Dissertations from 2024
Optimization Strategies to Enhance Performance in Matrix/Tensor Factorization and Multi-Source Data Integration, Mengyuan Zhang
Structure-Property Relationship Studies of Electrically Conductive Metal-Organic Framework Materials, Shiyu Zhang
Robust and Trustworthy Deep Learning: Attacks, Defenses and Designs, Bingyin Zhao
Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Advanced High-power Single-mode 9xxnm Semiconductor Lasers, Xiaolei Zhao
Enhancing Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells by Advanced Laser Processing for Superior Performance, Tianyi Zhou
Dissertations from 2023
Exploring Critical Media Literacies in Youth Media Production: Tackling Falsehoods Through Media Creation, Oluwadara Abimbade
Improved Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Modeling and Automation of Bridge System Identification Techniques, Omar Abuodeh
Acetate Metabolism in the Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus Neoformans, Oly Ahmed
Empirical Studies on Global Product Reviews, Maneesh Reddy Ajjuguttu
Ti-6Al-4V β Phase Selective Dissolution: In Vitro Mechanism and Prediction, Michael A Kurtz
Women's Advancement to U.S. Higher Education Executive Leadership: an Intersectional, Secondary Data Analysis, Ann Marie Alexander
A Value-Based Sequential Optimization Framework for Efficient Materials Design Considering Uncertainty and Variability, Maher Alghalayini
Mesoscale Modeling and Machine Learning Studies of Grain Boundary Segregation in Metallic Alloys, Malek Alkayyali
Towards Enabling Usable Batteryless Wearables, Arwa Alsubhi
VANET Applications Under Loss Scenarios & Evolving Wireless Technology, Adil Alsuhaim
Concentration Theorems for Orthonormal Sequences in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space, Travis Alvarez
Vibration-based Fault Diagnostics in Wind Turbine Gearboxes Using Machine Learning, Abdelrahman Amin
Cosmic Diffuse Neutrino and Gamma-Ray Backgrounds in the MeV Regime, Ilukpitiye Samalka Anandagoda
Multiscale Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression for Applications in Composite Materials, Joshua Arp
Investigating the Potential of a Cell-Based Gene Editing Therapy for Inherited Metabolic Liver Disease, Ilayda Ates
Investigation of VO2 thin films and devices for opto-electromechanical applications, Samee Azad
Intermittent but Connected: Reliable Wireless Networking for Battery-free Systems, Simeon Babatunde
My Superintendent Journey From Educator to Activist: An Autoethnography Across Three Decades, Betty Bagley
Integrating Sensor Development, Risk Assessment, and Community Engagement to Support Environmental Justice in the Rural Community of El Tiple, Colombia, David Bahamon Pinzon
Engineering Next-Generation Cardiovascular Therapies, Ryan Walker Barrs
Epidemiological Approaches for Practical Solutions to Pertinent Peanut Problems, Hope Becton
Supramolecular pi-Donor/Acceptor Arrays Based on Redox-Active Metal-Organic Coordination Assemblies, Paola Benavides
Exploring the Interpretation of Difficult Heritage at Football Grounds in Spain, Portugal, and Germany, Felipe Bertazzo Tobar
Developing and Validating a Measure of Team Coordination Using Unobtrusive Data: The RADSM Process, Alexxa Bessey
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the In-plane Shear Behavior of Cantilever Cross-Laminated Timber Diaphragms, Bibek Bhardwaj
The Effects of Laser Shock Peening on the Fatigue Life of Additive Manufactured AlSi10Mg, Jacob L. Biddlecom
Variability in Anesthesia and Its Implications for Improving Patient Safety, Joshua Michael Biro
Comparison of COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Methodologies in the U.S., Joseph Blommel
To Give or Not To Give: A Qualitative Descriptive Study on Alumni Giving Behavior at a Historically Black College and University, Shanaee Bodrick
Innovations in Geospatial Technologies for Water and Environmental Resource Protection, Madeleine Bolick
A Mixed Methods Analysis of Influences Surrounding Undergraduate Science Recruitment: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities, Evelyn Abagayle Boyd
Developing a Cultural Management Approach to Bermudagrass Mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) Infestation, Matthew Brown
Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Design of Structural Topologies, Nathan Brown
A Multi-Agent Modeling Social Network Analysis of Cooperative Learning Groups Within a Simulated Adult Education Classroom Learning Environment, Leverett Bruner
Force Displacement, Forced Perspective: the Rhetorics of Refugee Experience, Jonathan Burgess
Filth Flies as a Vector for Some Pathogenic Bacteria Transfer, Ahmet Buyukyavuz
Controlled Manipulation and Transport by Microswimmers in Stokes Flows, Jake Buzhardt
