Dissertations from 2022
Behavioral Ecology of the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Human-Dominated Landscapes of Coastal South Carolina, Anjelika Kidd-Weaver
Developing Hydrogel-Based X-Ray Visualized Implantable Sensors to Non-invasively Measure pH for Tracking Tumor Response and Detecting Peritoneal Infections, Kiridena Mudiyanselage Sachindra Dulashini Kiridena
Policy Complementarities Between and Within Jurisdictions: The Case of Alcohol Consumption and Driving, Tabitha Knott
In Situ Study of Ultrafast Carrier Transport Dynamics in Perovskite Thin-Films, Kanishka Kobbekaduwa
Modeling Electrostatics in Molecular Biology and Its Relevance With Molecular Mechanisms of Diseases, Mahesh Koirala
Effect of Chlorine Dioxide Gas on the Properties of Packaging Materials and Effect of Chlorine Dioxide Gas to Maintain the Quality of Fresh Strawberries, Duleeka Kuruwita and Duleeka Prasadani Kuruwita Arachchige
Valorization of Biopolymers and Biomass to Produce Materials for a More Circular Economy, Moira Lauer
Understanding Vascular Pathologies in Diabetes: Optimizing Tissue Engineered Blood Vessels Resistant to Diabetic Complications, Bethany Lefeber
Double Tolerance Design in Stochastic Production Environments, Di Liu
Crip Theory and Creative Briefs: Interpreting Disability in the Creative Process, Josh Loebner
Three Essays About Preventing Mental and Behavioral Disorders, Snehal Lopes
Ecologies of (Domestic) Trauma, Ecologies of (Domestic) Violence: A Rhetorical Procession Toward Mourning, Charlotte E. Lucke
Statistical Methods for Modern Threats, Brandon Lumsden
Overcoming Provision Challenges and Barriers to Affordable Housing Development in Small Towns of South Carolina, Marchell L. Magxaka
Integration of Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Sustainable Process Design, Roksana Mahmud
Optimal Global Supply Chain and Warehouse Planning under Uncertainty, Avnish Kishor Malde
Characterization of Water Flow and Solute Transport Driven by Preferential Flow in Soil Vadose Zone, Abdullah Al Mamun
Data-Driven Biomarker Panel Discovery in Ovarian Cancer Using Heterogenous Data Fusion on Exosomal and Non-Exosomal Microrna Expression Data, Paritra Mandal
Reading Toward Breath: A Poetic Ecology of Creative Reading, Jessica Schad Manuel
Design and Operations of a New Facility in a Next Generation Logistic System Based on Horizontal Collaboration, Dilhani Marasinghe
Selected Female High School Athletic Directors Describe Their Career Trajectories, Mary Helen Coleman Martin
The Impact of COVID-19 on Recreational Therapists Working in Inpatient Mental Health Settings, Summer Matics
Embedding a Grid of Load Cells into a Dining Table for Automatic Monitoring and Detection of Eating Events, Mohammad Mayyan
Scalable Data-Driven Predictive Modeling and Analytics for CHO Process Development Optimization, Sarah Mbiki
Uni-Prover: A Universal Automated Prover for Specificationally Rich Languages, Nicodemus Msafiri John Mbwambo
On the Frontlines of COVID-19: A JD-R Approach to Better Understand Emergency Medicine Clinicians' Psychological Well-Being, Riley McCallus Pegram
How Transformative Leaders Break Down Barriers to Increase Access to Arts Integration for Black and Hispanic Students: A Multiple Case Study, Julia McClanahan
Microbial, Chemical, and Functional Components in Kefir, Natto, and Feed Ingredients, Dana McCurdy
Tempering the Adversary: An Exploration into the Applications of Game Theoretic Feature Selection and Regression, Stephen McGee
Fabrication And Characterization of Polymer Blends Containing Plant Oil-Derived Copolymers, Najah Mhesn
Scalable and Reliable Sparse Data Computation on Emergent High Performance Computing Systems, Zheng Miao
Automated Parallel Optimization of Simulation Parameters using Modified Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm, Erina Mills
Modeling, Estimation, and Optimal Control of Lithium-Ion Battery at Cell and System level, Hamidreza Mirzaei
Clinical and Molecular Characterization of Key Features of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome and Potential Approaches to Clinical Trials, Bridgette Moffitt
Machine Learning-Enabled Model-Based Condition Assessment of Water Pipelines by Leveraging Hydraulic Monitoring Data, Ahmad Momeni
“I Can See the Forest for the Trees”: Examining Personality Traits with Trasformers, Alexander Moore
Effects of Tannin-free Grain Sorghum Varieties on the Metabolizable Energy, Performance, and Intestinal Health of Poultry, Alissa Moritz
Minimal Differential Graded Algebra Resolutions Related to Certain Stanley-Reisner Rings, Todd Anthony Morra
Unveiling the Potential of Calcium and Natamycin for Botrytis Blight Management on Cut Roses, Melissa Munoz
Developing and Facilitating Temporary Team Mental Models Through an Information-Sharing Recommender System, Geoffrey Musick
Immunotherapeutic Effects of Intratumorally Injected Zymosan-Adenovirus Conjugates Encoding Constant Active IRFs in a Melanoma Mouse Model, Margaret Musick
Influence of Specimen Geometry and Anisotropy on Dynamic Modulus of Asphalt Mixes in South Carolina, Srinivasan Nagarajan
