Dissertations from 2023
Photovoltaics, Batteries, and Silicon Carbide Power Electronics Based Infrastructure for Sustainable Power Networks, Prahaladh Paniyil
Characterization of the Effects of The Pyrazolopyrimidine Inhibitor Grassofermata (NAV-2729) in the Eukaryotic Pathogen Trypanosoma Brucei, Kristina Marie Parman
Managing Teacher Attrition: Improving Teacher Self-Efficacy Through the Implementation of Professional Learning Communities, Stephanie Peagler
Use of Vocabulary Strategies to Aid English Language Learners in a General Education Biology Classroom, Virginia Perry
Citrate Hydrogels for Regenerative Medicine Applications, Mark Pitman
Characterization of Lignin and Cellulose Biopolymers Structure – Function Relationships, Zachariah Pittman
Voces Perdidas: LatinX DACAmented College Students' Access to U.S. Healthcare, Alicia Delia Pola
Two Essays in Human Capital, Illia Polovnikov
Validating a Human Trafficking Screening Tool for Women Returning to Uganda From the Middle East, Jason Pope
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Frustrated Lanthanide Pyrochlores and Transition Metal Double Perovskites and Germanates, Matthew S. Powell
An Overview of Risk Factors for Neural Tube Defects and an Investigation Within South Carolina, Lucy Pulliam
Communication in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome: Assessment and Genotype-Phenotype Correlation, Sarah Quadri
The Myth of Perfection: Charting the Rhetoric of Veteran Disability for a Course to Stability, Nicholas Rader
Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Molybdenum Disulfide: Thermal-Mechanical Properties and Phase Transitions Under External Loading, Mahabubur Rahman
Extensional Flows of Polymer Solutions in Planar Microchannels, Mahmud Kamal Raihan
The Perceived Role of School Counselors in RAMP and Non-RAMP Schools, Rob Rhodes
Buried Forensics: A Rhetorical/Material Analysis of Gendered Death, Sarah Richardson
Make It Make Sense: An Exploratory Examination of Teacher Sense Making Around Culturally Responsive Classroom Management, Ricardo Devon Robinson
Physics-based Machine Learning Methods for Control and Sensing in Fish-like Robots, Colin Rodwell
From Experiences to Beliefs: An Exploratory Case Study on Science Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Emergent Bilinguals, Yamil Ernesto Ruiz
Explainable Physics-informed Deep Learning for Rainfall-runoff Modeling and Uncertainty Assessment across the Continental United States, Sadegh Sadeghi Tabas
Generative Neural Network-Based Defense Methods Against Cyberattacks for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, M Sabbir Salek
Fatty Acids and Parasitism: Towards a Better Understanding of Lipid Metabolism in Trypanosoma Brucei, Joshua Saliutama
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Team Cognition in Human-AI Teams, Beau Schelble
Recovering Coefficients of Second-Order Hyperbolic and Plate Equations via Finite Measurements on the Boundary, Scott Randall Scruggs
Conceptualizing Technology in Landscape Architecture (TLA) For the 21st Century, Xiwei Shen
Studies on Electrochemical Hydrogen Isotope Separation, Liyanage Mayura Sankalpa Silva
The Search for Heavily Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei in the Local Universe, Ross Silver
Opioid Prescribing Practice & Policy – A Study of Medicaid Pediatric Population in South Carolina, Laksika Sivaraj
Hydrothermal Synthesis of First-Row Transition Metal Polyanions Towards the Design of Frustrated Magnetic Materials, Megan Smart
Advancement of Detection and Treatment for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer and Infectious Disease, Austin Smothers
Glass Bubbles Grafted With Polymer Brushes for Liquid Hydrocarbon Fire Extinguishment, Randall Snipes
The Relationship Between Community Rebounding After a Sequence of Environmental Disasters and Social Cohesion in Puerto Rico, Saeideh Sobhaninia
Nanobubble Technology for the Removal of MIB and Geosmin From Drinking Water, Meryem Soyluoglu
Accurate Orientation Control Of Tendon Driven Continuum Robots That Exhibit Elasticity, Manu Srivastava
3D Printing with Photopolymerizable Polyester Resins for Resorbable Medical Device Applications, Mathew Murphy Stanford
Algebraic and Integral Closure of a Polynomial Ring in its Power Series Ring, Joseph Swanson
Coming Home: Challenges of Reintegration for Returned Migrant Women in Northern Albania, Marsida Tafilica
Unruly Periods: Reproductive Futurities and the Rhetorics of Menstruation, Hannah Taylor
Biology and Herbicide Resistance Characteristics of Various Annual Bluegrass (Poa Annua L.) Biotypes From Across the United States, Jacob William Taylor
