Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Graphic Communications

Committee Member

Liam O'Hara

Committee Member

Erica Walker

Committee Member

Lura Forcum


The overall purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness and potential benefits or shortcomings of digital motion graphics when utilized in the context of a real-world marketing effort. It is vital to evaluate whether or not the understanding we currently have of motion graphics as a tool for effective communication still remains consistent when principles of visual noise, attention capacity limits, pairing with physical materials, and coordination across mediums are taken into consideration. Participants in this study were asked to interact with prepared content within the framing of a simulated social media feed viewed on a computer or mobile device, while also being exposed to paired print campaign materials either in a physical or non-physical format in order to evaluate the overall retention, recall, and message effectiveness of brand information.

Data collected from this study was both quantitative and qualitative in nature, skewing more heavily in the direction of quantitative data. The former consists of evaluation of ability to recall information presented to the viewer through prepared marketing materials in print format along with a simulated social media campaign, while the latter applies to questions regarding personal evaluation of the materials and content provided to the viewer during testing and the effectiveness of particular forms of graphics.

This study encompassed a total of 253 final responses from participants grouped across a total of four possible combinations of variables between two categories: the form of content with which they were presented in the simulated social media feed, in either multimedia motion format or static graphic format, and the form of medium with which they were presented the magazine marketing materials, either physical print or non-physical. This testing procedure was followed by a questionnaire segment meant to evaluate recall of various elements from the marketing materials, followed by an exit survey.

The resulting data suggests a number of specific differences in the assessment and recall of certain forms of content information, including more accurate recall of primary information for a specific form of content as well as a demonstrable relationship between the selected form of content and the medium it was presented in as it relates to the participant’s ability to recall information. Additional observations were also made in regards to the perception of advertisement frequency between medium formats.

This study’s results could potentially inform processes of decision-making for coordination of advertising materials across differing formats and mediums, as well as provide insight into the purposes and value that differing forms of content might provide from a communicative or informative aspect. Those attempting to create or promote content across physical, digital, and social channels may find this study’s findings beneficial towards their own efforts in content creation, as well as use it to inform priorities in advertising or communication efforts that go beyond a single format or medium.



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