Theses from 1964
A Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Sulfur Dioxide, Bobby Gene Stephens
Copper (II) Complexes of Ortho-Phenylenediamine, James Kirk Sulllivan
Zinc Borate Glasses, Kennerly Scott Thornburg
The Survival of Salmonella paratyphi and Salmonella typhosa in a Laboratory Model Sewage Lagoon, Larry Edwin Vereen
The Survival Of Salmonella Paratyphi And Salmonella Typhosa In A Laboratory Model Sewage Lagoon, Larry Edwin Vereen
Single Crystal Orientation Using Diffractometer Methods, Henry Prentiss Ward
The Effects of Temperature Stress on Subsequent Egg Production of the Fowl, John Finlay Welter
The Effects of Temperature Stress on Subsequent Egg Production of the Fowl, John Finlay Welter
The Results of TVA's Development of the Tennessee River System, Bruce M. White
An Experimental Investigation of Anchorage Zone Stresses in Pretensioned Prestressed Concrete I-Beams without End Blocks, James Markwood Wintermyre
Estimates of the Effects of Several Factors Influencing Birth and Weaning Traits of Beef Cattle, John Frederick Wise
The Stereospecific Synthesis of a Tetrahydroabietic Acid, Lynn Harvey Wright
Theses from 1963
A Synthetic Approach to the Cevine Alkaloids, David Max Alabran
A Synthetic Approach to the Cevine Alkaloids, David Max Alabran
Energy Measurements as a Parameter of Efficiency for Biological Processes, George Ralph Barnes
The Synthesis of 1,3-Dimethyl-6-Phenylnaphthalene, Charlie Nolan Bivens
A Merchandising Experiment to Test Stated Consumer Preference for Eggs Having Standardized Yolk Pigmentation, Patrick P. Boles
The Mechanisms of Operation of a Steam Injection Pulse Pump, James Richard Booth
Low Maturing Sewer Pipe Glazes from Mixtures of Shale and Oxides of Zinc, Sodium, Silicon and Boron, Edwin Heathman Bost
The Use of Natural Clays in Sewer Pipe Glazes, Isaac Leon Brandon
The Effect of some Pertinent Variables on the Dynamic Drying Rate of Lint Cotton, William Gerald Brooks
A Study of Precipitation of Alumina from Spinel Solid Solutions, Timothy Allen Clancy
Alkali Free Glazes for Fast Firing, Bob Griffith Coleman
Development of an Experimental Technique Employing Thermal Measurements for the Determination of the Effect of Various Agitator Variables on Mixing Times of a Non-Newtonian Fluid, William Harris Conner
A Solid State Potentiostat for Controlled Cathode Electrodeposition, Joe Bill Davis
Nematocidal Action of Selected Chemicals on Pasture Stages of Sheep Endoparasites, Marlene Dorris
Nematocidal Action Of Selected Chemicals On Pasture Stages Of Sheep Endoparasites, Marlene Dorris
A Study of Some of the Arthropods of the Forest Floor in Pine and Hardwood Forest Types in the South Carolina Piedmont Region, John Alexander DuRant
A Study Of Some Of The Arthropods Of The Forest Floor In Pine And Hardwood Forest Types In The South Carolina Piedmont Region, John Alexander DuRant
The Parasites and Predators of the Nantucket Pine Tip Moth, Rhyacionia frustrana (Comstock), in the Piedmont Region of South Carolina with Special Emphasis on the Biology of Campoplex frustranae Cushman, Raymond Darrell Eikenbary
The Parasites And Predators Of The Nantucket Pine Tip Moth, Rhyacionia Frustrana (Comstock), In The Piedmont Region Of South Carolina With Special Emphasis On The Biology Of Campoplex Frustranae Cushman, Raymond Darrell Eikenbary
The Influence of Anions on the Uptake of Calcium and Magnesium by Plants and on Calcium and Magnesium Movement in Soils, John Theodore Gillingham
