Theses from 1965
A Study of the Use of Electrokinetic Methods for the Removal of Suspended Lyophobic Particles Dispersed in Water, Samuel Giberga
A Rapid Method for Determining the In-Place Density of a Pavement Base Course by a Drop Hammer Penetrometer, Thomas E. Gioiosa
A Critique of the Popular Assessment of the Water Problem in the United States, E. Garland Gravely
An Investigation of the Application of Formals and Acetals of Glyoxal to Cellulosic Fabric, Julie Han
The Program Evaluation Review Technique Applied to Management, Eldred Frank Harrelson
Some Aspects of the Development of Time and Motion Study, Bernhard J. Heggelund
A Study Of The Biology And Control Of The Woolly Apple Aphid, Eriosoma Lanigera, Bruce Heniford
A Study of the Biology and Control of the Wooly Apple Aphid, Eriosoma Lanigera, Bruce Heniford
The Effects of Apholate on the Reproductive Organs of the Face Fly, Musca Autumnalis, Joseph Lawrence Henson
The Continuous Flash Distillation of an Aqueous 25 Mass Per Cent Methanol Solution and the Deviation from a Thermodynamic Model, Lyman Lyle Holland
The Swimming of a Hinged Hydrofoil of Finite Thickness, Elbert O'Neal Hooker
A Study of Frames Subjected to Static and Dynamic Load, Charles Dale Hunter
A Roller-Conveyor Kiln for Structural Ceramic Products, John H. Isenhour
A Comparative Experimental Investigation of the Impact Resistance of Layered Armor Plates as Applied to Metal and Concrete Combinations, Mahmut Esat Kadaster
Effect of Feed Restriction on Finishing Swine, William C. Keese
Effect of Feed Restriction on Finishing Swine, William C. Keese
An Explanation of Anomalous Frequencies in Varactor Frequency Multipliers, Rees Hawkins Kimble
Raw Material Variables that Affect the Extrustion Quality of Structural Clay, Rudolph Herman Kizer
Electrical Activity In The Central Nervous System Of The Alfalfa Weevil (Coleoptera:curculionidae: Hypera Postica,gyllenhaal), Francis Anthony Kutyna
Electrical Activity in the Central Nervous System of the Alfalfa Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Hypera Postica, Gyllenhal), Francis Anthony Kutyna
Vanadium Efflorescence, George Lane
An Experimental Study of Prestressed Steel Wide Flange Beams by Means of Draped Cables, Donald Arthur Lavoie
Process Dynamic Studies of a Distributed Parameter Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer System, Clarence Irwin Lewis
Studies On Fusarium Solan! Associated With Tulip Poplar Cankers In Upper South Carolina, Harriett Ann Lipscomb
Studies on Fusarium solani Associated With Tulip Popular Cankers in Upper South Carolina, Harriett Ann Lipscomb
Adducts of d1-p, p'-Diamino-2, 3-Diphenylbutane With Various Inorganic Salts, Robert A. Lloyd Jr.
