Theses from 1988
Immobilization of Glucoamylase and Pectinase on Metallic Ultrafiltration Membranes, Daniel L. McKamy
Financial Condition of South Carolina Farms, James Gibson McKenzie
Risk-Efficient Soybean Marketing Strategies: A Tri-State Comparison, Cathryn Speer McKinnell
Fort Prince George and the Cherokee-South Carolina Frontier, 1753-1768, Bryan Forrest McKown
Power System Network Modeling Techniques, Robert Brent McManis
Regression Models for the Prevalence of Malaria in Garki, Nigeria, Marla A. Medford
Analytical Study of the Provision of Auto Parking Spaces and Terminal Curb Space at United States Airports, Vijay Kumar Menta
A Prototype Pc Based In-Circuit Test Set, Fanning Marshall Miles
Preliminary Investigation of a Pipelined Dataflow Programming Paradigm, Laurie A. Miller
A Simulation Model to Examine Equipment Delays in Adaptive Control Machining, Elva Threatt Minton
Influential Objects in Multidimensional Scaling, Ralph F. Mittl
A Dynamic Programming Approach for the Design of Machining Centers, Boots R. Moody
University Trustees as Enterprise Managers: Does the Selection Process Matter?, Cora S. Moore
Development of a Personal System of Symbology, Deborah J. Moore
The Essence of Dance: Its Exploration in Movement and Architecture, The University of South Carolina, Kay Ivah Moore Mason
A Comparison of the Average Run Length of X-Bar, Moving Average, Geometric Moving Average, and Cumulative Sum Control Charts for Deviations in the Process Mean, William Edward Mostellar
A Cost Based Breakeven Analysis of Military Standard 105D Acceptance Sampling Plan Versus Statistical Process Control, Ali Motamedi
An Investigation of Area Coding Techniques for Monochromatic Visual Displays, Subroto Mukherjee
Development of an Algorithm to Generate a Computer-generated Time Formula Using Multiple Regression Analysis, Subhash Mukhopadhyay
The Rhetoric of Purpose in Architecture: A Library for Sumter, South Carolina, Katherine Elizabeth Mullen
A Decomposition and Parallel Architecture for the Geometric Transformation of Digital Images, Harish Nag
Microcomputer Application in the Design of Asphaltic Concrete Mixes Using the Marshall Method, Srinivas G. Nune
The Use of Animal Imagery in the Early Works of Flannery O'Connor, Margaret Darlene O'Dell
A Strategy Analysis of Von Neumann's Simplified Poker, Daniel G. O'Donnell
The Genesis and Mineralogy of Selected Soils Derived from Ultramafic Rocks, Charles Morgan Ogg
Transition Metal Polyselenides and Polysulfides, Samuel C. O'Neal
Computing Efficient Solutions for Polynomial Vector Maximization Problems, Thomas J. Ordoyne
An Efficient Method for Simulating Token Ring or Token Buss Access Protocols, Dharmesh M. Panchmatia
Chemically Derived Near-Net-Shape Ceramic-Ceramic Composites, Seung Yong Park
Presence of Absence: a Cemetery Garden for Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, Julia Floyd Parler
Modeling Algorithms as Functioning Over Domains, Timothy F. Parrott
An Urban Center for Buckhead, Atlanta, Georgia, Kirby Eugene Pate
Refinement and Analysis of the Quality Performance Tracking System, Autumn Lynn Patterson
A Determination of Fracture Gap Displacement with Flexible Internal Fixation Plates, Michael Ray Porter
Silyl Enol Ether Variation of Robinson Annulation, Shailesh M. Potnis
An Expert System to Evaluate the Safety of a Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing, Suresh Prabhu
Movements of Wild Turkey Hens in the Southern Appalachians, Derik J. Reed
The Relationships of Feeding and Locomotor Activity to Intraspecific Social Dominance in Captive Groups of Wintering Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), Stuart Roy Reitz
The Relationships of Feeding and Locomotor Activity to Intraspecific Social Dominance in Captive Groups of Wintering Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), Stuart Roy Reitz
Ages and Metallicities of Young clusters as Determined from Color-magnitude Diagram, Jeonghee Rho
The Analysis and Control of Commericial Carpet Dryers, A. Elliott Robertson
A RISC Architecture Designed to Support Functional Programming Environments, Scott Dion Rodgers
Recipient Breed Effect on Birth and Weaning Weights of Hereford Embryo Transplant Calves, James K. Rogers
Methods of Measuring and Factors Influencing the Adhesion of Processed Meats to Packaging Film Sealants, Michael J. Rosinski
Dietary Fiber Effects on Protein Quality Estimates in some Muscle Foods, Rafael Ignacio San Miguel
Investigation of Stress Concentrations Around Circular Holes in Plates Subjected to Bending, Ashoke Kumar Sarker
Gray Fox Home Range Dynamics and Validation of the Scent Station Transect Technique, David T. Sawyer
Gray Fox Home Range Dynamics and Validation of the Scent Station Transect Technique, David T. Sawyer
Endocrine and Metabolic Responses During the Estrous Cycle of the Energy Restricted Beef Cow, Frank Neal Schrick
Redundancy Diagrams of Difference Covers of Small Cyclic Groups, Jennifer Alyn Schuster
Design of a Movement Control Training Aid using Visual Interactive Simulation, Curt Scott
A Study of the Vulnerability to Earthquake Damage of a Representative Pier Design With and Without Ships Attached to the Pier, Carl Sellers
Pressed Alpine Flowers under Glass: Taste as Social Governor of Behavior, Perception and Creativity in The Age of Innocence, Sharon L. Sifford
A Prototype Testbed for Transient Computer Communication Network, Binita B. Sinha
Double Sampling of the South Carolina Sandhills Region for Forest Materials Estimation, Lawrence G. Sippel
A Dynamic Test Procedure for Analyzing Low-Rise Metal Buildings, Balavijendran Sockalingam
Planning to Mitigate Hurricane Wind Damage -- A Case Study of Two Barrier Islands in Beaufort County, South Carolina, Katharine Mary Sparks
Fall Alfalfa Establishment into a Coastal Bermudagrass Sod, Gregory Scott Stapleton
Photoperiodic and Seasonal Effects on Body Weight, Reproductive Condition and Non shivering Thermogenesis in Peromyscus maniculatus from Two Latitudes, Mary B. Strayer
Photoperiodic and Seasonal Effects on Body Weight, Reproductive Condition and Nonshivering Thermogenesis in Peromyscus maniculatus From Two Latitudes, Mary B. Strayer
A Knowledge Based Expert System for the Quality Performance Tracking System, Manoj Avinash Sule
Juvenile White - tailed Deer Home Range Size, Movement Behavior and Habitat Use in Southwestern South Carolina, Thomas Swayngham
Juvenile White-Tailed Deer Home Range Size, Movement Behavior and Habitat Use in Southwestern South Carolina, Thomas Swayngham
Integrated Workcell Control Methodologies, Julie Ann Tissue
Vectorization of Morphological Image Processing Algorithms, John D. Trout Jr.
