Dissertations from 2023
Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections and Rapid Molecular Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance, Mohammed Harris
Evaluation of Bone and Muscle Quality in Laying Hens Using Quantitative, Radiographic, Computed Tomographic, Biomechanical, and Tissue Level Measures, Cerano Harrison
A Burkean Herstory: Liminal Narratives in the Life and Work of Kenneth Burke, Heather F. Hartness
Elucidating Mechanisms of RAD51 Regulation During the Replication Stress Response, Alexandra Hawks
Efficacy Meets Inquiry: Impact of Lesson Study and Reflective Inquiry on the Development of Novice Teacher Self-Efficacy, Taylor B. Hering
The Influence of Allostery Governing the Changes in Protein Dynamics Upon Substitution, Joseph Hess
An In Vitro Platform to Characterize Myocardial Wound Remodeling, Jonathan Heywood
Understanding Job Satisfaction in the National Park Service, the Needs of Black Employees, and the Decision-Making of Managers, Akiebia Hicks
Planting Date, Seed Size, and Maturity Effects on Cotton and Soybean Growth and Yield in South Carolina, Sarah Holladay
A Mixed Methods Study of the Literacy Motivation of Students with Intellectual Disability Labels, Hayley Jordan Hoover
Nuclear Charge Radius Determination of Iridium Using EUV Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions, Adam Hosier
The Effect of Game Experience on Students’ Creative Performance in Video Game Environments, Shuyu Huang
Intent Versus Reality: Examining Implementation of the Advisory Period at the Middle School Level, Jordan A. Hudson
“The People Make the Place”: Evaluating Mattering’s Influence on Graduate Students’ Intentions to Graduate, Kenzie Hurley
Atomistic and Mesoscale Modeling of Microstructure Development During Solid-state Sintering, Omar Hussein
Atomistic and Mesoscale Modeling of Microstructure Development During Solid-state Sintering, Omar Marwan Isa Hussein
Advancements in Fluid Simulation Through Enhanced Conservation Schemes, Sean Ingimarson
Our Voices Matter: Engaging Middle Grades Hispanic Students In a Summer Literacy Program, Macy Christine James
Top Down Effects and Resource Selection by Coyotes in South Carolina, Alex Jensen
Essays in Urban Economics, Terrence Jewell
Teaching Them to Fish: Using a Districtwide System of Supports To Improve College and Career Readiness in a Rural School District, Lavonia Johnson-Davis
Zero-Knowledge Reductions and Confidential Arithmetic, Marvin Jones
Asymptotic Cones of Quadratically Defined Sets and Their Applications to QCQPs, Alexander Joyce
Improving Sizing Resolution of Particle Impactors in the Nanoparticle Range, Shivuday Kala
The Effects of Math Pathways on Pupils in Poverty, Edward Kameen
Estimating Financial and Environmental Risk: Some New Developments and Comparison Study., Fnu Kamronnaher
A Social-Ecological Systems Inquiry for Understanding Environmental Change In Los Angeles Outer-Ring Suburbs, Farnaz Kamyab
Model-Free Methods to Analyze Pmu Data in Real-Time for Situational Awareness and Stability Monitoring, Sean Kantra
Improving Hexapod Platform Pose Accuracy - A Photogrammetry-Based Approach, Sourabh Karmakar
Enabling High Throughput and Reliable Low Latency Communication over Vehicular Mobility in Next-Generation Cellular Networks, Snigdhaswin Kar
Assessing What We Value: Interactions between Student Perceptions of Assessments in the Calculus Classroom and Their Future-Oriented Motivation, Catherine Kenyon
A Narrative Inquiry of Selected Women’s Career Pathways to State-Level Leadership in Agriculture, Timothy Keown
Leveraging the Granularity of Healthcare Data: Essays on Operating Room Scheduling for Productivity and Nurse Retention, Jaeyoung Kim
The Functional Implications of Anuran Metamorphosis for Survival, Locomotor Performance, and Limb Bone Mechanical Properties, Chase Kinsey
Exploring Modalities of Productivity and Critical Quality Attributes in Fed-batch Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Cultures, Stephanie Klaubert
Methyltransferase, Glucose Adaptation, and Import Complex in Trypanosoma Brucei, Emily Knight
An Examination of the Intersection Between Gender and the Experiences of Female Adventure Tour Guides in Tanzania, Ellen Koppa
Essays on the Economics of Sports Wagering Markets, Jacob Lamb
Essays on Labor Market Size and Job Match Quality, Lan Lan
An Evaluation of Clemson University’s Cooperative Extension Services Online Learning Programs and Framework For Program Development and Evaluation, Christina Leard
Biochemical Analyses of UDGX-A Crosslinking Uracil-Dna Glycosylase, Chuan Liang
Trust-Based Variable Impedance Control and Passivity-Based Switched System Analysis for Human-Robot Cooperative Manipulation, Zhanrui Liao
Credit Constraints and Innovation, Jun Li
Beyond Just Money Transactions: Redesigning Digital Peer-to-Peer Payments for Social Connections, Lingyuan Li
A Deeper Understanding of the R Process, Mengke Li
