Dissertations from 2021
Soulful Leadership: How Black Presidents Engage Critical Spirituality in their Leadership of Historically Black Theological Institutions, Sharad H. Creasman
Development of a Hybrid Hydrogel Drug Delivery System for Treatment of Ischemic Injury, Andrew DeMaria
Efficient Automated Driving Strategies Leveraging Anticipation and Optimal Control, Robert Austin Dollar
The Effectiveness of a Diversity and Inclusion Intervention in Higher Education in the Context Of COVID-19, Katherine Brown D'Souza
Science Teacher Identity Development Throughout a Yearlong Clinical Placement and into the First Year of Teaching, Laura C. Eicher
Synthesis of Nanoparticles in a Silicate Matrix, Tatiana Alexandra Estrada-Mendoza
A Human-Centric System for Symbolic Reasoning About Code, Megan Fowler
A Qualitative Study of Connected Middle and High School Broadcast Journalism Programs and Their Relationship to Career Broadcast Journalism, Michelle Fowler
Three Essays in Applied Banking and Finance, Tyler Francis
Comparing Faculty Perceptions of Importance and Perceived Competencies of Online Best Practices Through the Encore Components, Karen Bunch Franklin
Continuum Robots: Interfacing, Modeling, and Automation, Chase Gilbert Frazelle
Enabling DNA-Informed Breeding for Disease Resistance in Peach, Wanfang Fu
The Development of High-Performance Protonic Ceramic Conducting Membranes by Interfacial Engineering, Jun Gao
Promoting Dual Language Learners’ Social and Emotional Development Through Creative Drama: A Case Study, Qianyi Gao
Minimal Differential Graded Resolutions of Fiber Products, Hugh Roberts Geller
Influencing the Inflammatory Response Through Multi-Scale Geometry, Antibiotic Release, and Fluid Management in a Textile-Based Biomaterial Wound Dressing, Elizabeth Gianino
Bayesian Poisson Mortality Projections with Incomplete Data, Rui Gong
Characterizing Unmixed Trees with Respect to Total Domination and PMU Covers, James Gossell
Essays on Law Enforcement Incentives, Shannon R. Graham
Spatial Distributions of Arthropods in Soybean and Implications for Pest Management, Anthony Daniel Greene
Carbon Rich Polymer-Derived Ceramics: Processing, Characterization, and Properties, Michelle Greenough
Stochastic Optimization for Renewable Energy System Design and Operation, Berkay Eren Gulcan
Human-Automated Vehicle Interactions, Longxiang Guo
Revolutions of Virtues: Revisiting the Underpinnings of Rhetorical Education, Eric Reid Hamilton
360-Degree Analysis of the Produce Prescription (Rx) Program, Joel Hamilton
Identification of Biomarker Systems in the Human Brain and Lung, Yuqing Hang
Interventions to Increase Prospective Teacher Candidates' Praxis II Content Exam Scores, Takara Hart
Personalized Professional Development Using Improvement Science: Induction Teachers’ Sense of Teacher Self-Efficacy, Natasha Yvette Harvin-Wright
The Economic Value of Electricity Reliability, Seyedmajid Hashemi
“I Thought I was Going to War”: Experiences of Health-Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic – An Exploration of ProjectCOPE, Smith F. Heavner
Bayesian Framework for Causal Inference in Complex Data Structure, Li He
Advancing Waterfowl Ecology and Management: Assessments of an Online Course, Professional Credentials, and Graduate Student Publication Performance, Lauren Hernandez-Rubio
Identification of Biomarker Systems of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Uterine Cancer, Allison Hickman
Towards Understanding Protein Immobilization Rules Through Site-Specific Covalent Immobilization of T4 Lysozyme, Maxwell Hilbert
Integrating Degradation Forecasting and Abatement Framework Into Advanced Distribution Management System, Huu Phuong Hoang
Altared Bodies: Evangelical Purity Rhetorics in the Age of Sexual Politics, Victoria G. Houser
Secure Data Collection and Analysis in Smart Health Monitoring, Pei Huang
Improving the Security and Safety of Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems, Md Mhafuzul Islam
The Impact of Daylight and Window Views on Health and Recovery: A Quash-Experimental Study of Patients with Heart Disease in a Cardiac ICU, Roxana Jafarifiroozabadi
Recapture and Reuse of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Rendered Animal Materials to Enhance Nutrient Use Efficiency and Produce Quality in Agricultural Crop, Bhupinder Jatana
An Algorithm for Biobjective Mixed Integer Quadratic Programs, Pubudu Jayasekara Merenchige
Arbitrage among Stablecoins, Peiyun Jin
Risk-Based Freeway Merging and Lane-Changing Decisions for Autonomous Vehicles, Weimin Jin
Flexible Molecular Dynamics for Simulating Ion-Surface Scattering Trajectories, Patrick Roy Johnson
Exploring the Role of AMPK in Nutrient Sensing and Signaling in the Human Parasite Trypanosoma brucei, Jessica Jones
