Clemson OPEN - A repository of copyright educational resources for higher education: Orphan Works: Statement of Best Practices

Creator Information

Society of American Archivists

Intended Audience


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Date Created



Report explaining how to identify orphan works and if/when they are copyrighted or available for use. Also includes information on how to identify potential copyright holders and publishers. Contains extensive bibliography and useful flow charts.




Link to original: Heather Briston, Mark Allen Greene, Cathy Henderson, Peter Hirtle, Peter Jaszi, William Maher, Aprille Cooke McKay, Richard Pearce-Moses, and Merrilee Proffitt are the primary authors of this statement, which was approved by the Society of American Archivists Council on June 1, 2009. SAA gratefully acknowledges the financial and administrative support of RLG Programs, OCLC Research and the RLG Partnership, which made the preparation of this document possible.



Orphan Works: Statement of Best Practices

Report explaining how to identify orphan works and if/when they are copyrighted or available for use. Also includes information on how to identify potential copyright holders and publishers. Contains extensive bibliography and useful flow charts.