Dissertations from 2020
Multi-point Monin–Obukhov Similarity Theory in the Convective Atmospheric Surface Layer Using Matched Asymptotic Expansions, Mengjie Ding
Investigating the Presence of Culture in Engineering Design: A Case Study on Culture in Design Methods, Perception, and Outcomes, Malena Ataa Durowaah Agyemang
Essays on the Industrial Organization of Internet Markets, Ahmed Eddhir
The Daytime Conspicuity Benefits of Rear-Facing Bike Lights, Darlene Edewaard
Student Perceptions of Learning in Cooperative Education Experiences, An Embedded Mixed Methods Study, Katherine Ehlert
A Bayesian Approach to Computer Model Calibration and Model-Assisted Design, Carl Ehrett
Pavement Surface Evaluation Using Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning Systems, Afshin Famili
Perceived Preparation in Prospective Career Ready Students Attending a Rural High School in South Carolina, Tina K. Faulkner
Dynamics and Control of Nonholonomic Systems with Internal Degrees of Freedom, Vitaliy Fedonyuk
Towards More Efficient Behavioral Coding of Teamwork via Machine Learning, Michelle Leigh Flynn
Investigating Metal-Mediated DNA Damage Prevention by Antioxidants and Examining the Role of Metals in Fluconazole-Mediated DNA Damage, Andrea A. E. Gaertner
The Role of Low Carbon Alcohol Fuels in Advanced Combustion, Brian Gainey
Coordination and Privacy Preservation in Multi-Agent Systems, Huan Gao
Accelerated Molecular Dynamics for the Exascale, Andrew Garmon
Using Heparin-Coated Nanoparticles in the Treatment of Neointimal Hyperplasia, Nardine M. Ghobrial
Individual, Population, and Community-Level Drivers of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Population Dynamics, Laura Gigliotti
Leadership, Competencies, and Clinical Supervision: A Mixed-Methods Study of Clinical Supervision in Recreational Therapy, Heather Bright Gleghorn
The Uncertainty Principle in Control Theory for Partial Differential Equations, Andrew Walton Green
Spectroscopic Insights into the Nano-Bio Interface: Implications and Applications, Wren E. Gregory
Investigating New CTE Teachers’ Training and Support and How It Influences Teacher Efficacy, Mary Hanna
Analysis of Allocation Rules for Heart Transplantation, Farhad Hasankhani Kohneh Shahri
Application of Genomics in Nursing Practice, Elizabeth Cameron Hassen
The Materials Science and Engineering of Advanced YB-Doped Glasses and Fibers for High-Power Lasers, Thomas Wade Hawkins
Role of CYP2B in Unsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism, Obesity, and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Melissa Heintz
Investigating the Extent of the Problem: Injury Epidemiology in Cross-Country and Track & Field, Christopher Lee Hopkins
Principal Support of Inclusive Educational Practices: A Multi-Case Study, Muri Howle
Multi Sensor Multi Target Perception and Tracking for Informed Decisions in Public Road Scenarios, Andinet Negash Hunde
Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Wall Systems with Significant Thermal Mass, Nathaniel Huygen
Mechanical Properties of Thin-Film Composite Membranes and Their Role in Osmotic Processes, Jaime Andres Idarraga-Mora
Thermoelectrics: Ecological Profile and Fundamental Principles for Sustainability, Rakesh Krishnamoorthy Iyer
The Importance of Play: Identification with Video Game Characters' Intersectional Effects on Bias, Marie A. Jarrell
A Study of Quasi-Birth-Death Processes and Markovian Bitcoin Models, Kayla Doris Javier
Artificial Intelligence for Resilience in Smart Grid Operations, Randeniya Vidanage Iroshani Jayawardene
The Child Care Tax Credit, Maternal Labor Supply, and Children’s Well-being, Haibin Jiang
A Model of Understanding Choice of University by International Students: A Two-Case Study, Shuiping Jiang
Burnout and Poor Health Resulting from Resource Loss: A Longitudinal Examination of Loss Spirals, Elyssa Johnson
Using Incremental Rehearsal for Subtraction Fact Fluency Among Elementary Students with Mathematics Difficulties, Friggita Johnson
Value Creation Stories: Professional Learning Experiences of Artist-Teachers, Madeline Harlan Jurek
Using a Bayesian Framework to Develop 3D Gestural Input Systems Based on Expertise and Exposure in Anesthesia, Katherina Ann Jurewicz
Quantum Nonequilibrium in De Broglie-Bohm Theory and its Effects in Black Holes and the Early Universe, Adithya Pudukkudi Kandhadai
Applying Statistical Mechanics to Improve Computational Sampling Algorithms and Interatomic Potentials, Mariia Karabin
An Exploration of Student Reasoning about Undergraduate Computer Science Concepts: An Active Learning Technique to Address Misconceptions, Cazembe Kennedy
Shelf Life Extension of Fresh Strawberries Packaged in Clamshells with Chlorine Dioxide Generating Sachets, Samuel J. Kessler
Essays on Tactical and Operational Problems in Healthcare, Mahsa Kiani
The Appraisal of Stressors as an Outcome: Novel Directions on the Conceptualization and Measurement of Work Stress, Zachary Klinefelter
X-Panding Halogen Bonding Interactions: Hybrid Cocrystals Composed of Ionic Halides, Iodine and Organoiodines, Khadijatul Kobra
Hydrothermal Crystal Growth and Characterization of Refractory Oxides Containing 4d, 5d Transition Metal Ions and Lanthanides, Mudithangani Kolambage
Flexible Congestion Management for Error Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks, William Kolodzey
UAV-Assisted Water Quality Monitoring, Cengiz Koparan
Synthesis, Supercritical Fractionation, and Kinetic Modeling of Pyrene Pitch Oligomers, William Cabell Lamie
School-Based Instructional Leadership and Problem Solving: Principals’ Descriptions of Shared Issue Resolution, Donald C. Lawrimore, Jr.
