Watermelon Fungicide Guide for 2019
Publication Date
Spring 3-30-2019
Publication Number
LGP 1001
The Watermelon Fungicide Guide for 2020 provides fungicide recommendations for watermelon growers in the southeastern United States. The fungicide program targets four key foliar diseases that are common on watermelon, including gummy stem blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose, and downy mildew. The guide will be useful to growers, crop consultants, and Extension agents. This publication has been updated from the 2019 version.
Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension
Publisher City
Clemson, SC
Target Audiences
growers, crop consultants, Extension agents
Recommended Citation
Keinath AP, Miller GA. Watermelon Fungicide Guide for 2019. Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension. 2019; LGP 1001. http://lgpress.clemson.edu/publication/watermelon-fungicide-guide/.