A Mixed-Method Study on the Walkability of Streets in Hospital-Anchored Neighborhoods, Xiaowei Li
Femtosecond Laser Shock Peening and the Dynamics of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Shock Waves, Yuxin Li
Trash, Fragments, and Breaking Things: Toward a Grotesque Cripistemology for Disabled Life Writing, Michelle Anne Lloyd
Composite and Polymer Formulation Employing Sulfur and Bio-olefin Feedstocks, Claudia V. Lopez
A Systems Genetics Approach to Drosophila melanogaster Models of Rare and Common Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Rebecca MacPherson
Partitioning and Microdosimetry of Plutonium-239 and 55-Iron in Environmental Bacteria Grown in Liquid Cultures, Lisa Manglass
Understanding the Hydromechanical Effects of Extreme Events To Improve the Performance of Infrastructure Foundations, Siddharth Marathe
Modeling Antihypertensive Therapeutic Inertia And Intensification To Support Clinical Action Toward Hypertension Control, Benjamin Martin
Study of Highly Charged Ion Charge Exchange with Applications to X-Ray Astrophysics, Richard Mattish
Developing Design Guidelines of Deployable Bamboo Scissors-Like Arch Structures: For Structural Performance, Flexibility, and Constructability, Anastasia Maurina
Reflections on Co-creating Nature-Based Virtual Reality Experiences for Adults Living With Severe COPD, Olivia McAnirlin
Fluorescence Multiplexing with Combination Probes for Biological and Diagnostic Applications, Madeline McCarthy
Black Oral History as a Culturally Sustaining Practice in the Secondary Social Studies Classroom, Elizabeth McDonald
Exploring Academic Opportunities for Military-Connected Students: A Systems Theory Approach, Georgia McKown
Perspectives on the Application of Pharmacogenomics in Patient Care, Erika Meaddough
Glycolytic Inhibitors as Leads for Drug Discovery in the Pathogenic Free-Living Amoebae, Jillian Milanes
Experimental and Computational Platforms for Studying Systems Mechanobiology, Brendyn Miller
Expansion of the Diazacyclobutene Motif for Antiparasitic Evaluation, Brock Alexander Miller
The Struggle Is Real: Understanding Impacts of Racial Microaggressions on Black Teachers, Joshua Miller
Enhanced Mobile Networking using Multi-connectivity and Packet Duplication in Next-Generation Cellular Networks, Prabodh Mishra
Storytelling in Motion: Rhetorical Approaches to Autoethnography, Critical Pedagogy, and African Filmmaking, Sethunya Mokoko
Explaining Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Extreme Hydro-Climatic Events Using a Complex Network Framework, Somnath Mondal
Instructional Leadership Practices and Problem-Solving Processes Among Secondary School Principals During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Matthew Moore
A Framework for Statistical Modeling of Wind Speed and Wind Direction, Eva Murphy
Drivers of White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus Virginianus) Behavior, Survival, and Population Growth in the Piedmont of South Carolina, Michael Muthersbaugh
The Effect of Prior Virtual Reality Experience on Locomotion and Navigation in Virtual Environments, Moloud Nasiri
Breeding Cotton for Determinate Growth Habit: Increasing Cotton Fiber Yield by Remobilization of End-Of-Season Perennial Reserves, Salman Naveed
Damage Detection with an Integrated Smart Composite using a Magnetostriction-based Nondestructive Evaluation Method: Integrating Machine Learning for Prediction, Christopher Nelon
Effect of Authentic Kefir and Nigella sativa on Broilers Challenged by Coccidia and Clostridium perfringens, Julian E. Nixon
How Is Wildlife Poaching Changing in Uganda and How Can We Understand the Contribution of Wildlife Protection Efforts at Multiple Scales: Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda., Ingrid Nyonza Nyakabwa
Applications of Large Eddy Simulations to Novel Internal Combustion Concepts, Patrick O'Donnell
Delineating the Impact of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell ABCA1/G1 And Mir-33A Expression on Atherosclerosis, Olanrewaju Oladosu
Influence of Cover Cropping and Nitrogen Fertilization on Soil Properties and Cotton Productivity, Christianah Oladoye
Protein A and Multimodal Anion-Exchange Membrane Adsorbers for Downstream Purification of Therapeutic Biomolecules, Joshua Osuofa
Supporting Preschoolers’ Early Writing Through Parent-Teacher Collaboration: A Design Based Study, Oluwaseun A. Oti
Designing Noncentrosymmetric Multifunctional Materials, Ebube Oyeka
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Online Genetics Education, Pinar Ozmizrak
Mesoscale Modeling of Controlled Degradation in Polymer Networks and Melts, Vaibhav Palkar
Nonlinear charge and spin currents in non-centrosymmetric electron systems, Aniruddha Pan
Multiparametric Continuous and Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization with Parameters in General Locations, Andrew Pangia