Argument as a Context to Understand Students' Biology Epistemology, Dennis Michael Lee
Uncertainty Principles in Framed Hilbert Spaces, Haodong Li
Investigating Obfuscation as a Tool to Enhance Photo Privacy on Social Networks Sites, Yifang Li
Experimental Characterization and Biological Assessments of Polymeric Mesh Implants, Xinyue Lu
The Trump Effect and the Damage Done: A Mixed Methods Study Exploring Sociopolitical Hostility and Teacher Responses in Language Classrooms, Stephanie M. Madison
Power Scaling of Single-Mode Ytterbium and Erbium High-Power Fiber Lasers, Tuerhong Maitiniyazi
Patterns and Processes of Speciation and Phenotypic Diversification in Palm-Pitvipers (Viperidae: Bothriechis), Andrew James Mason
Geometric-based Optimization Algorithms for Cable Routing and Branching in Cluttered Environments, Nafiseh Masoudi
Internal Migration, Social Capital and Subjective Wellbeing in Albania: The Case of Kamza Town, Merita Hysen Mece
Simulated and Applied Precision Feeding System of High and Low Forage Diets with Different Fat Sources and Sequences of Dietary Fat Concentration in In-Vitro and In-Vivo Studies, Saad Ali M. Hussein
Statistical Models for the Analysis of Complex Data, Stefani Mokalled
A Framework for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Emerging Technologies at Low Technology Readiness Levels, Sheikh Moniruzzaman Moni
An Integrative Approach Concerning Radiological Protection of the Environment: Plant Influence on Biogeochemistry and Transport, Plant Uptake, and Non-Human Biota Dosimetry for Select Radionuclides, Dawn Angel Montgomery
Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of an Institution of Higher Education, Michael Bryan Moody
An Investigation of the Applicability of the Uses and Gratifications Theory for Providing Insight into e-Tourists’ Use of Smartphones, Jang-Won Moon
Inquiry Complete: Experiences and Positive Career Outcomes Among Creative Inquiry Participants, John Morgan
A Study on the Dynamic Manipulation of Structured Light Using Orbital Angular Momentum for Wireless Underwater Links, Kaitlyn S. Morgan
Electron-rich Alkynes and Azodicarboxylates Chemistry Towards Vicinal Diamine Motif Containing Small Molecules and N-Heterocycles, Chandima Jeewantha Narangoda
Forming Impressions on Computer-Mediated Healthcare Peer-Support Systems for Informal Caregivers, Shraddhaa Narasimha
Essays on the Determinants of Human Capital Investment, Elijah Neilson
Influence of Selected Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Properties of 3D Printable Cementitious Mixture for Application in Additive Manufacturing, Haripriya Nekkanti
Barriers to the Adoption of Green Building Materials and Technologies in Developing Countries: The Case of Burkina Faso, Goulwendin Alexia Nikyema
Exploring the Relationship Between Course Structures and Student Motivation in Introductory College Calculus: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective, Paran Rebekah Norton
An Exploration Using Narrative Analysis of How Employers and College Student Interns View and Explain the Development of the Career Readiness Competency, Leadership, Troy Dean Nunamaker
Traffic Analysis Resistant Infrastructure, Jonathan Oakley
Three Essays on the Resiliency of Urban Infrastructure and Public Systems, Caitlin O'Loughlin
The Comparison of Moral Reasoning within Similar Sport and Social Contexts, Gail Orem
Comparison of Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Type 1 and Type 2: A Secondary Data Analysis Using the Cancer Genome Atlas, Melissa Paquin
Student Conceptualization of Stoichiometry, Khushikumari J. Patel-Desai
Soundscapes for Social Change: Community and Consciousness through Sound Design Rhetorics, Amy Patterson
Women Student Veteran’s Help-Seeking Behaviors with Faculty, Outside the Classroom: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study, Jessica Rose Pelfrey
Dissolution of Neptunium Dioxide and Transport of Aqueous and Colloidal Neptunium in the Vadose Zone, Kathryn Margaret Peruski
Advancing Spatiotemporal Research of Visitor Travel Patterns Within Parks and Protected Areas, Brian Peterson
Improving Swimming Performance and Flow Sensing by Incorporating Passive Mechanisms, Beau Pollard
The Effect of Tenure and Gender on Corporate Boards, Benjamin James Posmanick
Evaluation of In Situ Bioremediation of 1, 4-Dioxane Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions, Angel Alejandro Ramos Garcia
Effects of Self-Monitoring on the Self-Determination of Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in a Post-Secondary Educational Setting, Kristina Nicole Randall
Combustion Phasing Modeling for Control of Spark-Assisted Compression Ignition Engines, Dennis Robertson
Qualitative & Quantitative Analyses of Existing Buildings’ Adaptability, Zoraya Roldan Rockow
Human Factors Considerations in a Telemedicine-Integrated Ambulance-Based Caregiving Environment for Stroke Care, Hunter Rogers
Fast Machine Learning Algorithms for Massive Datasets with Applications in the Biomedical Domain, Ehsan Sadrfaridpour
Evaluating Drivers’ Understanding of Automotive Symbols Related to Powertrain and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems, Breno Schwambach Costa