Theses from 1967
The Effect of Certain Insect Chemosterilants on Blood Platelets, Megakaryocytes and Clotting Time in Albino Rats, James Stephen Wright
Theses from 1966
Influence of the Melting Point of Milk Fat and Ambient Temperature on the Incidence of "Spontaneous" Rancidity in Cows Milk, John Bailey Adams
Influence of the Melting Point of Milk Fat and Ambient Temperature on the Incidence of "Spontaneous" Rancidity in Cows Milk, John Bailey Adams
Microbiological Determination of Selected Soil Pesticides, Donald A. Addison
Synthetic Approaches to 7-Substituted 2,3-Diazabicyclo [2.2.1] Heptanes, John A. Alford
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Seismic Forces on Buildings, Thomas E. Balcezak
Safe Use Of Pesticides In The United States South Carolina Approach, Boonchob Bhatraruji
Safe Use of Pesticides in the United States the South Carolina Approach, Boonchob Bhatraruji
Decomposition of Allylic Imidoesters, Clyde Edward Bishop
Quality of Cottonseed from Seed Cotton Pneumatically Conveyed Through a Single Elbow, Gerald Davis Christenbury
The Corporate Income Tax Its Effect on Economic Growth, John W. Coyle
A Hydro-Economic Model of Industrial Wasterwater Treatment Costs in South Carolina, Jeffery Darlington Denit
A Financial Analysis of Lance, Inc., Clarence E. Dukes
Creep Phenomena in Magnesium-Aluminate Spinels, Frank Young Duncan
A Fundamental Study of the Acid Dyeing Equilibria of Aminized Cotton, Bruce Adron Evans
The Feasibility of Combustion in Supersonic Flow by Self Ignition, Charles Franklin Funk
The Uptake Of Parathion And Ddt In Selected Species Of Algae And Protozoa, Wesley Wright Gregory Jr.
The Uptake of Parathion and DDT in Selected Species of Algae and Protozoa, Wesley Wright Gregory Jr.
Some Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting Weaning and Postweaning Traits in Beef Cattle, Thomas Edgar Hayden
Some Genetic and Environmental Factors Affecting Weaning and Postweaning Traits in Beef Cattle, Thomas Edgar Hayden
Dynamic Elasticity of Highway Subgrades, Marcus George Hendricks
The Development of Management Simulation, Loring Kenneth Himelright Jr.
Sorption of Water Vapor and Deuterium Oxide Vapor by Partially Hydrolyzed Derivatives of Poly(Vinyl Acetate), Sammy Carrol Honeycutt
Evaluation of Pulse Characteristics and Pulse Testing a Distributed Parameter System, Daniel H. Hunt
Resistance and Energy Gap of Germanium-Germanium Dioxide Layered Thin Films, Edward Thomas Hutcheson
The Concentration Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient of Water Vapor in Poly(vinyl alcohol) Membranes, Ibrahim Moayyad Ibrahim
Creep Phenomena in Magnesium-Aluminate Spinels, Virgil Irick
Spectrophotometric Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Alone Using Crystalline Calmagite, Robert Anthony Isaac
Structural Analysis of a Mill Bent by use of a Digital Computer, Rudolph Maurine Jones
Distribution of Phony Peach Vectors in South Carolina, Ayla Kalkandelen
Distribution Of Phony Peach Vectors In South Carolina, Ayla Kalkandelen
The Biological Impact of the Checkered Beetles (Coleoptera: Cleridae) on Populations of IPS Bark Beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), William Edgar King
Mortality and Fertility Response of Musca Domestica Linnaeus to Certain Known Mutagenic or Anti-Tumor Agents, John Benjamin Kissam
Correlation Between the Defect State of ZnO and the Kinetics of Reactions Involving ZnO, Jerome John Klawitter
Isolation Of A Propionate-utilizing Methane Bacterium, Irene Kolaitis
Isolation of a Propionate-Utilizing Methane Bacterium, Irene Kolaitis
Critical Evaluation of the Direct Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids in Aqueous Media by Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Robert Myron Lavker
Critical Evaluation of the Direct Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids in Aqueous Media by Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Robert Myron Lavker
Observations on the Endogenous Electrical Activity of the Central Nervous System of the Face Fly, Musca Autumnalis, Jimmy Alan Lyons
Observations On The Endogenous Electrical Activity Of The Central Nervous System Of The Face Fly, Musca Autumnalis, Jimmy Alan Lyons
An Evaluation of the Economic Feasibility of Mechanically Harvesting Snap Beans for the Fresh Market, South Carolina, 1965, John Broadus Maybry III
Determination of the Rotational Barriers in 1-Aryl-3, 3-Dimethyltriazenes by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Claude Bert Mayfield Jr.
The Effects Of Pesticide Runoff On Aquatic Insects, Linda Houts McCaskill
The Effects of Pesticide Runoff on Aquatic Insects, Linda Houts McCaskill
An Investigation of Some Alkaloidal Constituents of Xanthorrhiza apiifolia, Marvin Leonard Mole Jr.
An Investigation of a Vibratory Method for Compaction Control of Crushed Stone, Robert Julian Owens
On the Mechanism of the Von Braun Reaction, William Whitfield Parham
A Trial Molecular Structure of Telluracyclohexane-3,5-dione, Gordon Lee Parks
Growth Patterns in Counties of South Carolina from 1940-1960 with Particular Emphasis on Employment Changes, Robert O. Pickens III
Correlation Between the Defect State of TiO2 and the Kinetics of Reactions Involving TiO2, Michael John Popowich
An Interim Plan of Forest Management for the Belle W. Baruch Foundation Property in Georgetown, South Carolina, Larry Donald Reamer
Semipermanent Ceramic Molds for Casting Aluminum Alloys, Benjamin Pruitt Reese
Consumer Acceptance of Whole Milk Fortified with Additional Solids-not-Fat, Jon Martin Rogers
Consumer Acceptance of Whole Milk Fortified with Additional Solids-not-Fat, Jon Martin Rogers
Reactions of 12-Keto Steroids, Albert Case Ruggles
The Effect of Elastic Strain on the Resistivity of Indium, William Allen Sar
An Analysis of the Changes in South Carolina Personal Income from 1953 to 1965, William C. Schulze
Solvent Extraction and Gas Chromatography of Metal Fluoroacetylacetonates, James Royal Stokely Jr.
