Creator Information

Anita R. Walz, Virginia Tech

Intended Audience


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Date Created



Open Educational Resources (OER) have saved students millions of dollars in textbook costs and greatly expanded access to a wide variety of educational materials for countless numbers of students and life-long learners. OER have also saved teachers time and effort by allowing them to reuse, modify, and build on materials developed by other teachers. After a brief discussion of OER and foundations of open licensing, this article presents a number of opportunities for libraries, particularly those situated at research universities.




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Open and Editable: Exploring Library Engagement in Open Educational Resource Adoption, Adaptation and Authoring

Open Educational Resources (OER) have saved students millions of dollars in textbook costs and greatly expanded access to a wide variety of educational materials for countless numbers of students and life-long learners. OER have also saved teachers time and effort by allowing them to reuse, modify, and build on materials developed by other teachers. After a brief discussion of OER and foundations of open licensing, this article presents a number of opportunities for libraries, particularly those situated at research universities.