The Influence of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Micronutrientson the Yield and Quality of Fiber Flax on Two South Carolina Coastal Plain Soils, Claude Boyd Loadholt
The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of the Photochemical Reaction of Pentene-1 in Air in the Presence of Nitrogen Dioxide and Water Vapor, George Blair Martin
Adhesion Mechanisms in Masonry Mortars, Hugh Darby Martin
Animal Imagery in the Novels of Thomas Hardy, Lois Jean McAllister
Effect of Certain Soil Environmental Factors and Host Nutrition on Black Shank Disease Development in Tobacco, States Marion McCarter
An Analytical Study of Selected Institutionalists: Thorstein Veblen and John R. Commons, Kathryn Axmann McGregor
Standardization of Solids in Fluid Milk by Product Concentration and Its Economic Feasibility, Richard Allen McKellar
Standardization of Solids in Fluid Milk by Product Concentration and Its Economic Feasibility, Richard Allen McKellar
Observations on the Mode of Infection and Anatomical Effects of Pythium Ultimum and Phytophthora Cactorum on Young Roots of Prunus Persica, Carol Raymond Miller
Concurrent Acid Dyeing and Resin Finishing of Cotton Fabric, John Carlee Miller
Zinc Oxide-Boric Oxide Glasses and Glazes, David Wasson Moorhead
The Syntheses, Complexing and Fiber Coloring Abilities of 5, 6-Diaza-3, 8-Dimethyl-1, 10-Phenanthroline and 2,7-Dimethyl-4, 5, 9, 10-Tetraazapyrene, Joel Luke Murray
The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of the Photochemical Reaction of Trans-2-Butene and Hexene-1 in Air Containing Nitrogen Dioxide and Water Vapor, Suryakant Hargovindas Parekh
A Study of the Occurrence of Photo-Chemical Smog with Emphasis on Temperature Effects, Wade Harris Ponder
Growth and Yield Strains of Tin Whiskers and Cross-Sections of Whiskers, Bobby Earl Powell
An Evaluation of a Stirred Differential Bed Catalytic Reactor by Study of the Dehydrogenation of Secondary-Butyl Alcohol to Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Joseph Allgood Pratt
Rate Determinants for Fast-Fire Bodies, Richard Alexander Pregnall
Preliminary investigations of the Gas Phase Photochlorination of Dimethyl Ether, John Hughes Reynolds IV
The Measurement of Group Delay in Electric Networks, Robert Taylor Rogers
An Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Plane Frames, Herbert David Rosamond
The Factory and Its Environs: Architecture and Pattern of Mill Villages in the Piedmont Area of South Carolina, Kenneth John Russo
Sales Forecasting in an Industry Characterized by Rapid Product Obsolescence, William Saitta
The Influence of Lime on the Effectiveness of Soil-Applied Herbicides, Kenneth Edward Savage
The Effect of Additions of Certain Oxides on the Strength and Weight Loss of Cement, Alfred C. Sugarman
An Economic Evaluation of Selected Containers for Use in Harvesting and Delivering South Carolina Grapes for Processing, James William Swain
Some Transition Metal Complexes of 8-Aminoquinoline, Larry Thomas Taylor
The Pyrolysis of O-Alkyl N-Substituted Benzimidates, John Francis Terapane
The Fate of White Clover Axillary Buds at Five Intensifies of Sunlight, James Lee Trautner
Bacterial Degradation of Sulfonated Lignins, Jerry Elbert Watson
Bacterial Degradation Of Sulfonated Lignins, Jerry Elbert Watson
The Effect of Amount of Mica on the Elasticity of Synthetic and Natural Piedmont Soil Mixtures, William N. Welborn
Novel Rearrangements of alpha,beta-Acetylenic Alcohols and Esters, Louis Alden Wilkin
Theses from 1964
The Effect of Seaweed Extract and Humic Acids on the O2 Uptake of Citrus Sinensis Seedlings Grown in Nutrient Element Deficient Culture, James Bruce Aitken
Implant Employee Feeding, Richard Bank Autry
Evaluation Of Three Extraction Methods And The Analysis Of Micro-quantities Of Ddt From Insect Tissue, Joseph Eugene Bumgarner
Evaluation of Three Extraction Methods and the Analysis of Micro-Quantities of DDT From Insect Tissue, Joseph Eugene Burngarner
The Extent of Replacing Sucrose with Corn Sweeteners in Dairy Chocolate Drink, Glenn Alden Carmichael