Public Policy, Economic Development, and Taxes: An Impact Analysis of Business Incentive Strategies at the State and Local Level, Richard Nanney
On Variants of Sliding and Frank-Wolfe Type Methods and Their Applications in Video Co-localization, Seyed Hamid Nazari
Hybrid Smart Transformer for Enhanced Power System Protection Against DC With Advanced Grid Support, Moazzam Nazir
The Characterization of Microglia in the Murine Dorsal Telencephalon in Development and Disease, Victoria Neckles
Selected Interdiction Games with Uncertain, Risk-Averse, and Simultaneous Play Considerations, Di H. Nguyen
Improving the Human-Machine Interaction of AI Systems for System Health Monitoring, Ryan Nguyen
Advancements in Gaussian Process Learning for Uncertainty Quantification, John C. Nicholson
Learning Graphical Models of Multivariate Functional Data with Applications to Neuroimaging, Jiajing Niu
Dynamics of the Supragingival Dental Plaque Microbiome and Its Implications in Early Childhood Caries (ECC), Lauren O'Connell
Design and Operation of a Microwave Flow Cytometer for Single Cell Detection and Identification, Jeffrey A. Osterberg
Direct Numerical Simulation of supercritical CO2 mixing and combustion, Syed Mohammad Ovais
Mitral Valve Tissue Engineering - A Dynamic Model for Investigating the Mechanism of Valvular Pathology, Collin Owens
Phonon Anharmonicity in Binary Chalcogenides for Efficient Energy Harvesting, Prakash Parajuli
Wetland Uranium Transport via Iron-Organic Matter Flocs and Hyporheic Exchange, Connor J. Parker
Development of Enzyme-Responsive Polymersomes as a Drug Delivery System for GM1 Gangliosidosis, Bipin Chakravarthy Paruchuri
Genetics and Genomics Education Among Physician Assistants, Wesley Patterson
Active Rheological and Stiffening Control of Cementitious Systems for Additive Manufacturing, Abdul Basit Peerzada
Developmental Effects of Chronic Low-Level Arsenic Exposure in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, M. Chiara Perego
Evaluation of Grazing Techniques as a Nutrition Source for Horses in a Pasture Environment, Brittany Perron
Use of a Trial Function Method to Semi-analytically Simulate Matrix Diffusion in Heterogeneous and Fractured Media, Kien Trung Pham
Investigating Spatial Heterogeneity In Myocardial Wound Environments To Improve Therapy, Michael Potter
The Role of Fatty Acid Metabolism in the Pathogenesis of Trypanosoma brucei, Nava Poudyal
Allegories and Alleles: A Narrative Policy Framework Analysis of the Debate over Animal Bioengineering, Betsy Presgraves
Exploring the Glow of the Universe in Gamma-Rays and Hunting Distant AGN, Changam Meenakshi Rajagopal
X-Ray Interrogated Implantable Chemical and Strain Sensors for Monitoring Implant Associated Infections And Fracture Healing, Apeksha Rajamanthrilage
Modeling, Control and Estimation of Reconfigurable Cable Driven Parallel Robots, Adhiti Raman Thothathri
Multi-Criteria Performance Evaluation and Control in Power and Energy Systems, Payam Ramezani Badr
Development of Plasmonic and X-Ray Luminescence Nanoparticles for Bioimaging and Sensing Applications, Meenakshi Ranasinghe
Nonviral Approaches for Delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 Into Hepatocytes for Treatment of Inherited Metabolic Disease, Tanner R. Rathbone
Phylogenomics of Vipers and the Role of Competition on Venom Evolution, Rhett M. Rautsaw
Inventing Network Composition: Mobilizing Rhetorical Invention and Social Media for Digital Pedagogy, Jacob Richter
Profiling and Engineering the Unfolded Protein Response in Therapeutic Protein-Producing CHO Cell Lines, Dyllan Rives
“This Is Anonymous, Right?” A Qualitative Study of Why Higher Education Students Cheat, Anne Marie Rogers
The Delaware River Basin Compact: A Case Study in Successful Transboundary Water Resource Management, Cindy Gorze Roper
Using Blended Learning To Support Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic To Increase Credit Recovery Passage Rates: A Mixed-methods Study, Anjail Salahudin-Bolden
Narrating Madness: Building Narratives Against Privileged Identity, Kristin Santa Maria
Combining Network Modeling and Experimental Approaches to Predict Drug Combination Responses, Deepraj Sarmah
Unlocking the Pediatric Transcriptome: A Combinatorial Approach for Total RNA Analysis, William Schleif
Radioluminescence Based Biochemical Sensing and Imaging Strategies to Measure Local Drug Release and pH, Gretchen B. Schober
Development and Application of 3D Kinematic Methodologies for Biomechanical Modelling in Adaptive Sports and Rehabilitation, Anne Marie Severyn
Graphene Oxide-Thermoplastic Nanocomposites: Fabrication and Properties, Seyedeh Mastooreh Seyedi Ghezghapan
Elucidation of Active Site and Mechanism of Metal Catalysts Supported in NU-1000, Hafeera Shabbir
Computational Study of Dense Gas Dispersion in Urban Areas, Rasna Sharmin
Increasing Classroom Teachers' Use of Linguistically Responsive Strategies to Support English Language Learners: A Mixed-Methods Study, Christie Shealy
Essays on Delegation and Voter Preferences, Cory Simpkins
Rewilding with AR and VR: Facilitating Care with Photography in Physically Immersive Apps, Kailan Sindelar