Theses from 1962
Rearrangements of alpha,beta-Unsaturated Alcohols and Esters, Harold McCoy White
The Preparation of a Series of Some 2-Substituted-4,5-Pyrimidinedicarboxamides, Louis Alden Wilkin
Spectrophotometric Analysis of Aqueous Fluorides, Mildred Aleen Williams
The Influence of a Substituent Methyl Group on the Formation of Quinazolinediones From Phthalamides by the Hofmann Reaction, James Arthur Williamson Jr.
Biological Control Of Scme Soil-borne Plant Pathogens By Antagonistic Organisms And Organic Amendments, Gerald Robert Wilt
Biological Control of Some Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens by Antagonistic Organisms and Organic Amendments, Gerald Robert Wilt
Theses from 1961
The Effects of Finishing Rations on Carcass Characteristics of Swine, Joe Ralph Ables
The Effects of Finishing Rations on Carcass Characteristics of Swine, Joe Ralph Ables
The Livestock Market News System in South Carolina, Daniel Wheeler Bickley
An Evaluation of Practices Used by South Carolina Farmers in Selecting Small Grains Planting Seed, John Olar Black
A Microbiological Assay for the Unidentified Growth Factor of Alfalfa, Gail Stephens Bosley
Deterioration of Calcium Stabilized Zirconia, John Dennis Buckley
The Effects of Different Levels of Trimethylalkylammonium Stearate in Creep Rations for Lambs on Winter Grazing, William Arnold Case
The Effects of Different Levels of Trimethylalkylammonium Stearate in Creep Rations for Lambs on Winter Grazing, William Arnold Case
A Proposed Guidance Program for Anderson Public Schools, School District 5, Helen M. Coleman
The Effect of Adding Lysine and/or Oleandomycin to Plant Protein Rations for Swine, Joyce Edison Cox
The Effect of Adding Lysine and/or Oleandomycin to Plant Protein Rations for Swine, Joyce Edison Cox
Relationship of pH, Organic Matter Content, and Soil Texture to the Lime Requirement of Representative South Carolina Soils, Donald Workman Eaddy
Description and Analysis of Lending Policies and Practices of National Farm Loan Associations in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, William M. Garmon
The Kinetics of the Disorder to Order Transition in AuCu, William Edward Gettys
A History of the Development of Production Credit Associations and Description of their Lending Policies and Practices in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, 1958, Donald C. Henderson
The Association Of Polyporus Palustris With A Brown Heart-wood Decay Of Peach, Richard Henry Holstein III
The Association of Polyporus Palustris With a Brown Heart-Wood Decay of Peach, Richard Henry Holstein III
A Study of the Sorption and Desorption Properties of a Polyelectrolytic Membrane, Randolph Bruce Huff
Characterization of Crosslinked Ion-Selective Membranes, Oliver Larry Hunt
A Study of Thermal and Resonance Neutron Flux Detectors in the Standard Pile of the Savannah River Laboratory, George Milton Jacks
An Absorption Spectrophotometric Study of Heat Treated Polyvinyl Alcohol-Polyelectrolyte Membranes, Kenneth Gary Jordan
Thiodan As A Trunk Spray For The Control Of The Peach Tree Borer, Sanninoidea Exitiooa (say), John Benjamin Kissam
Thiodan as a Trunk Spray for the Control of the Peach Tree Borer, Sanninoidea Exitiosa (Say), John Benjamin Kissam
Standardization Of A Procedure For Artificial Inoculation Of Cucumbers With Colletotrichum Lagenarium (pass .) Ell. & Halst., Robert Hardin Littrell
Standardization of a Procedure for Artificial Inoculation of Cucumbers With Colletotrichum Lagenarium (Pass.) Ell. & Halst., Robert Hardin Littrell
A Comparison of the Mental Ability and Achievement of Athletes in Three High Schools in South Carolina with that of Non-Athletes, Thomas M. Looper
An Evaluation of the Ability of Selected Compounds to Retard Wool Damage in Aqueous Media at High Temperatures and Pressures, Jack Arthur Lynch
Frequency Multipliers Using Nonlinear Capacitors - an Investigation of the Dependency of Efficiency on the Capacitor'S Nonlinearity Factor, Pete Nick Marinos