The Application of High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction to the Interpretation of the X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Mullite and the Thermal Expansion of Mullite and Mullite Solid Solutions, Thomas Gordon Godfrey
The Separation and Recovery of Components from a Mixture of Isopropyl Alcohol and Commercial Xylene, John Keitt Hane
A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in a Sewage Oxidation Pond at Easley, South Carolina, Joseph Lawrence Henson
A Quantitative And Qualitative Study Of Phytoplankton And Zooplankton In A Sewage Oxidation Pond At Easley, South Carolina, Joseph Lawrence Henson
Sorption of Water Vapor by Hydrophilic Polymer Films, Oliver Larry Hunt
The Relationships between Microstructure and Drying Qualities of a Clay Body, Charles Lewis Jones
Semiconductive Properties of Pyro-Polymers and Polyarene Quinone Radical Polymers, Kenneth Gary Jordan
The Ferrocyne Intermediate, Lawrence Harold Keith
Experiments in the Science of Ceramics, James Charles Marvin
A Study of Prestressed Ceramic Units, Freddie Paul Nichols
The Stereochemistry of the Pyrolysis of Some N-alpha-Phenethylimino Chlorides, William Whitfield Parham
Reactions of Monofunctional and Difunctional Aliphatic and Aromatic Acyl Halides with Aminized Cotton, Henry Henon Perkins
Interfacial Polycondensation as a Means of Finishing and Dyeing Cellulosic Fabrics, Bertie Joseph Reuben
Model Analysis of Load Bearing Brick Walls, William Henry Rice
The Pyrolysis of O-Alkyl N-Substituted Benzimidates, Calvin Delane Smith
A Study of Problems Encountered by Fifty Farmers in Becoming Established in Farming in Colleton County, South Carolina, Andrew Laurie Smoak
The Relationship of Incidence of Cracked Eggs and Five Chosen Management Factors for Twenty-five Selected Producers in Newberry County, South Carolina, Kemp Lee Swiney
The Relationship of Incidence of Cracked Eggs and Five Chosen Management Factors for Twenty-five Selected Producers in Newberry County, South Carolina, Kemp Lee Swiney
Plastic Infusion of the Respiratory, Reproductive and Digestive Systems of the Fowl, Robert Owen Taylor
Plastic Infusion of the Respiratory, Reproductive and Digestive Systems of the Fowl, Robert Owen Taylor
Yield Components and their Contribution to Grain Yield in Selected Varieties of Wheat as Affected by Delayed Application of Nitrogen and Seeding Rate, Daniel R. Wilkinson
A Study of the Use of Duolite A-102D Ion Exchange Resin as a Means of Removal of Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate from Water, Eugene Perritt Willimon
Galvanomagnetic Properties of Zinc and Copper Whiskers, James Claude Wood
Theses from 1962
A3x3x3 Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Factoral for Concord Grapes in South Carolina, Dennis Arthur Abdalla
Colormetric Determination of Phosphates and Bismuth, James Herman Alley
Exchangeable Calcium and Magnesium Versus Soil pH Values in Predicting the Need for Supplemental Lime on Coastal Plain Soils, Luther Perdee Anderson
Effect of Gastrointestinal Parasites on the Quantity of Iron Eliminated in the Feces of Sheep Given Intravenous FE59, Betty Jean Ashbrook
A Study of Friedel-Crafts Benzoylation of Phenyl Substituted Ketones, Rex Franklin Bannister
A Study of Friedel-Crafts Benzoylation of Phenyl Substituted Ketones, Rex Franklin Bannister
Studies on the Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement, Tristram Walker Bethea
The Pinacol Rearrangement of 1-Phenyl-2-Methylpropane-1,2-Diol, Lawrence E. Browder
The Reduction of some 2-Substituted-4,5-Dicarbethoxypyrimidines with Lithium Aluminum Hydride, Paul Matthew Brown
Performance Testing of Beef Cattle, Lewis Felton Cato