An Analysis of Citations in the Journal of Finance: 1966-1984, Deborah L. Turner
A Celebration of Life: Eden, North Carolina, Rhonda Lynn Turner
Analysis of a Titanium-Coated Dacron® Velour, Paul Stanley Vaskelis
Olympus Space Station: Architecture for the Final Frontier, Michael J. Walker
Ground and Excited State Properties of Mixed-Metal Complexes Including Mixed-Valence Complexes and Their Corresponding Ion-Pairs and Donor/Acceptor Systems, Andrea Wolfe Wallace
An Investigation Into the Mechanism of Dissolving Metal Reductions of Saturated Ketones, Richard Henry Wallace
The Use of Edible By-Products of the Apple Juice Industry, Huoy-jiun Wang
Effects of Physical Aging on Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers and Composites, Shien-Fu Wang
The Archbold Center for Tropical Studies, Dominica, W.I., Steven A. Wells
Study of Ebb Tidal Shoal Formation in Movable Bed Tidal Inlet Model, William J. Wells
Development of a Data Base of the Wood Products Manufacturing Companies in South Carolina, Patrick Elliott Westbrook
Age and Aging in the Fiction of Ernest J. Gaines, Victor Daniel White III
Factors Favoring Maternal Care in the Green Lynx Spider, Peucetia viridans (Hentz) (Araneae: Oxyopidae), With Special Reference to Predation, Marianne B. Willey
Optimization of Growth and Amino Acid Excretion by Escherichia coli B/r EK 1003, Scott A. Williams
The 'Guignard' At River Place Commons: A Convention Hotel in Columbia, South Carolina, Timothy Dale Williams
The Redesign of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Contractor Performance Evaluation System, Jay F. Wilson
The Columbia Public Library, Lawrence Michael Wilund
Compressive Stress Distribution of Grouted Hollow Clay Masonry Under Strain Gradient, Jeffrey Morgan Young
State Growth Rates: Catching Up or Taxes?, Wei Yu
Predicting the Thermal Mechanical Stability of Latex Coated Nonwovens, Jurgen Ziegler
Computer Aided Design of Radio Controlled Aircraft, James P. Zurovchak
Theses from 1987
Shape Preserving Piecewise Rational Interpolants, Brenda Kay Anderson
Estimation of Indoor Thermal Comfort from Natural Ventilation Using Wind Tunnel Model Studies, Suribabu V. Anisetti
A Laboratory Investigation of Ebb Tidal Shoal Formation Due to Oscillatory Tidal Flow, John Chandler Atz
Economists and Their Predictions: An In-Depth of Economic Forecasting, Hope Kuss Auerbach
Structural and Functional Analysis of the Proboscis Complex of Sacco-glossus kowalevskii (Enteropneusta), Elizabeth J. Balser
Structural and Functional Analysis of the Proboscis Complex of Sacco-glossus kowalevskii (Enteropneusta), Elizabeth J. Balser
Structural and Functional Analysis of the Proboscis Complex of Saccoglossus kowalevskii (Enteropneusta), Elizabeth J. Balser
The Effects of Bicarbonate Ion Concentration and Regeneration on the Fluoride Exchange Capacity of Activated Alumina For Black Creek Aquifer Waters, William J. Bandy
An Aquarium for Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey, Brenda Kay Barnes
The Zeal of Thy Work: Vocation as Sacred in the Writings of Dorothy L. Sayers, Leslie Gagliano Beggs
An Investigation of the Application of High Volume Instrumentation to Optimize Fiber Utilization in the Processing of Cotton, Mark Henry Samuel Berman
The Effects of Water Pollution Control on Industrial Water Use, Anand Bhansali
Development of a Simulation Program for the Analysis of Single-Sludge Wastewater Treatment Processes, Steven M. Bidstrup
Correlation of Soluble Matrix Phosphorylation to Regulation of Bivalve Shell Mineralization and Mineralogy and Microstructure, Jill Elaine Borbas