The Role of Attention Control in Automation Performance, Claire Textor
Bridging the Gap Between Phase Behavior and Processing For Renewable and Refinable Carbonaceous Precursors, Graham Tindall
An Integrative Approach to Modelling Human-Wildlife Coexistence Landscapes in the Northern Great Plains, Keifer Titus
Resilient, Sustainable, and Secure Systems Support for Ultra-Low-Power Computational Things, Nicole Tobias
Supporting Nontenure Faculty in Documenting Teaching Effectiveness in a Faculty Learning Community, Becky Tugman
III-Nitride Triangular Microcantilevers For Multimodal Sensing Applications, Balaadithya Uppalapati
Essays on Manufacturing and Growth, Hugo Vaca Pereira Rocha
Acceleration Methods for Nonlinear Solvers and Application to Fluid Flow Simulations, Duygu Vargun
The Effects of Primary and Secondary Task Workloads on Cybersickness in Immersive Virtual Active Exploration Experiences, Rohith Venkatakrishnan
All Hands on Deck: Choosing Virtual End Effector Representations to Improve Near Field Object Manipulation Interactions in Extended Reality, Roshan Venkatakrishnan
Computationally-Driven Insights Into the Ligand Environments of Materials for Catalysis and Separations, Stephen Vicchio
“If I Was That Cop…”: Improving Attitudes Toward Police Through an Educational Intervention for Use-Of-Force Knowledge and Empathy, Randle Aaron Molina Villanueva
Meaning Matters: Cognitive Crafting as a Sensemaking Mechanism and Motivational Process to Enhance Gig Driver Well-being, Gwendolyn Paige Watson
A Digital Triplet for Utilizing Offline Environments to Train Condition Monitoring Systems for Rolling Element Bearings, Ethan Wescoat
The Erasure of Rural West Texas Voices in Higher Education Institutions an Autoethnographic Study of Minoritized Students of West Texas in Their Journey to Obtain Success in Higher Education Institutions, David Whaley-Weems Sr
CFRP Delamination Density Propagation Analysis by Magnetostriction Theory, Brandon Eugene Williams
Did That Help? Harnessing Natural Language Processing to Uncover Characteristics of Peer Feedback and Their Impacts on Teamwork-Skills Learning., Annamaria V. Wolf
Leveraging Professional Learning to Impact Leadership of Technology Integration, Tennille Woodward
Activated Carbon Synthesis From Lignin-Rich Byproduct Streams of Biorefineries, Chengjun Wu
Studies of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Responses to Multi-Scale Energy Deposition Processes, Haonan Wu
Multidimensional Chromatographic Coupling Strategies Implementing Capillary-Channeled Polymer Fiber Stationary Phases, Sarah Wysor
Investigating and Addressing Tiger Conservation in the Himalayas, Pramod Kumar Yadav
Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasma Diagnostics, Yang Yang
Modeling and Solution Methodologies for Mixed-Model Sequencing in Automobile Industry, Ibrahim Ozan Yilmazlar
Functional Analysis of Two Campoletis Sonorensis Ichnovirus Vinnexins in Drosophila Melanogaster, Peng Zhang
New Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods for Some Structured Problems in Physics, Tianqi Zhang
Development & Validation of Needle-based Metrics for Hemodialysis Cannulation Skill Assessment, Ziyang Zhang
Probing the Structure of Water on Surfaces: From Water Absorption to Ice Nucleation, Jiarun Zhou
Zeros of Modular Forms, Daozhou Zhu
Prevention and Reversal of Elastin-Associated and Phosphate-Dependent Arterial Calcification Using Targeted Nanotherapeutics in Pre-clinical Models, Fatema Tuj Zohora
Dissertations from 2022
Electrical and Optical Characterization of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors Using Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Pan Adhikari
The Importance of Hand Motions for Communication and Interaction in Virtual Reality, Alex Adkins
Chemical and Sensory Analyses of Teas From Mangifera Indica L. Leaves and Evaluation of Their Anti-Adipogenic Effect in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes, Sepideh Alasvand Zarasvand
Influence of Climate and Droughts on Visibility Degradation in Saudi Arabia, Saleh Alhathloul
The Effect of Freezing Rates and Storage on Atlantic Salmon and Peaches, Wesam Aljeddawi
The Effects of the AVID Program on Rural Student Growth in Middle Grades Mathematics, James Allen
Holistic Performance Analysis and Optimization of Unified Virtual Memory, Tyler Allen
Geology-Based Shear-Wave Velocity Model of Reference Site Conditions in South Carolina for Seismic Site Response Analysis, Camilius Amevorku
Bayesian Analysis of Combining Forecasts, Chitraporn Amrapala