Theses from 2003
Influence of Soft Surface Water Ocnditions on Copper Toxicity to Pimephales promelas Rafinesque: Responses at Mechanistic-, Population-, and Watershed-Levels of Organization, Eric J. Van Genderen
Stiffness Optimization of a Front Wheel Drive Drag Car Using Finite Element Analysis, David Wagener
Study of Surface Modification Methods for Cell Adhesion and Patterning, Weishi Wang
Religion and the Internet: An Introduction to the Sociodemographic Determinants of Online Religious Use, Schuyler Drew Wareham
Hybrid Surface, Matthew J. Warner
Pond Leakage Associated with Capture of Tritium Contaminated Water at the Savannah River Site (WSRC-RP-2002-4118 Rev 1), Ryan Margaret Wedderien
Building a Graphical Representation of Genetic Information, Andrew Weiner
Quantitative Evaluation of Elastomer Blends by Atomic Force Microscopy, David Weston
Design of a Parallel File System Architecture for Handling Concurrent Requests, Dale A. Whitchurch
An Investigation of Intestinal Flora as a Potential Biomarker of Contaminant Exposure in Avian Species, Faith E. Wiley
An Investigation of Intestinal Flora as a Potential Biomarker of Contaminant Exposure in Avian Species, Faith Elizabeth Wiley
An Analysis of Tax Increment Financing in South Carolina, Kimberly Lynn Williams
Poverty, Protest, and Patriarchy: Working-Class Women in Gorky's Russia, 1880-1917, Claire Michelle Wilson
Measuring Economic Freedom States of the United States, Huang Ying
Synthesis and Pharmacology of Cannabimimetic Indoles, Gülay Zengin
Theses from 2002
Landscape Classification of Forest Ecosystems of Jocassee Gorges, southern Appalachian Mountains, South Carolina, Scott R. Abella
CESSPOOL PARK: Re-Presenting Nature Through Technology, Channing Lamar Addis
The Correlation between Search Time and Stopping Time in Visual Inspection, Hitesh Chaturbhuj Agrawal
A Comparison Between Supercritical CO2 and Organic Solvent Deposited Self-Assembled Monolayers on Si/SiO2 Substrates, Shujaat H. Alavi
Nomadic Transformations: A Vessel for Modern Mobility, George August Anderson III
Theatre of Shadows: Club for Schizoid Persons Between Hampstead and Rugely Lands, Charleston, South Carolina, Scott Wilson Anderson
Integrity Testing and Justice: The Effects of Test Score and Fairness Perceptions on Applicant Reactions and Withdrawal Behaviors, Sara Beth Andrews
Lewis Nordan and the Exaggerated Memoir: One Writer's Journey Into Self, Kristi DeVore Apostel
An Empirical Evaluation of the Legibility of Cleartypeâ„¢ Font Rendering Technology, Thomas Aten
Resource Substitutes, Activity Involvement, and Place Bonds of Chattooga National Wild and Scenic River Trout Anglers, Erik A. Backlund
Population Size and Movement of American Shad at new Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Michael M. Bailey
Population Size and Movement of American Shad at new Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam, Michael M. Bailey
Treatment of Lagoon Sludge and Liquid Animal Manure Utilizing Geotextile Filtration, Keri B. Baker
Effects of Octene/Norbornene Ratio on Cyclic Olefin Copolymer/Polyethylene Blends, Brandon Barker
Barrier Treatments of Fipronil for the Control of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis Invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Joshua David Bast
Colonization of Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) by Trichomycete Fungi (Zygomycota) in South Carolina, USA, Charles Edward Beard
The Rhetorical Power of E-commerce Web Design: A Case Study on Persuasion through Logos, Katalin Beck
The Use of Microautoradiography to Estimate the Competent Biomass Within a Mixed Microbial Community Cultivated on a Mixture of Biodegradable Substrates, Rasaan Jameel Bines
Those Bloody Moroccans…' - An Ethnographic Study of a Stigmatized People on a Multi-Ethnic European Island: The Social Construction of Stigma Through Disclosure, LeAnne Blackburn
Hypertext and the Composition Classroom, Megan E. Black
The Structure and Abundance of the Savannah River Site Mammalian Community, Jodi Lyn Bock
The Structure and Abundance of the Savannah River Site Mammalian Community, Jodi Lyn Bock
Price Variability in the Clemson Cola Market, Karas Boonruang
Short-term Response of Bark Beetles to Fuel Reduction Treatments in the Upper Piedmont, Maxwell Forbes Boyle
Effects of Shallow Induced Fractures on the Performance of Soil Vapor Extraction Wells, Graham C. Bradner
Dynamically-Controlled Crowds in an Animated Environment, Jennifer Brola
Effects of Situation Awareness Training on Novice Process Control Plant Operators, Johnell O. Brooks
Emergence of the Digital Age: An Architectural Response, Bradley K. Brown
Disrupting Normality, Lori A. Brown
Moments of Seeing: Discovering Identify Beyond the Looking-Glass in Virginia Woolf's Novels of the Late 1920s, Philip Shane Bruce
Beyond the Traditional Code of Honor, Matthew Byron
Heavy Metal Content and Source-Receptor Reconciliation of PM2.5 Near a Coal-Fired Institutional Boiler, D. David Calhoun
