Publications | Communications Studies | Clemson University


Submissions from 2024


Democratic Policing, Building Trust, and Willingness to Call 911: Examining the Relationship between Law Enforcement Legitimacy and Calling the Police, Kyle McLean, Brian Lee Miller, Andrew S. Pyle, and Olivia Bauwens

Submissions from 2021


Disease and disaster: Navigating food insecurity in a community affected by crises during COVID-19, Andrew S. Pyle, Michelle Eichinger, Barry A. Garst, Catherine Mobley, Sarah F. Griffin, Leslie H. Hossfeld, Mike McGirr, and Helen R. Saunders


Finding renewal in the midst of disaster: The case of the deepwater horizon oil spill, Andrew S. Pyle and Robert R. Ulmer

Submissions from 2020


Creating Order Out of Chaos? Development of a Measure of Perceived Effects of Communication on the Crisis Organizing Process, Ryan Patrick Fuller, Andrew S. Pyle, Laura Riolli, and Amy Mickel


Discourse of Renewal: State of the Discipline and a Vision for the Future, Andrew S. Pyle, Ryan P. Fuller, and Robert R. Ulmer

Submissions from 2019


The role of social media in enhancing risk communication and promoting community resilience in the midst of a disaster, Kathryn E. Anthony, Steven J. Venette, Andrew S. Pyle, Brandon C. Boatwright, and Carrie E. Reif-Stice


That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It, Darren Linvill and Patrick Warren


Fixing the SIC: Preventing and Managing Self-Inficted Crises, Andrew S. Pyle


SnowedOut Atlanta: Examining digital emergence on facebook during a crisis, Andrew S. Pyle, Meredith Morgoch, and Brandon C. Boatwright


Heuristics for communicating science, risk, and crisis, Katherine E. Rowan and Andrew S. Pyle

Submissions from 2018


Intercultural Crisis Communication: Examining the Experiences of Crisis Sojourners, Andrew S. Pyle


Coming Together Around Hashtags: Exploring the Formation of Digital Emergent Citizen Groups, Andrew S. Pyle and Brandon Boatwright

Submissions from 2017


Corporate public relations dynamics: Internal vs. External Stakeholders and the Role of the Practitioner, Lee Anna Cardwell, Sean Williams, and Andrew S. Pyle


Inquiry-Based Civil Discourse Education, Darren Linvill and Andrew S. Pyle


Teaching PEACE: A Plan for Effective Crisis Communication Instruction Intended Course, Andrew S. Pyle


From silence to condemnation: Institutional responses to “travel ban” Executive Order 13769, Andrew S. Pyle, Darren Linvill, and S. Paul Gennett

Submissions from 2016


Public Speaking versus Hybrid Introductory Communication Courses: Exploring Four Outcomes, Melissa A. Broeckelman-Post and Andrew S. Pyle


Surviving the Conflict of Self- Inflicted Organizational Crises, Andrew S. Pyle

Submissions from 2013


Communicating Political Bias in the College Classroom, Darren L. Linvill and Joseph P. Mazer


The Role of Student Aggressive Communication Traits in the Perception of Instructor Ideological Bias in the Classroom, Darren Linvill and Joseph P. Mazer

Submissions from 2012


Colleges’ and universities’ use of Twitter: A content analysis, Darren Linvill, Sara E. McGee, and Laura K. Hicks


Tracking plagiarism electronically: First-year students’ perceptions of academic dishonesty and reports of cheating behaviour in the basic communication course, Joseph P. Mazer and Stephen K. Hunt


Application essays as an effective tool for assessing instruction in the basic Communication course: A follow-up study, Joseph P. Mazer, Cheri J. Simonds, and Stephen K. Hunt

Submissions from 2011


The Relationship between Student Identity Development and the Perception of Political Bias in the College Classroom, Darren Linvill


Perceived ideological bias in the college classroom and the role of student reflective thinking: A proposed model, Darren L. Linville and Joseph P. Mazer