Chemistry Annual Research Symposium
Submissions from 2016
A smart polymer hydrogel as a chemical sensor on biomedical implant, Md Arifuzzaman, Caleb Behrend, John DesJardins, and Jeffrey N. Anker
Electrochemically-Preadsorbed Collagen Promotes Adult Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Adhesion on Carbon Nanostructured Substrates, Tomás E. Benavidez, Marissa E. Wechsler, Madeleine M. Farrer, Rena Bizios, and Carlos D. Garcia
Fast Production of Microfluidic Devices by CO2 Laser Engraving of Wax-Coated Glass Slides, Eric T. da Costa, Mauro F.S. Santos, Hong Jiao, Claudimir L. do Lago, Ivano G.R. Gutz, and Carlos D. Garcia
Development and Application of Cu-Modified Carbon Electrodes from Pyrolyzed Paper Strips, Gema M. Durán, Tomás E. Benavidez, Jason Giuliani, Ángel Ríos, and Carlos D. Garcia
Understanding the Role of NADH in Cellular Fe2+ Generation of Hydroxyl Radical and the Effects of Polyphenol Antioxidants, Craig Goodman and Julia L. Brumaghim
Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Ion Source for Nonproliferation of Nuclear Material, Edward Hoegg, R. Kenneth Marcus, Charles Barinaga, George Hager, David Koppenaal, and Garret Hart
Surface functionalized nylon capillary-channeled polymer (C-CP) fibers for protein ion-exchange separations, Liuwei Jiang and R. Kenneth Marcus
Insights into the effect of metal ions and conformational change on binding between Protective Antigen and Tumor Endothelial Marker 8, Zhe Jia, Christine Ackroyd, Kenneth Christensen, and Brian Dominy
Short F···F and F(Cl)···O contacts in fluoroorganic crystals, and short Ag···Ag and Ag···O contacts in silver polyfluoroacetate salts, Xiaolin Liu, Andrej V. Matsnev, Steven P. Belina, Colin D. McMillen, and Joseph S. Thrasher
In Silico Model for NaAtm1 type ATP Binding Cassette Exporter Conformational transitions, Yinling Liu and Brian N. Dominy
Recent Advances in the Synthesis and Application of SF5-Containing Organic Compounds, Andrej V. Matsnev, Steven P. Belina, Si-Yan Qing, Kyle A. Berger, Anthony R. Scavuzzo, Piotr Dudzinski, Anna-Lena Dreier, Günter Haufe, and Joseph S. Thrasher
Stability of copper(II) complexes of sulfur and selenium antioxidants, Jaime M. Murphy, Brian A. Powell, and Julia Brumaghim
Human Insulin Adsorption to monolayer graphene. A molecular dynamics study., Richard Overstreet and Brian Dominy
Hydrothermal Single Crystal Growth and Characterization of Novel Rare Earth Niobates and Tantalates: LnNbO4 (Ln = La-Lu , Y), La2TaO5(OH) and Ln3Ta2O9(OH), Liurukara D. Sanjeewa, Kyle Fulle, Colin D. McMillen, and Joseph W. Kolis
Investigation of ionic and electronic conductivities in modified carbon/zirconia composites, Jamie A. Shetzline, Jung-Min Oh, and Stephen E. Creager
A pH sensor for non-invasive in vivo detection and imaging of implant associated infection, Unaiza Uzair, Donald Benza, Fenglin Wang, Yash Raval, Tzuen-Rong J. Tzeng, and Jeffrey N. Anker