
Front Matter

Feature Articles


Community Development through Summer Camps
Edgar Iglesias Vidal, Narcís Turon Pèlach, Pere Soler Masó, and Lara Morcillo Sanchez

Research and Evaluation Studies


Impact of Organized Activity Participation on Emotional Distress for Adolescents with Disabilities
Adam Langenfeld, Rebekah Hudock, Rebecca J. Dosch Brown, and Marla Eisenberg


A Comparative Evaluation of Two Youth Mental Health Trainings for Volunteers
Monica M. Lobenstein, Shannon Sparks, Jennifer Park-Mroch, Danette Hopke, Jayna Hintz, Megan Suehring, Kea Norrell-Aitch, Karla Gearing, Michelle Gobert, and Sheila Michels