Reactions of Gaseous Hydrogen Chloride With Some Coordination Compounds of Copper (II) and Nickel (II), James Kirk Sullivan
Studies on the Effects of Light and Other Factors on the Growth and Sporulation of Selected Leptosphaerulina Species, Claude Earle Thomas
An Evaluation of Conventional and Nuclear Methods for Determining In-Situ Density and Moisture Content of Soils, Hugh L. Tyner
The Relative Pathogenicity of Selected Salmonella Species for Young Chickens and Turkeys, Oliver Hiram Vestal
The Relative Pathogenicity of Selected Salmonella Species for Young Chickens and Turkeys, Oliver Hiram Vestal
The Effects Of Trifluralin On The Development Of The Roots Of Corn And Bean Plants, Srisurang Wathana
The Effects of Trifluralin on the Development of the Roots of Corn and Bean Plants, Srisurang Wathana
William Faulkner's Sense of the Poetic, Ann Marie Young
Theses from 1965
The Investigation of a Synthetic Route to the Cevine Alkaloids, David Max Alabran
The Acid-Catalyzed Reactions of Selected Gamma-Ferrocenylpropionic Acids, Ralph L. Asbury Jr.
Some Factors Affecting the Chick's Digestive Tract Length and the Time Required for Passage of its Contents, Michael Victor Aylott
Tax Deferred Annuities and the South Carolina Retirement System, Melvin E. Barnette
A Comparative Study of the Action of Six Crystalliferous Bacteria on the Cabbage Looper, Trichoplusia ni, Delmar Benjamin Broersma
Preliminary Investigations of Transmission of Moraxella bovis by the Face Fly, Musca autumnalis, John Francis Brown
Preparation of Aluminum Samples for Electron Radiation Studies, Lemuel Benny Buice
A Comparison of the Cyclical Fluctuations in United States and South Carolina Insured Unemployment from 1949 to 1961, Michael L. Carlay
Preliminary Investigations Of The Toxicity Of Selected Pesticides To Euglena Gracilis, Charles Remy - Cabiac Carrow
Preliminary Investigations of the Toxicity of Selected Pesticides to Euglena gracilis, Charles Remy-Cabiac Carrow
The Effect of Surfactant Chain Length and Surface Orientation on Gas Absorption Rates, Jerry Allan Caskey
The Effects of Temperature on Symptoms in White Clover Infected With Alfalfa Mosaic Virus, Duangchai Choopanya
The Effects Of Temperature On Symptoms In White Clover Infected With Alfalfa Mosaic Virus, Duangchai Choopanya
Estimated Costs and Returns from the Production and Marketing of Vegetable Crops, Beaufort and Charleston Counties, South Carolina, 1962, Joseph Lonzie Coates
Studies in the Morphology, Life History, and Pathogenicity of Scirrhia acicola (Dearn.) Siggers, Emory Spear Crosby Jr.
Succinate Oxidase System Activity During Aestivation In The Alfalfa Weevil, Hypera Postica (gyllenhal), Roger Kenneth Cunningham
Succinate Oxidase System Activity During Aestivation in the Alfalfa Weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), Roger Kenneth Cunningham
The Effects of Weather on Guthion Residues, Patricia Ann Dees
The Effects Of Weather On Guthion Residues, Patricia Ann Dees
Oviduct and Spermatozoa Studies on Gallus domesticus Using Phosphorus-32 as a Tracer, Edward Warren Donovan
Oviduct and Spermatozoa Studies on Gallus domesticus Using Phosphorus-32 as a Tracer, Edward Warren Donovan
A Paradox of Breadth A Parallel Study of Robert Frost and Ernest Hemingway, Dorothy Stuart Dunkelberg
Studies of the Rheological and Thermal Properties of a Microbiological Suspension Using Chlorella Pyrenoidosa Algae in Matthren T-6 Nutrient, Elias Preston Earle
The Prediction of Temperature Profiles at the Outlet of a Short, Vertical, Concentric-pipe Condeser for Saturated Mixtures of Air and Water in Laminar Flow, John Irving Elsey
A Study by Electron Microscopy of Organic Phosphate Induced Demyelination of Peripheral Nerves, William Bruce Ezell Jr.
A Study By Electron Microscopy Of Organic Phosphate Induced Demyelination Of Peripheral Nerves, William Bruce Ezell Jr.
The Application of Interferometry in the Determination of the Index of Refraction of Dissociated Nitrogen, Robert Smith Farrell
The Pine Aphid Complex Of The Genus Cinara In The Appalachian Highlands Region Of South Carolina, Gerhard Fred Fedde
The Pine Aphid Complex of the Genus Cinara in the Appalachian Highlands Region of South Carolina, Gerhard Fred Fedde
The Third Virial Coefficient for a Certain Class of Intermolecular Potential Functions with Applications to the Square-Well and Triangle-Well Models, Ronald Henry Fowler
Larval Studies Of The Nantucket Pine Tip Moth And The Effect Of Attack On The Growth Of Loblolly Pine, Susan Collins Garner
Larval Studies of the Nantucket Pine Tip Moth and the Effect of Attack on the Growth of Loblolly Pine, Susan Collins Garner