

The growing number of asylum applications submitted in South Korea and the recent passage of the Refugee Act (2013) call for a system for the provision of professional interpreting service and the training of interpreters for the asylum process. Although a few ad hoc training initiatives have been implemented in recent years, there is currently no training course that fulfills the requirements of the Act. This article thus aims to propose an appropriate training program for the certification of interpreters to be engaged in asylum interviews. To ensure the effectiveness of the training, the proposed training framework begins with prescreening of training candidates based on an examination of their bilingual and basic interpreting skills. In order to accommodate the specific conditions of South Korea, under which it is difficult to find candidates proficient in Korean among rare-language speakers, a separate track of intensive Korean-language training for speakers of in-demand rare languages was appended as a preparatory course to precede the main body of the training, so that those who lack Korean proficiency have training opportunities to improve their language skills prior to interpreter training. The main training program is focused on the development of interpreting skills through autonomous learning.



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