"Getting Better Faster: An Examination of Instructional Specialist Role" by Jasmine J. Scott

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education and Organizational Leadership Development

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Noelle Paufler

Committee Member

Dr. Shanita Anderson

Committee Member

Dr. Angela Carter

Committee Member

Dr. Brandi Hinnant-Crawford


An instructional specialist, sometimes also known as an instructional coach or curriculum specialist, plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of education. To fulfill the role of an instructional specialist, the educator must understand the expectations of their role and have the capacity to coach teachers. Effective coaching can play a significant role in leveling the educational playing field. Equitable instructional support requires acknowledging and addressing teachers' diverse needs and contexts (Desimone, 2009). This study is designed to capture and quantify the effectiveness of instructional specialists. This study addresses missing data gaps by providing data from instructional specialists on how they view their role, how their time is spent during the instructional day, supports they need and their level of familiarity with the many facets of the IS role.

Available for download on Sunday, August 31, 2025