Performance Testing of Beef Cattle, Lewis Felton Cato
A Study of the Characteristics of Selected Young Farmer Programs in South Carolina, James B. Chastain
An Application of Boundary-Layer Theory to Diffusion in a Wetted-Wall Column, Jospeh Francis Courtney
An Economic and Sociological Study of the Open-Country Churches in Anderson County, South Carolina 1961, Burl Edward Davis
An Economic Analysis of Grape Production in Greenville County, South Carolina, Jesse Carson DeBruhl
The Relation of Migratory Aptitudes to the Hammett Sigma Function, Raymon Paul Elliott
Characterization of Heat-Treated Polyvinyl Alcohol Ion-Exchange Membranes, Thomas McKnight Ellison
The Aftertreatment of Selected Direct Dyes on Cellulose Substrate with Acid Chlorides, James Nolan Etters
An Investigation of the Preparation of Cellulose Derivatives Which May be Used for the Synthesis of Cellulose Model Compounds, David Michael Hall
The Analytical Uses of Nitroform and Its Salts, Eugene Ray Harrison
A Comparative Study Of Certain Biological Phenomena Of A Parathion Treated And A Susceptible Strain Of The Plum Curculio, Conotrachelus Nenuphar (herbst), Sidney Brooks Hays
The Acid Dissociation Constants and the Calcium, Zinc, and Copper Complexes of Gossypol, Frederick Brooks Heath
The Effect of Polarity on the Mutual Diffusion Coefficient of Polar, Associated Liquid Systems, William Jay Huffman
The Effect of Sulfonation on the Properties of Azo Dyes Used as Metal-Ion Indicators, Robert Anthony Isaac
Effects of Physical Nature of Coastal Bermuda Grass Pellets on Utilization by Lambs, Ross Arden Jameson
Effects of Physical Nature of Coastal Bermuda Grass Pellets on Utilization by Lambs, Ross Arden Jameson
Relationship Between Certain Laboratory Measures and Fertility of Frozen Bull Semen, James Welborn Kelly
Stereochemistry of the Diels-Alder Reaction With Cis- and Trans-Benzalacetone and Acetylphenylacetylene, Samuel Plyler McManus
Studies On The Pathogenicity Of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus And Alfalfa Mosaic Virus On White Clover, Carol Raymond Miller
Studies on the Pathogenicity of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus and Alfalfa Mosaic Virus on White Clover, Carol Raymond Miller
An Investigation of Glyoxal BIS(2-Hydroxyanil) Derivatives as Analytical Reagents, Carl William Milligan
Growth of Bismuth and Antimony Single Crystals by the Czochralski Method, Leslie Mearns Ogilvie
The Anomaly of Solidification of High Carbon-Iron Alloys, Angelo Joseph Perna
A Crystal Sample Rotator for Use in the Study of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance as a Function of Crystal Orientation, Harry Douglas Powell
An Evaluation of 2, 3-Dibromosuccinic Acid as a Cross-Linking Agent for Cotton Textiles, Richard Stanley Powell
Developing a Program in Vocational Education for a Residential School for the Deaf and for the Blind, Harry Wallace Reid
Evaluation of Chloral and its Hydrate as Cross-Linking Agents for Cellulose, Byron Leo Richardson
The Growth and Galvanomagnetic Properties of Single Crystal Cadmium, James Bratton Robertson
The Economic Impact of Shaw Air Force Base on Sumter County, South Carolina, Tom Mike Skillman
The Conversion of Resin Acids to Steroid Analogs, Richard F. Stockel
An Economic Appraisal of the Effects of Donaldson Air Force Base Upon Greenville, South Carolina, Claude Bryant Thompson
The Mechanism of Absorption of C.I. Disperse Red 15 by Acrylic Fibers and the Influence of Selected Changes in Dye Structure on Partition Coefficient, Samuel Gregg Thompson