Managing Southern Blight on Vegetable Crops
Publication Date
Summer 8-2-2019
Publication Number
LGP 1009
Southern blight is a disease of over 1,200 crops and weeds in the southern half of the United States. Among the vegetable crops affected are tomato, pepper, eggplant, snap bean, Jerusalem artichoke, and occasionally cantaloupe, watermelon, and pumpkin fruit. Grasses and grains are not attacked. In South Carolina, southern blight is most common on tomato and pepper.
Target Audiences
farmers, agronomists
Recommended Citation
Keinath AP. Managing Southern Blight on Vegetable Crops. Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension. 2019; LGP 1009. http://lgpress.clemson.edu/publication/managing-southern-blight-on-vegetable-crops/.