"The Impact of Mixed-Reality Simulation on the Knowledge and Practice o" by Samantha Scott

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Education and Human Development

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Abigail A. Allen

Committee Member

Dr. Christy J. Brown

Committee Member

Dr. Catherine A. Griffith

Committee Member

Dr. Shanna E. Hirsch

Committee Member

Dr. Pamela M. Stecker


Collaboration is an essential skill for a special education teacher's (SETs) success in developing individualized education programs (IEPs) to ensure that students with disabilities have access to equal educational opportunities. Collaboration occurs when members of an inclusive learning community work together as equals to meet a student’s individual needs. Unfortunately, preservice SETs are often provided with little instruction during their coursework and are not given the opportunity to attend IEP meetings in field placements. Many teacher education programs provide only a select number of opportunities for preservice SETs to practice and apply collaboration skills, leaving teacher candidates feeling underprepared to engage in these behaviors. The present study examined the use of mixed-reality simulation (MRS) as a practice-based approach paired with video-modeling classroom instruction to train preservice SET candidates in collaboration skills using a simulated IEP meeting. Results indicated that the MRS paired with video modeling instruction improved both participants' perceptions and actual knowledge and their skill sets in the area of collaboration. Implications for practice and research are provided.

Author ORCID Identifier




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