Publications | Teaching & Learning | Clemson University


Submissions from 2024


An examination of educators’ approaches and strategies when facilitating field study science observations, Steph Dean and Devin A. Jones


Should Social-emotional Learning be Embedded in the Elementary School Curriculum?, Orija Morohunkeji Yomi

Submissions from 2023


Ancient Antimicrobials - An Inquiry-Based Look at the Social Context Behind Microbes, Akacia Halliday-Isaac and Brooke A. Whitworth


Introduction to the Special Issue on Immunology, Colby Tofel-Grehl and Brooke A. Whitworth


“I Will Fight. I Will Advocate. I Will Tell Others”: The Impacts of the Deliberate Attention to Caring about Effective Elementary Science Instruction in a Methods Course, Julianne A. Wenner and Michele Carney

Submissions from 2022


Teacher Experiences Implementing Outdoor Education, Steph N. Dean


Wonder-Full Thinking - Promoting inquiry through student-driven investigations, Steph N. Dean


Talking Is Thinking: Supporting Student Sense-Making Through Discourse and Assessment, Whitney Jackson, Lauren A. Simpson, and Brooke A. Whitworth


Podcasts in Science Classrooms: Storytelling for All Ears!, Sumeet Kulkarni and Brooke A. Whitworth


Science at the center: Meaningful science learning in a preschool classroom, Sara Raven and Julianne Wenner


Drawing to improve metacomprehension accuracy, Keith W. Thiede, Katherine Wright, Sara Hagenah, Julianne Wenner, Jadelyn Abbott, and Angela Arechiga


A mixed methods study of the challenges for geoscience majors in identifying potential careers and the benefits of a career awareness and planning course, Karen Viskupic


Particulate Matters - Water Filtration and Solar Disinfection, Shelby A. Watson and Brooke A. Whitworth


Teacher enactment of the Geospatial Inquiry cycle in classrooms following scaled up professional learning and development, Brooke A. Whitworth, Lori Rubino-Hare, Francis Boateng, Anne Hamlin, Nena E. Bloom, and Eric Nolan


Science Teacher Leadership: The Current Landscape and Paths Forward, Brooke A. Whitworth, Julianne Wenner, and Dorit Tubin


Science Teacher Leadership - The Current Landscape and the Path Forward, Brooke A. Whitworth, Julianne Wenner, and Dorit Tubin

Submissions from 2021


Using a Connected Learning Framework to Promote Democratic Education During a Transition to Online Learning, Abigail H. Baker and Jennifer L. Kassimer


What Scientists Do: Engaging in Science Practices through a WonderFramed Nature Study, Steph N. Dean and Andrew Gilbert


“Does Anyone Even Care That I’m Down Here?”: Creating Shared Values in a District-Wide Physical Education Professional Learning Community, Sara Hagenah, Julianne Wenner, KImberly Tucker, Tyler Johnson, Hannah Calvert, and Lindsey Turner


No Bones About Art, Lydia Lytal, Brooke A. Whitworth, and Gail Morton


The “Magic” of Density - A Unique Take on the 5E Lesson, Jacquelyn J. Mosely and Brooke A. Whitworth


A Framework for Scientific Inquiry in Preschool, Gurupriya Ramanathan, Deborah Carter, and Julianne Wenner


Airbags as Real-Life Applications for Science, Carly A. Rock and Brooke A. Whitworth


Science Portfolios Embedding the Nature of Science, Lauren Simpson and Brooke A. Whitworth


Going Viral- Using Technology in the Classroom to Show the Spreading of Viruses, Laura C. Todd and Brooke A. Whitworth


Scaling Professional Development: Integrity of Implementation as a Measurement Approach, Brooke A. Whitworth, Lori Rubino-Hare, and Nena E. Bloom


Examining Teacher Leadership as a Model for Improvement in Science Education, Brooke A. Whitworth, Shunderla Wilson, and Shelby Watson