A Multifunctional Tool for the Electrokinetic Manipulation and Characterization of Cells, Devin Monroe Keck
Power and Agency in Teachers' Digital Writing Feedback: A Virtual Education Environment, Alicia Kelley
Plasmon Enhanced GaN MEMS Photoacoustic Sensors, Digangana Khan
Stimuli-Responsive and Electrically Conductive Metal-Organic Frameworks, Amina Khatun
Mechanical Interfacial Locking and Multiscale Modeling Of Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites for Structural Applications, Anmol Kothari
Short-Term Variability of Atmospheric Tides in Earth’s Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region, Komal Kumari
Exact Controllability and Inverse Problem for the Mindlin-Timoshenko System, Jason Alexander Kurz
The Use of Improvement Science by a Principal to Increase Teacher Satisfaction and Teacher Retention Rates in an Elementary School Setting, Melissa Lynn LaBerge
Toxicity and Effects of Tire Crumb Rubber in the Aquatic Environment, Stephanie LaPlaca
The Effects of Composition on the Structural Symmetry, Ionic Conductivity, and Stability of Garnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12, Changlong Li
Personality Style Clusters Using Unsupervised Machine Learning, Joseph Ligato
Deep Learning Based Speech Enhancement and Its Application to Speech Recognition, Ju Lin
A Critical Evaluation of China’s Thirteenth Five-Year Plans for Economic and Social Development, Shaobo Li
Generation and Manipulation of Higher Order Fractional and Integer Bessel Gaussian Beams, Wenzhe Li
Essays on the Housing Market in China and Some Evidence on Inflation Targeting, Yanchao Li
Experimental Evaluation of System Identification Techniques and Development of a Bayesian Damage Detection Strategy for Drive-By Health Monitoring, William Robert Locke
Interaction Techniques for In-the-Moment Privacy Control Over Data Generated by Wearable Technologies, Byron M. Lowens
Visually Guided Action for the Person-Plus-Object System: Generalizing the Optic Flow Equalization Control Law to Asymmetrical Bodies, Kathryn Lucaites
Seismic Performance Assessment of Building Contents: Monetary Losses and Injuries, Sereen Majdalaweyh
Fabrication of Cerium- and Uranium-Based Ceramic Microspheres Using the Sol-Gel Process with Polymer Additives, Jianxing Ma
New Strategies to Combat Fouling in Membrane-Based Water Treatment Applications, Anna Malakian
A Youthful Metaverse: Towards Designing Safe, Equitable, and Emotionally Fulfilling Social Virtual Reality Spaces for Younger Users, Divine Maloney
Chasing Supermassive Black Holes at the Dawn of the Universe, Lea Marcotulli
Optimization Models and Algorithms for Vehicle Routing and Target Surveillance, Joshua Taylor Margolis
An Investigation of Engineering Majors: Graduates' Enrollment Timelines and First-Year Students' Perceptions and Exploration, Baker A. Martin
Effects of Exogenous Glucocorticoid Infusion at Birth on Appetitic Center Brain Development During Early Postnatal Life and Its Impact on Voluntary Feed Intake in Beef Cattle, Keelee Jae McCarty
The Genetics of Kidney Disorders in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, Megan McCoy
Examining the Everyday Life of Child Care Workers: How Low Wages and the Lack of Benefits Affect Their Lives and Decisions About Employment, Amanda Megan McDougald Scott
The Development of the Adaptable Self-Disclosure Scale (ASDS): A Multidimensional Approach to Disclosure Assessment, Brandon McIntyre
First Principles Methods for Calculating Thermoelectric Transport Properties, Fanchen Meng
Development of Solution Blow Spun Nanofibers as Electrical and Whole Cell Biosensing Interfaces, Craig Levar Miller
Of Single Nucleotides and Single Cells: Charting the Genotype-Phenotype Map at High Resolution Using Drosophila melanogaster, Sneha Shreekant Mokashi
"All I Needed was Somebody to Talk to Me": Using Improvement Science to End Exclusionary Discipline Practices with Black Girls, Aubrey Moreland
Confronting Becky: An Autocritographic Examination of White Women's Gendered Racism in Higher Education, Rebecca Morgan
Three Essays in Political Economy, Shilpi Mukherjee
Quantification of Compound and Cascading Hydroclimatic Extreme Events, Sourav Mukherjee
Integrating Game Mechanics with Basic Programming Concepts to Teach K-12 Students, Olivia Nche
Improving Disaster Resilience by Quantifying Wildland Urban Interface Community Ember Exposure, Dac Trong Nguyen
Black, Confident, and Capable: The Science Student Beliefs of Four Black Male Science Students in a Rural Middle School Science Classroom, Adeyanju Okungbowa
Impact of Interventions on Student Performance Among Eighth Graders in Algebra 1, Tiffany Osborne
Forest/People, Taylor Andrew Parker
Exploring the Role of Individual Differences in Function Structure Modeling: A Theory Building Approach, Apurva Rajesh Patel