Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Digital Production Arts

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Matias Volonte

Committee Member

Dr. Eric Patterson

Committee Member

Dr. Andrew Duchowski


Video games have become very popular over the last couple of decades and the popularity is increasing year by year. Imagine a world where video games didn’t exist. Yes, the world would function as normal but we would take away the creative freedoms expressed in game play. The video game industry today has become larger than the music and film industry combined. With new technologies becoming available, the user’s game play experience continues to change.
The purpose of this thesis is to look at the growth and definitions of game play experience and see how it will change with virtual reality. In this thesis we will create two experiences in a 3D virtual reality scene, one following realistic lighting that you would typically see from day to day, and the other a more dramatic sense of lighting. After the create a pilot study ensued where users were able to experience the scenes and give feedback.



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