Studies On The Pathogenicity Of Nine Species Of Fungi And Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus On White Clover, States Marion McCarter
Studies on the Pathogenicity of Nine Species of Fungi and Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus on White Clover, States Marion McCarter
The Penetration of Insecticidal Preparations Into a Column of Soil, Wesley Ray McCaskill
The Penetration Of Insecticidal Preparations Into A Column Of Soil, Wesley Ray McCaskill
A Kinetic Study of Acid Catalized Reactions of cis-cis Dibenzalacetone, James Brewer McKinzie
An Evaluation of the Heating Microscope to Determine Certain Commercially Important Glaze Properties, Robert Bruce McLees
A Study of the Hall Effect in Single Crystals of Silicon with Donor and Acceptor Impurities, William Henry McMahan
The Physical Fitness of 337 Boys of Palmetto High School, Williamston, South Carolina, 1961 Compared with National Norms, Marion W. Middleton
The Physical Fitness of 337 Boys of Palmetto High School, Williamston, South Carolina, 1961 Compared with National Norms, Marion W. Middleton
Problems and Interests of Young Farmers in School District Number One, Florence, South Carolina, with Implications for an Educational Program, Maxcy Pearle Nolan
Factors Contributing to the Poor Agreement Between Laboratory Estimated Lime Requirements and pH Values Obtained Under Field Conditions on Four South Carolina Soils, Albert Norman Plant
An Analysis of Students Withdrawing from Conway High School, Conway, South Carolina, George O. Smith Jr.
Magnesium Iodate Tetrahydrate as a Primary Standard for Standardization of (Ethylenedinitrilo)Tetraacetate Solutions for Calcium and Magnesium Titrations, Bobby Gene Stephens
A Study of Three Rural Community Development Clubs in South Carolina, Milford Hunt Sutherland
The Synthesis of Some Alkylating Agents as Potential Anti-Cancer Compounds, Charles Henry Tripp Jr.
The Selectivity of Disperse Dyes on Cellulose Triacetate and Polyester Fibers as a Function of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Functional Groups on the Dye Molecules, John Dean Turner
An Economic Analysis of Future Prospects of the Grape Processing Industry in the Piedmont Area of South Carolina, John Louis Williams
The Farm Unit Test-Demonstration Program, Paul Silas Williamson
Theses from 1960
The Effects of Diethylstilbestrol on Rate and Economy of Gain and Carcass Characteristics of Steers Fattened in Dry Lot, Carl Willis Ackerman
Prognosis of Success in Elementary Algebra in Pinellas County, Florida, Willis W. Butts
Prognosis of Success in Elementary Algebra in Pinellas County, Florida, Willis W. Butts
Inheritance of Resistance to Soil-Borne Mosaic of Oats, Bruce Weldon Byrd
An Analysis of Costs in Packing Fresh Peaches in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Adger Bowman Carroll
The Effect of Thermal Expansion Mismatch on Two-Phase Ceramic Bodies, Donald James Cassidy
Mechanical Vibrations as a Method of Separating Cotton Locks from the Burr, Joe Edward Clayton
Stress Measurements in Polycrystalline Metals by X-Ray Diffraction, John Robert Diffraction
The Influence of the Nitro Group on the Formation of Phthalazinediones from Phthalamides by the Hofmann Reaction, John Philip Duane
An Application of Ion Exchange Technique to Spectrochemical Analysis, Roy James Duckett
The Effect of Fertilization and Frequency of Forage Clipping Upon the Phosphorus Content and Vertical Distribution of Phosphorus in Coastal Bermudagrass Roots, William Herbert Funchess
A Low Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer Chamber and Debye Temperatures by Low-Temperature X-Ray Diffractometry, John Atkins Gilreath
A History of the Social, Economic, and Political Development of Belton, South Carolina, Max Wilton Grubbs
A Study of Difficulties Encountered in Mathematics by Eighth Grade White Pupils in Oconee County Schools for the Year 1955-1956 and Their Achievements as Compared to Published Norms, Fred Palmer Hamilton
A Study of the Effects of Air on Heat Transfer Coefficients for Condensing Vapors, Philip Madison Hamilton Jr.
