video At Risk: Strategies for Preserving Commercial Video Collections in Libraries project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.



Video at Risk: Preserving Commercial Video Collections in Libraries

These guidelines seek to clarify exemptions for copying audiovisual works under Section 108(c) of the United States Copyright Act and thereby enhance the ability of librarians to preserve their video collections. They provide guidance for interpreting and applying the specific language of 108(c), clarifying definitions of ‘damaged’, ‘deteriorating’, ‘replacement copies’, ‘reasonable effort’, ‘fair price’, ‘obsolete’, ‘public’, ‘circulate’, and others, in a useful eight guideline overview.