The Journal of Extension | Vol 61 | No. 2

Volume 61, Number 2 (2023)

Feature Articles


Critical Competencies of 4-H Camp Staff for Achieving High Performance
Laura S. Jeuck, K. S. U. Jayaratne, Mitzi Stumpf-Downing, Harriett Edwards, and Katherine McKee


Time, Money, or Knowledge: What factors are associated with implementing youth cooking programs?
Alison C. Berg, Nancy O. Taylor, Courtney S. Brown, and Silvia Q. Giraudo

Research in Brief


Exploring the Possibilities of a Standardized Questionnaire for Assessing Residents’ Needs
Amy Harder, Diane Craig, Glenn Israel, Matt Benge, and Olivia Caillouet


Skill Up Tennessee: Job training that works
Christopher T. Sneed, Sreedhar Upendram, Clint Cummings, and Janet E. Fox


Long-Term Outcomes of Early Adult 4-H Alumni
Nicole Marshall-Wheeler, Roshan Nayak, Anne Iaccopucci, and Steven M. Worker


Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course: Program Evaluation
Nicola Oosthuizen, Pedro Fontes, Graham C. Lamb, and Jason J. Cleere

Tools of the Trade


Lessons Learned for Engaging Latino Families in Community-based Programs
Alejandro Reyes Peralta, Ghaffar Ali Hurtado Choque, Marla Reicks, Silvia Alvarez de Davila, and Darya Soltani


Journey Mapping: A New Approach to Extension Program Design and Evaluation
Jennifer Hawkins, Neil Linscheid, and Somongkol Teng


Using Technology for Community Engagement: Four Key Web-Based Platforms for Adoption in Extension
Chasity D. Tompkins, Erica Pullen, Cassandra Hainsworth, Bradley Averill, and Rebecca Hardeman
