Submissions from 2014
Cookbooks Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Educational Gaming Display, Maggie Mason Smith
The Media Spaces Life Cycle, Bobby Hollandsworth
What Do You Do If You Build It and They Don't Come? Marketing and Assessing Library Services and Resources, Diana Finkle, Anne Grant, and Micki Reid
LGBT Display, Maggie Mason Smith
How Does Stuff Get in to TigerPrints?, Andrew Wesolek
Banned & Challenged Book Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Test Prep Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Book vs. Movie Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Summer Reading & Pervasive Technology Display, Maggie Mason Smith
South Carolina Fiction and Authors Display, Maggie Mason Smith
2014 FIFA World Cup Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Exploring South Carolina Book Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Copyright Considerations for Institutional Repositories, Andrew Wesolek
Freesources: a Treasure Chest of Free-to-Use Online Tools and Goodies, Diana Finkle
Employee Picks Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Endangered Species Day Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Turning the Corner on ETDs, Ellen C. Ramsey, Jennifer Roper, Christopher Vinson, and Andrew Wesolek
Ed Rock's Top Ten Tips for F.I.R. Success (and your mileage may vary!), Ed Rock
Poetry Anthology Display, Maggie Mason Smith
World Intellectual Property Day Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Find a Book in Cooper Library, Diana Finkle
Clemson Literary Festival Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Graphic Novel Display, Maggie Mason Smith
Connecting the Dots to Build Orangeville, Derek Wilmott
Submissions from 2013
OpenEdition Books: A freemium model for open access, Andrew Wesolek
Teaching Online Library Workshops, Anne Grant and Diana Finkle
Managing Library Teams with Zoho Projects, Joshua Morgan and Darius Jones
Expanding access and increasing impact: How to retain your rights to your research and why deposit it in TigerPrints, Andrew Wesolek
Cooper Library Learning Commons, Bobby Hollandsworth
Open Parks Network Campbell's Soup Can Poster, Joshua Morgan
Find your zone at Cooper Library, Diana Finkle
Film & Video Public Performance Rights for Academic Librarians: Keeping track…, Kathy Edwards
Submissions from 2012
Open Parks Grid Campbell's Soup Can Poster 2012, Joshua Morgan and Andrea Galbo
Submissions from 2011
Wrangling the Collections, Kathy Edwards
Submissions from 2010
Implementing Reference Management Software: RefWorks Three Years Later, Bobby Hollandsworth
Clemson Connect: Collaborating to Reach All Incoming Students, Suzanne Rook Schilf and Anne Grant
Submissions from 2008
Cataloging as a Tool for Outreach - Bringing Campus Collections Together, Derek Wilmott
Clemson University Libraries Classified Staff Career Success Program, Derek Wilmott
Submissions from 2006
Metadata Standards and Applications, Scott Dutkiewicz and Derek Wilmott
Submissions from 2005
Getting it out there - Technical Services for Everyone, Derek Wilmott