Sculpting Angels, Keith E. Campana
Architecture as Prosthesis, Anthony Joseph Carmola
Alternate Formed Suction Inlet Design, Daniel Earle Cheek
Recommendations for Dimensioning Circular Pump Stations with Five Pumps, Kenneth Matthew Cheek
A Study on Spider Silk Self-Assembly, Jihua Chen
Perfluorocyclobutyl (PFCB) Copolymers for Microphotonics, Shengrong Chen
Field and Laboratory Evaluations of Transgenic Cottons Expressing Two Proteins Versus One of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Berliner for Management of Noctuid (Lepidoptera) Pests, Rebecca Lianne Chitkowski
The Characterization of Plant Oleoyl-PC Desaturase Expressed in Yeast, Jooyul Choi
Analysis of Sodium Channel Mutations and Spontaneous Mutations of the Eye in Heliothis virescens, Sae Youll Cho
Seasoned Equity Offerings: An In-depth Literature Review of SEO Hypotheses and Their Effect on Announcement-Period Stock Returns, David C. Cico
Centered in Chaos: A Moment of Pause Realized in Simplicity, Tyler Anthony Cline
Crime and Punishment?, Matt Clingempeel
Triple Helical Nucleic Acid Interactions with Aminoglycoside Antibiotics, R. Lane Coffee
Tumor Induction Potential; Mutageny Potential and Metabolic Activity of Cervical and Breast Cancer Cell Lines, in Response to Commercial Products Containing Echinacea purpurea, Pamela Sewell Coker
Attitudes of Diversity Among Incoming Freshmen, Sean Coleman
Comparison of Performance Tests Used for Furniture Packaging, Sean M. Connolly
An Architecture of Experiences, Independent of Memory - a Residence for People with Alzheimer's Disease, Helen Gayle Darby
The Influence of Rater Accountability and Information Consistency on the Perceived Accuracy and Usefulness of Coworker-Provided Performance Information, Craig R. Dawson
Autonomy: Differences between High School Students who Attend Boarding School, Private School, and Public School, Sarah Rebecca Dawson
SCIEnCE Web: Teaching with Technology, Benjamin Everett Deaton
Resistance of Hurricane Straps to Combined Loads, William Michael DeLoach
Prevention of Receptor-Mediated Elastin-Oriented Calcification, Michael Brooks Derrick
Evaluating Alternate Methods of Presenting Feedback Information in an Inspection Task in the Virtual Reality Environment, Rahul R. Desai
The Economics of Sustainable Village Self-help Projects in the Developing World, Joshua DeWald
Evaluation of Eleven Native Grasses Exposed to Piedmont Reservoir Conditions, Michael Dom
Embracing the Edge: A Research Institute for the Ohio River, Kirk Ryan Donges
In the Realm of Connection: An Alternative Residential High School for Boston, Massachusetts, Scott Christian Donovan
Evaluation of Eleven Native Grasses Exposed to Piedmont Reservoir Conditions, Michael L. Dorn
Perceptions of Job Applicants with Southern Accents, Stephanie Dotson
An Architecture for the Small Community Hospital: 'Re-Inventing' an Institution, Paul G. Doyle Jr.
Invoking Culture: Sustaining Rural Landscapes, William David Drennan
Highway City, Jason Ray Eggenburger
Factors Influencing the Recovery and Productivity of the Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in Michigan, Karen M. Eisenreich
Dense-Gas Extraction of Model Pitches, Alvis Winton Fail
Numerical Modeling of Steam Injection into a Heavy Hydrocarbon Reservoir in West Coalinga Oil Field, California, Olalekan Kayode Fawumi
Window to Nuremberg: The American Press and the International Military Tribunal, 1945-1946, Brian Keith Feltman
The Study of Abrasion Resistance of Durable Press Finished Cotton Fabrics, Ning Feng
Influence of Plant Mediated Sediment Biochemical Changes on Metal Sulfide Stability, Danilo Linhares Fernandes
A Markov Inventory Control Model for Items Undergoing Deterioration and Obsolescence, Michelle Fink
Effects of Temperature, Recent Feeding History, and Fish Size on the Otolith Size - Fish Size Relationship, Quenton Clay Fontenot
Control of Listeria monocytogenes on Nutrient Agar and Individually Packaged Hot Dogs Using a Nisin-Containing Film Coating, Nathan Franklin
Ceramic and Steel: Form and Relationship, Scott Garrard
The Long-Term Effects of Youth Deviance on Educational and Occupational Attainments, Arina Gertseva
Selected Herbicides for Reducing Phytoplankton Biomass in the Partitioned Aquaculture System, Jason D. Goins
Selected Herbicides for Reducing Phytoplankton Biomass in the Partitioned Aquaculture System, Jason D. Goins
Synthesis and Characterization of Surface-Confined Polyacrylamide, Deepthi Gopireddy
Effect of Nectar and Other Carbohydrate Sources on Survival and Parasitism by Diadegma Insulare (Cresson), a Parasitoid of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella Xylostella (L.), in Crucifers, Jinaki Shani Gourdine
Effect of Nectar and Other Carbohydrate Sources on Survival and Parasitism by Diadegma insulare (Cresson), a Parasitoid of the Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), in Crucifers, Jinaki Shani Gourdine