Phase Equilibrium at Gas-Liquid Interfaces, Jerry Allan Caskey
Effect of Length of Previous Dry Period, Month of Freshening, Age, Body Weight and Length of Gestation on Milk and Fat Yields of Dairy Cattle, Cecil Douglas Clawson
Raw Materials Influences on Micro-Structure, Charles Haley Coggin
An Economic Analysis of Adjustment Opportunities on Tobacco Farms in the Upper Coastal Plain Area of South Carolina, 1964, Billy Dee Cook
The Influence of Nitrogen, Potassium, and Calcium on the Quality of Tomatoes, Wilton Pierce Cook
Acoustical Properties of Structural Clay Products, Ovid Clarence Culler
Influence of Fertilizer Rates on Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco Varieties, Robert Eugene Currin
Coastal Bermuda Grass Meal in Swine Gestation Rations, Leon William Davis
Coastal Bermuda Grass Meal in Swine Gestation Rations, Leon William Davis
An Evaluation by School Administrators of Teacher Preparation and Performance in Conducting Programs of Vocational Agriculture, Larry R. Edwards
The Parasites of the Nantucket Pine Tip Moth, Rhyacionia frustrana (Comstock), in South Carolina, Raymond Darrell Eikenbary
An Economic Analysis of the Marketing Practices for Pulpwood and Saw Timber in Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens Counties, South Carolina, 1962, James Oliver Frye
A Study of the Feasibility of Using Dithiooxamide and Several of its N, N1-Disubstituted Derivatives on Various Textile Fibers, Russell Turner Gilliam
A Study of the Exchangeable, Unexchangeable, and Total Potassium of Top and Subsoils at Various Depths for Fertile and Infertile Soils in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain Areas of South Carolina, Donald Richard Gowan
Sterilization Of The Face Fly, Musca Autumnalis Degeer, With Apholate And Tepa, Jakie Alexander Hair
Sterilization of the Face Fly, Musca Autumnalis Degeer, with Apholate and Tepa, Jakie Alexander Hair
The Stereochemistry of the Decomposition of some N-Phenyl-O-Alkyl Chloroimidates, Edwin P. Hall
A Binary to Decimal Converter, Charles Kent Ham
Identification of Some Biochemical Components of Fowl Semen, Mary Corinne Hammond
Identification of Some Biochemical Components of Fowl Semen, Mary Corinne Hammond
Feasibility and Application of Interferometry for Studying for Catalytic Recombination of Dissociated Nitrogen, Michael E. Hilley
An Economic Analysis of Costs in Packing Peaches for the Fresh Market in Different Type Containers, Ridge Area, South Carolina, 1963, Robert Tom Hinsch
Sorption of Water Vapor by Ionic Membranes, Sammy Carrol Honeycutt
An Evaluation of New Reaction Kinetics Equipment by a Study of the Catalytic Air Oxidation of Ethylene to Ethylene Oxide, Samuel John Kasley
Acid Forms of Wool, Kermit Stillman LaFleur
Effects of Frequency of Cutting Upon the Nutritive Value of Coastal Bermudagrass as Determined by an in Vitro Method, Daniel Dixon Lee
Effects of Frequency of Cutting Upon the Nutritive Value of Coastal Bermudagrass as Determined by an in Vitro Method, Daniel Dixon Lee
Piggyback Method for Producing Polycrystalline γ-Lithium Aluminate Fibers, Gregory Mark Lowe
The Coordination Chemistry of Tellurium (IV) With Acetylacetone, Vahé Mardiros Marganian
An Analysis of Changes in Demand for Poultry Following an Experimental Sales Promotion Program in Six South Carolina Supermarkets, John Michael Marr
Dissemination of Colletotrichum Lagenarium (Pass.) Ell. & Halst., Casual Agent of Watermelon Anthracnose, Melvyn Lazelle Ottinger
Dissemination Of Colletotrichum Lagenarium (pass.) Ell. & Halst., Causal Agent Of Watermelon Anthracnose, Melvyn Lazelle Ottinger
Relationship of Water of Crystallization and Grain-Size of Mica in Piedmont South Carolina Soils, Lawrence Franklyn Pace
Coloring Mechanism in Structural Clay Products, John Fletcher Smoak
Rate Determinates of Glaze Formation, Maxwell Keen Spear
The Relation of Intensity Levels of Sunlight to the Developmental Morphology and Incidence of Stolon Diseases of White Clover, Robert Lee Stanley Jr.