

Sergio Peña is a certified interpreter in ASL, English, Spanish, and Mexican Sign Language (LSM). He is the co-author of Lo que hace a un interprete ser interprete. Técnicas y herramientas para los intérpretes de lenguas señadas y español [What makes an interpreter be an interpreter: Techniques and tools for interpreters working with signed language and Spanish]. Claire Ramsey and he also co-authored “Sign Language Interpreting at the Border of the Two Californias,” which was included in Interpreting in Multilingual, Multicultural Contexts.” (Locker McKee & Davis, 2010). He holds a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies from San Diego State University with a specialization in linguistics. He is a coordinator and teacher in the Interpreter Trainer Program at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California under the school of languages in Tijuana, B.C., Mexico. The following interview was conducted as part of a graduate course experience in which students conversed with educators outside of North America.



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