Cucurbit Downy Mildew Management for 2022
Clemson Extension Program Team
Publication Date
Spring 5-9-2022
Publication Number
LGP 1002
Downy mildew is the most serious disease of cucumber in the United Sates. Downy mildew also affects cantaloupe (muskmelon), watermelon, pumpkins, and squash. Fungicide recommendations change yearly, because downy mildew easily becomes resistant to fungicides. This fact sheet gives current recommendations for managing downy mildew and will be useful for vegetable growers, Extension agents, and crop consultants.
Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension
Publisher City
Clemson, SC
Target Audiences
vegetable growers, Extension agents, crop consultants
Recommended Citation
Keinath AP. Cucurbit Downy Mildew Management for 2022. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2022. LGP 1002. http://lgpress.clemson.edu/publication/cucurbit-downy-mildew-management/.