Biochemical Characterization of SSB1, SSB2, SYCP3, and MEILB2 In Meiotic Recombination, Garrett Buzzard
Electron-Transfer Mediated Photo-Switching in Nanoparticles, Liaoran Cao
In Vitro and in Vivo Diabetic Models for Assessment of Tissue Engineered Vascular Grafts, Juan Carlos Carrillo Garcia
New DNA Repair and Demethylation Functions in Uracil DNA Glycosylase Superfamily, Chenyan Chang
A Scalable Transmission and Distribution Co-simulation Platform for IBR-Heavy Power Systems, Yousu Chen
Assesment of Structure, Function, and Microevolutionary Dynamics of Extrachromosomal Circular DNA in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells, Dylan Chitwood
Essays on Integer Programming Approaches to Analyze Equilibrium Solutions in Games, Lucky Cho
Investigation of Fatigue Response with Analytical and Machine Learning Models and Hygroscopic Analysis of Asymmetric Bistable CFRP Composites, Shoab Ahmed Chowdhury
The Effects of the ESOL Program on African American Vernacular Speaking Students Reading, Marquice Clark
Adversarial Deep Learning and Security with a Hardware Perspective, Joseph Clements
Long-term English Learner: One Voice and Perspective of Schooling Experiences, Donna Confere
“We Felt Powerful and Rebellious”: Contested Spaces, Lesbian Identity, and the Evolution of Separatism, Sarah Cooper
Conceptual and Technological Advancements in Visitor Use Management of Coastal and Estuarine Environments, Tyler Cribbs
Mindfulness as an Emotional Well-Being Tool For Beginning Teachers, Brittany Crumley
A Study on Asymmetric Perfect Vortex: Fractional Orbital Angular Momentum and Nonlinear Interaction, Kunjian Dai
The Power of Play: The Role of Children’s Museums in Kindergarten Readiness, Catie Davis
Leadership Matters: Developing and Growing Leaders to Lead High-Needs Schools, Mona Dickson
Genealogical Blackness: Listening Rhetorically to Identities, Ancestors, and the Legacies of Slavery in Archival Spaces, Sheila K. Dodson
Influences on Pregnancy: An Exploration of Maternal Discrimination, an Alternative Model of Prenatal Care and Health Information Online, Emily Doherty
Influence of Access to Public Parks on Mortality Among Older Adults in the United States, Jiaying Dong
Public Libraries As Thirdspaces for Community Participation in the Informational Society, Rieta Drinkwine
Social Distortion: Disinformation, Polarization, and the Politics of Identity in an Online World, Jennifer Duck Brown
A Transport Property-Based Assessment Of Triple Ionic-Electronic Conductors As Cathodes for Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells, Jack Harrison Duffy
Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Through a Trust in Science Training Intervention, Nathan Dumessa
An Exploration of the State of Practice of Recreational Therapy Within Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Jacqueline Dyke
Parental and Individual Correlates of Work Ethic in Young People in Albania, Eljona Elmazi
Cyber Attack Surface Mapping For Offensive Security Testing, Douglas Everson
Assessing Chondrocyte Viability of Articular Cartilage Using Label-Free Imaging Methods, Hongming Fan
E-Commerce Digital Information Transparency and Satisfaction. Can We Have Too Much of a Good Thing?, Slava Ferguson
Improving Lignin Recovery From Paper Mill and Biorefinery Waste Streams via Liquid-Phase Splitting, Carter Fitzgerald
How to Make Agents and Influence Teammates: Understanding the Social Influence AI Teammates Have in Human-AI Teams, Christopher Flathmann
Trust-based Runtime Verification of Autonomous Robotic Systems, Maziar Fooladi Mahani
Aspects of Stochastic Geometric Mechanics in Molecular Biophysics, David Frost
A Coordinated Main and Backup Protection Scheme for LVDC Microgrids Using Single-Ended Measurements, Munim Bin Gani
Enhancing Security and Performance of Deep Neural Networks, Azadeh Gholamrezazadeh Famili
High-Energy Storm Events and Their Impacts on Carbon Storage in Tidal Wetlands of South Carolina, Gavin Gleasman
Accessible Virtual Reality for Older Adults, Aaron Gluck
The Use of the South Carolina School Improvement Model - Quick Cycles in Sixth-Grade Science Classrooms, Jennifer Gnann
Bridging the Gap Between High-Stakes Testing and 21st Century Skills, Patricia Gosnell
Energy-Aware Coordination of Automated Vehicles, Nathan Goulet
miRNA Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy, Maslyn Greene
Elucidating the Mechanical and Transport Properties of Lignin-Based Hydrogel Composites, Nicholas Gregorich
Classification of Electrical Current Used in Electroplastic Forming, Tyler Grimm
Understanding the Role of Interactivity and Explanation in Adaptive Experiences, Lijie Guo
Cellular Mechanism Of Pentagalloyl Gucose-Mediated Prevention And Reversal Of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms, Greg Halsey