Publications | School of Computing | Clemson University


Submissions from 2019


Relaxation-Based Coarsening for Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning, Ruslan Shaydulin, Jie Chen, and Ilya Safro


Hypergraph Partitioning With Embeddings, Justin Sybrandt, Ruslan Shaydulin, and Ilya Safro


Multilevel Combinatorial Optimization Across Quantum Architectures, Hayato Ushijima-Mwesigwa, Ruslan Shaydulin, Christian F.A. Negre, Susan M. Mniszewski, Yuri Alexeev, and Ilya Safro

Submissions from 2017


Random Access in Nondelimited Variable-length Record Collections for Parallel Reading with Hadoop, Jason Anderson, Christopher Gropp, Linh Ngo, and Amy W. Apon


Laplacian Distribution and Domination, Domingos M. Cardoso, David P. Jacobs, and Vilmar Trevisan


Maneuverable Applications: Advancing Distributed Computing, William Clay Moody and Amy W. Apon


VizSpace: Interaction in the Positive Parallax Screen Plane, Oyewole Oyekoya, Emily Sassard, and Tiana Johnson


Automated Cluster Provisioning And Workflow Management for Parallel Scientific Applications in the Cloud, Brandon Posey, Christopher Gropp, Alexander Herzog, and Amy Apon


Predictive Models for Bariatric Surgery Risks with Imbalanced Medical Datasets, Talayeh Razzaghi, Ilya Safro, Joseph Ewing, Ehsan Sadrfaridpour, and John D. Scott


MOLIERE: Automatic Biomedical Hypothesis Generation System, Justin Sybrandt, Michael Shtutman, and Ilya Safro

Submissions from 2016


Performance Considerations of Network Functions Virtualization using Containers, Jason Anderson, Udit Agarwal, Hongda Li, Hongxin Hu, Craig Lowery, and Amy W. Apon


Local Standards for Sample Size at CHI, Kelly Caine

Submissions from 2014


Synthetic Data Generation for the Internet of Things, Jason Anderson, K. E. Kennedy, Linh B. Ngo, Andre Luckow, and Amy Apon


Assessing the Effect of High Performance Computing Capabilities on Academic Research Output, Amy Apon, Linh B. Ngo, Michael E. Payne, and Paul W. Wilson


Teaching HDFS/MapReduce Systems Concepts to Undergraduates, Linh B. Ngo, Amy W. Apon, and Edward B. Duffy

Submissions from 2013


Towards a System for Controlling Client-Server Traffic in Virtual Worlds using SDN, Jason Anderson and Jim Martin


On Modeling Contention for Shared Caches in Multi-Core Processors with Techniques from Ecology, Amy Apon and Wesley Emeneker

Submissions from 2012


An Infrastructure to Support Data Integration and Curation for Higher Educational Research, Linh B. Ngo, Amy W. Apon, Pengfei Xuan, Kimberley Ferguson, Christin Marshall, John McCann, and Yueli Zheng

Submissions from 2011


A Component-Based End-to-End Simulation of the Linux File System, Amy Apon and Hai Nguyen

Submissions from 2010


Community Funding Models for Computational Resources, Amy Apon, Jeff Pummill, and Dana Brunson


Accelerating Image Feature Comparisons using CUDA on Commodity Hardware, Amy Apon, Seth Warn, Wesley Emeneker, John Gauch, and Jackson Cothren


High Performance Computing Instrumentation and Research Productivity in U.S. Universities, Amy W. Apon, Linh B. Ngo, Stanley Ahalt, Vijay Dantuluri, Constantin Gurdgiev, Moez Limayem, and Michael Stealey

Submissions from 2009


Accelerating SIFT on Parallel Architectures, Amy Apon, Seth Warn, Wesley Emeneker, and Jackson Cothren

Submissions from 2008


A Performance and Productivity Study using MPI, Titanium, and Fortress, Amy Apon, Chris Bryan, and Wesley Emeneker


Developing a Coherent Cyberinfrastructure from Local Campus to National Facilities: Challenges and Strategies, Amy Apon, Patrick Dreher, Vijay Agarwala, Stan Ahalt, Guy Almes, Sue Fratkin, Thomas Hauser, Jan Odegard, Jim Pepin, and Craig Stewart


Capacity Planning of a Commodity Cluster in an Academic Environment: A Case Study, Linh B. Ngo, Amy W. Apon, Baochuan Lu, Hung Bui, Nathan Hamm, Larry Dowdy, Doug Hoffman, and Denny Brewer

Submissions from 2007


Shibboleth as a Tool for Authorized Access Control to the Subversion Repository System, Amy Apon and Linh B. Ngo


Shibboleth as a Tool for Authorized Access Control to the Subversion Repository System, Linh B. Ngo and Amy W. Apon

Submissions from 2006


A Case Study on Grid Performance Modeling, Amy Apon, Baochuan Lu, Larry Dowdy, Frank Robinson, Doug Hoffman, and Denny Brewer


The Great Plains Network (GPN) Middleware Test Bed, Amy Apon, Gregory Monaco, and Gordon Springer


Inital Starting Point Analysis for K-Means Clustering: A Case Study, Amy Apon, Frank Robinson, Denny Brewer, Larry Dowdy, Doug Hoffman, and Baochuan Lu


Architectural Tradeoffs for Unifying Campus Grid Resources, Amy Apon and Bart Taylor

Submissions from 2003


AmpNet - A Highly Available Cluster Interconnection Network, Amy Apon and Larry Bilbur

Submissions from 2001


Cluster Computing in the Classroom: Topics, Guidelines, and Experiences, Amy Apon, Rajkumar Buyya, Hai Jin, and Jens Mache

Submissions from 2000


MPI Collective Operations over IP Multicast, Amy Apon, H A. Chen, and Y O. Carrasco

Submissions from 1999


Load Dependent Single Chain Models of Multichain Closed Queueing Networks, Amy Apon and Lawrence Dowdy


Evaluation of Real-Time Fiber Communications for Parallel Collective Operations, Amy Apon and Parvathi Rajagopal

Submissions from 1997


The Circulating Processor Model of Parallel Systems, Amy Apon and Lawrence Dowdy

Submissions from 1994


The Multigraph Modeling Tool, Amy Apon, C A. Childers, W H. Hooper, K D. Gordon, and L W. Dowdy

Submissions from 1993


The KSR1: Experimentation and Modeling of Poststore, Amy Apon, E Rosti, E Smirni, T D. Wagner, M Madhukar, and L W. Dowdy


Measuring the Effects of Thread Placement on the Kendall Square KSR1, Amy Apon, T D. Wagner, E Smirni, M Madhukar, and L W. Dowdy