A Study of the Scores Derived from the California Achievement and the California Mental Maturity Tests Administered to Grades One Through Six in the Keowee Elementary School, Keowee, South Carolina, in Three Years of Testing, Martha Emogene Holleman
The Biology and Control of the Black Widow Spider, Sherry Hannah Holleman
The Biology And Control Of The Black Widow Spider, Sherry Hannah Holleman
A Study of the Methods Used in Financing the Supervised Farming Programs of All-Day Students of Vocational Agriculture in South Carolina, Floyd Drayton Johnson
A Determination of the Molecular Weight of Lignin Using an Isothermal Distillation Method, Leon J. Keller
A Determination of the Electrical Resistivity of Raw Cotton Fibers, John Vaughan Lee
The Addition of Dienes to O-Phenyl-P-Benzoquinone, Patrick A. Malcolm
An Automatic Temperature Control System for a Ceramic Kiln, John William McCombs
The Physical Fitness of 256 Fifth Grade Pupils of Anderson County School District Number Five, Anderson, South Carolina, 1960, Compared to National Norms, Mary T. McPhail
The Physical Fitness of 256 Fifth Grade Pupils of Anderson County School District Number Five, Anderson, South Carolina, 1960, Compared to National Norms, Mary T. McPhail
Potentiometric Study of the Copolymer Methyl Vinyl Ether and Maleic Anhydride-Copper Complexes, Lewis Jackson Moore
The Use and Effect of Zinc Perchlorate as a Catalyst for Epoxide Resins, Edward Sture Olson
Tractor Maintenance Instruction Program by Vocational Agriculture Teachers in Supervisory District IV, South Carolina, Senis McTeer Padgett
A Survey Of Hymenomycetous Fungi Associated With Peach Wood In South Carolina And The Parasitism Of Clitocybe Tabescens (scop. Ex Fr.) Bres.on Peach, Donald Harry Petersen
A Survey of Hymenomycetous Fungi Associated With Peach Wood in South Carolina and the Parasitism of Clitocybe Tabescens (Scop. Ex Fr.) Bres. on Peach, Donald Harry Peterson
Neutron Flux Distributions in Natural Uranium Tubes, Thomas Brady Ponder
A Gaseous Scintillation Counter with Gas Multiplication, Perry Sprawls
Attainment of an Ultra-High Vacuum, William Eugene Tiller
A Study of Rancidity in Milk, James Aaron Trammel
A Study of Rancidity in Milk, James Aaron Trammel
The Addition of Dienes to Hi-p-Benzoquinone, Henry Cumming Twiggs Jr.
An Investigation of Geometrical Isomerism in Dibenzalacetone, Harold McCoy White
Theses from 1959
A Taxonooc And Phylogenetic Investigation In The Axillary Sclerites Of The Wings Of Coleoptera, Abu Saleh Mohd. Abdul Matin
A Diagnostic Approach to a Better Understanding of a Homeroom Section of Ninth Grade Students, Jean Drennon Altman
Effects of Systemic and Non-Systemic Insecticides on the Level of Radioactive Phosphorus in the Blood of Rabbits, Thomas Jordan Bradley Jr.
Effects Of Systemic And Non- Systemic Insecticides On The Level Of Radioactive Phosphorus In The Blood Op Rabbits, Thomas Jordan Bradley Jr.
The Effects of Tangled Seed Cotton on Gin Stand Operation and Inherent Fiber Properties, David Witt Chandler
The Structure of the Hypocotyl of the Cotton Seedling in Relation to its Resistance to Infection by the Anthracnose Fungus (Colletotrichum gossypii), Barbara Delores Burnette Evans
The Structure Of The Hypocotyl Of The Cotton Seedling In Relation To Its Resistance To Injection By The Anthracnose Fungus (Colletotrichum Gossypii), Barbara Delores Burnette Evans
The Interpretation of Back Reflection Laue Photographs, William Edward Gettys
An Investigation of the Motivational Factors Related to the Academic Success of Two College Graduates, Joseph G. Guggino
An Investigation of the Motivational Factors Related to the Academic Success of Two College Graduates, Joseph G. Guggino