Submissions from 2020


National Park Interpretation and Place-Based Education: An Integrative Literature Review, Steph N. Dean


Comics in the Classroom - What's at the center of the solar system?, Amee Jeanette Hennig, Allison Huff MacPherson, and Brooke A. Whitworth


The effect of professional development on elementary science teachers’ understanding, confidence, and classroom implementation of reform‐based science instruction, Jennifer L. Maeng, Brooke A. Whitworth, Randy L. Bell, and Donna R. Sterling


Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Using Team-Based Learning in the Science Classroom, Virginia J. Moore, Elizabeth Mitchell Prewitt, Amber Jean Carpenter-McCullough, and Brooke A. Whitworth


Do Not Disturb the Flow!, Shunderla Wilson and Brooke A. Whitworth


Do Not Disturb the Flow! Smoking and the Cardiovascular System, Shunderla Wilson and Brooke A. Whitworth

Submissions from 2019


(Mis)Alignments in Mentorship: Exploring Challenges to Preservice Science Teacher Preparation, Mandy Biggers, Alison Riley Miller, Laura Zangori, and Brooke A. Whitworth


An Exploration of Supports for Increasing Classroom Physical Activity within Elementary Schools, Hannah G. Calvert, Julianne Wenner, and Lindsey Turner


A community of practice model as a theoretical perspective for teacher leadership, Todd Campbell, Julianne Wenner, Latanya Brandon, and Molly Waszkelewicz


Seeing the Forest and the Trees: A Historical and Conceptual Look at Danish Forest Schools, Steph N. Dean


Building Capacity in Teacher Preparation with Practitioner Inquiry: A Self-Study of Teacher Educators’ Clinical Feedback Practices, Sherry Dismuke, Esther A. Enright, and Julianne Wenner


The Science Project Portfolio, Joan Hedman and Brooke A. Whitworth


Reaching for the Future - Building a professional trajectory, Julie A. Luft and Brooke A. Whitworth


A Lesson in Geospatial Inquiry, Eric Nolan, Brooke A. Whitworth, and Lori Rubino-Hare


Modeling for Ecological Engineering, Lauren Simpson and Brooke A. Whitworth


Drawings as Diagnostic Cues for Metacomprehension Judgment, Keith Thiede, Katherine L. Wright, Sarah Hagenah, and Julianne Wenner


Increasing Science Teacher Candidates’ Ability To Become Lifelong Learners Through A Professional Online Learning Community, William Veal, Kathy Malone, Julianne Wenner, Michael Odell, and S. Maxwell Hines


Social Capital: A Key Ingredient in the Development of Physical Activity Leadership, Julianne Wenner, Kimberly M.B. Tucker, Hannah G. Calvert, Tyler G. Johnson, and Lindsey Turner


Fraught With Friction, Brittany Westman and Brooke A. Whitworth


Scaling professional learning and development: preparing professional learning and development providers to lead power of data teacher workshops, Brooke A. Whitworth, Lori Rubino-Hare, Nena E. Bloom, Megan C. Walker, and Kayla R. Arendt

Submissions from 2018


Engage Engineering Students In Homework: Attribution Of Low Completion And Suggestions For Interventions, Wenshu Li, Richard M. Bennett, Taimi Olsen, and Rachel McCord


Science Education Trajectories: Charting the Course for Teachers, Educators, Researchers, and Policymakers, Julie Luft, Brooke A. Whitworth, Amanda Berry, Shannon Navy, and Vanessa Kind


Supporting elementary teachers’ enactment of nature of science instruction: a randomized controlled trial, Jennifer L. Maeng, Randy L. Bell, Tyler St. Clair, Amanda L. Gonczi, and Brooke A. Whitworth


A Better Way of Farming, Stephanie Rains and Brooke A. Whitworth


Focused Video Reflections in Concert With Practice-Based Structures to Support Elementary Teacher Candidates in Learning to Teach Science, Julianne Wenner and Julie Kittleson


Exploring practices of science coordinators participating in targeted professional development, Brooke A. Whitworth, Jennifer L. Maeng, and Randy L. Bell

