Publications | Mechanical Engineering | Clemson University


Submissions from 2022


Tunable Blood Shunt for Neonates With Complex Congenital Heart Defects, Ellen Garver, Christopher B. Rodell, Kristen Shema, Krianthan Govender, Samantha E. Cassel, Bryan Ferrick, Gabriella Kupsho, Ethan Kung, Kara L. Spiller, Randy Stevens, and Amy L. Throckmorton


Thermoforming process effects on structural performance of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite parts through a manufacturing to response pathway, Madhura Limaye, Sai Aditya Pradeep, Anmol Kothari, Sushil Savla, Akshat Agha, Srikanth Pilla, and Gang Li


A Protocol for Coupling Volumetrically Dynamic In vitro Experiments to Numerical Physiology Simulation for A Hybrid Cardiovascular Model, Abraham Umo and Ethan Kung

Submissions from 2021


Design, Development and Temporal Evaluation of an MRI-Compatible In-Vitro Circulation Model Using a Compliant AAA Phantom, Mirunalini Thirugnanasambandam, Tejas Canchi, Senol Piskin, Christof Karmonik, Ethan Kung, Prahlad Menon, Stephanie Avril, and Ender A. Finol


Hemodynamic Response to Device Titration in the Shunted Single Ventricle Circulation - A Patient Cohort Modeling Study, Chet Villa, Farha Zafar, Angela Lorts, and Ethan Kung

Submissions from 2020


Predictive Models for Pulmonary Artery Size in Fontan Patients, Akash Gupta, Chris Gillett, Patrick Gerard, Michael M.H. Cheung, Jonathan P. Mynard, and Ethan Kung


A protocol for automated a posteriori adaptive meshing with SimVascular: a test case, Akash Gupta and Ethan Kung

Submissions from 2019


Factors Affecting Cardiovascular Physiology in Cardiothoracic Surgery: Implications for Lumped-Parameter Modeling, Joshua Kaufmann and Ethan Kung


A survey of mathematical models of human performance using power and energy, Vijay Sarthy Mysore Sreedhara, Gregory M. Mocko, and Randolph E. Hutchison

Submissions from 2018


Particle slip velocity influences inertial focusing of particles in curved microchannels, Saurabh Deshpande and Phanindra Tallapragada

Submissions from 2017


Effects of Microstructure on the Strain Rate Sensitivity of Advanced Steels, Rakan Alturk, Steven Mates, Zeren Xu, and Fadi Abu-Farha


Assessing the importance of the root mean square (RMS) value of different waveforms to determine the strength of a dielectrophoresis trapping force, Jordan Gilmore, Monsur Islam, Josie Duncan, Rucha Nato, and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Assessing the importance of the root mean square (RMS) value of different waveforms to determine the strength of a dielectrophoresis trapping force, Jordon Gilmore, Monsur Islam, Josie Duncan, Rucha Natu, and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


A sustainable approach for tungsten carbide synthesis using renewable biopolymers, Monsur Islam and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Fabrication challenges and perspectives on the use of carbon-electrode dielectrophoresis in sample preparation, Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Demisting using an Ultrasonic Standing Wave Field, T. M. Merrell and John Saylor


Removal of DPM from an Air Stream Using Micron-Scale Droplets Category: Control Techniques and Strategy, Lucas Rojas-Mendoza, Emily A. Sarver, and John Saylor


A Globally Stable Attractor that is Locally Unstable Everywhere, Phanindra Tallapragada and Senbagaraman Sudarsanam

Submissions from 2016


Assessing the Advantages of Using Square Wave Signals for Particle Trapping in Carbon-Electrode Dielectrophoresis, Guillermo Contreras-Dávila, Jose I. Gomez-Quiñones, Victor H. Pérez-González, and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Synthesis of Titanium Oxycarbide through Carbothermal Reduction of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles and Renewable Biopolymers, Joshua Paul Flach, Paulo Henrique Figuereido de Lima, Joshua Craig Sparks, Monsur Islam, and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Cost Estimation Model for PAN Based Carbon Fiber Manufacturing Process, Amaninder Singh Gill, Darian Visotsky, Laine Mears, and Joshua D. Summers


Synthesis of Tungsten Carbide from Bacterial Cellulose, Monsur Islam and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Towards Additive Manufacturing of Tungsten Carbide Using Renewable Resources, Monsur Islam and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


3D Carbon-Electrode Dielectrophoresis for Enrichment of a Small Cell Population from a Large Sample Volume, Monsur Islam, Rucha Natu, Maria Fernanda Larraga-Martinez, Guillermo Contreras-Dávila, and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Enrichment of diluted cell populations from large sample volumes using 3D Carbon-electrode Dielectrophoresis, Monsur Islam, Rucha Natu, Maria Fernanda Larraga-Martinez, and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte


Shrinkage Analysis of Carbon Micro Structures Derived from SU-8 Photoresist, Rucha Natu, Monsur Islam, and Rodrigo Martinez-Duarte

Submissions from 2015


Operating Principles, Common Questions, and Performance Data for an Atmospheric Driven Atmos Clock, David Moline and John Wagner


Effect of respiration on cardiac filling at rest and during exercise in Fontan patients: A clinical and computational modeling study, Alexander Van De Bruaene, Guido Claessen, Andre La Gerche, Ethan Kung, Alison Marsden, Pieter De Meester, Sarah Devroe, Jan Bogaert, Piet Claus, Hein Heidbuchel, Werner Budts, and Marc Gewillig

Submissions from 2014


Energy Harvesting from Atmospheric Variations - Theory and Test, John Wagner, Gibran Ali, David Moline, and Todd Schweisinger

Submissions from 2013


Moving Domain Computational Fluid Dynamics to Interface with an Embryonic Model of Cardiac Morphogenesis, Juhyun Lee, Mahdi Esmaily Moghadam, Ethan Kung, Hung Cao, Tyler Beebe, Yury Miller, Beth L. Roman, Ching-Ling Lien, Neil C. Chi, Alison L. Marsden, and Tzung K. Hsiai


Design of an Apparatus to Detect Small Changes in the Mass of Rotational Machine Components, Jonathan R.A. Maier, M. Laine Mears, and Joshua D. Summers


Focused Novice Driver Program - Assessment Results and Discussion, John Wagner, Lance Clark, Kim Alexander, Philip Pidgeon, and Ken Rogich


Assessment of an Automotive Driving Simulator to Educate Novice Drivers, John Wagner, Qimin Yao, Kim Alexander, and Philip Pidgeon

Submissions from 2012


Manufacturing Process Modeling and Application to Intelligent Control, M. Laine Mears, Parakshit Mehta, Mathew Kuttolamadom, Carlos Montes, Joshua Jones, Wesley Salandro, and Drew Werner


Model of a Mechanical Clock Escapement, John Wagner, David Moline, and Eugene Vold

Submissions from 2011


Development of a Second-stage Novice Driver Education and Training Program, John Wagner, M Jensen, F Switzer, K Alexander, and P Pidgeon

Submissions from 2008


Hydraulic Actuated Automotive Cooling Systems - Nonlinear Control and Test, John Wagner, M H. Salah, P M. Frick, and D M. Dawson


Nonlinear Control Strategy for Advanced Vehicle Thermal Management Systmes, John Wagner, M H. Salah, T H. Mitchell, and D M. Dawson