Submissions from 2017


Out in the Field - Learning About Plant Diversity, Stephani Beyea and Brooke A. Whitworth


Elementary science teachers’ integration of engineering design into science instruction: results from a randomised controlled trial, Jennifer L. Maeng, Brooke A. Whitworth, Amanda L. Gonczi, Shannon L. Navy, and Lindsay B. Wheeler


The Theoretical and Empirical Basis of Teacher Leadership: A Review of the Literature, Julianne Wenner and Todd Campbell


Two Departments, Two Models of Interdisciplinary Peer Learning, Julianne Wenner and Paul J. Simmonds


Supporting the Supporters: Professional Development for Science Coordinators, Brooke A. Whitworth, Randy L. Bell, Jennifer L. Maeng, and Amanda L. Gonczi


Investigating the role of a district science coordinator, Brooke A. Whitworth, Jennifer L. Maeng, Lindsay B. Wheeler, and Jennifer L. Chiu


Is It Engineering or Not?, Brooke A. Whitworth and Lindsay B. Wheeler

Submissions from 2016


Situating Computer Simulation Professional Development: Does It Promote Inquiry-Based Simulation Use?, Amanda L. Gonczi, Jennifer L. Maeng, Randy L. Bell, and Brooke A. Whitworth


Intentional Process for Intentional Space: Higher Education Classroom Spaces for Learning, Taimi Olsen and Stanley Guffey


Persistent Teaching Practices After Geospatial Technology Professional Development, Lori A. Rubino-Hare, Brooke A. Whitworth, Nena E. Bloom, Jennifer M. Claesgens, Kristi M. Fredrickson, and James C. Sample


Persistent Teaching Practices After Geospatial Technology Professional Development, Lori A. Rubino-Hare, Brooke A. Whitworth, Nena E. Bloom, Jennifer M. Claesgens, Kristi M. Fredrickson, and James C. Sample


Characterizing Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge and Beliefs Following Professional Development Activities within an Inquiry-Based General Chemistry Context, Lindsay B. Wheeler, Jennifer L. Maeng, and Brooke A. Whitworth


STEM Learning in Your Own Backyard, Brooke A. Whitworth, Stephanie Beyea, and Melora Purell

Submissions from 2015


Examining Elementary School Science Achievement Gaps Using an Organizational and Leadership Perspective, John Settlage, Malcolm B. Butler, Julianne Wenner, Lara K. Smetana, and Betsy McCoach


Clarifying and Capturing “Trust” in Relation to Science Education: Dimensions of Trustworthiness within Schools and Associations with Equitable Student Achievement, Lara K. Smetana, Julianne Wenner, John Settlage, and D. Betsy McCoach


School leader enactments of the structure/agency dialectic via buffering, Julianne Wenner and John Settlage


Professional Development and Teacher Change: The Missing Leadership Link, Brooke A. Whitworth and Jennifer L. Chiu

Submissions from 2014


A Mixed Exam Format Closes the Gap for Students with a Conflict between Their Religious Belief & the Theory of Evolution, Kathrin F. Stanger-Hall and Julianne Wenner


Engineering Design Challenge, Lindsay B. Wheeler, Brooke A. Whitworth, and Amanda L. Gonczi


Pre-Service Teachers’ Use of Visualizations in the Science Classroom: A Case Study, Brooke A. Whitworth and Jennifer L. Chiu


Kinesthetic Investigations in the Physics Classroom, Brooke A. Whitworth, Jennifer L. Chiu, and Randy L. Bell

Submissions from 2013


Physics Portfolios: A picture of student understanding, Brooke A. Whitworth and Randy L. Bell


Teacher's Toolkit: Differentiating Inquiry, Brooke A. Whitworth, Jennifer L. Maeng, and Randy L. Bell

Submissions from 2001


Team Learning: A Pilot Study, Brooke A. Whitworth, Robert Evans, and Terry Howerton