Theses from 1959
Instructional Problems in a Newly-Consolidated High School in South Carolina, Ruby Sharp Hicks
Instructional Problems in a Newly-Consolidated High School in South Carolina, Ruby Sharp Hicks
Spectrophotometric Determination of Fluoride in Water, Charles Wayne Howle
A Study of the Control Program of the Sand Wireworm and its Influence on the Agricultural Economy of Bamberg County, Robert Calvin Hubbard
A Low-Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Camera, Thomas Eugene Hutchinson
Costs of Performing Selected Processing Functions in Frozen Food Locker Plants South Carolina 1958, Edgar Walton Jones
A Method of Visual Demonstration of Fm, Robert Noel Kersey
Economics of Supplemental Irrigation in South Carolina, William J. Lanham
Protein-Bound Iodine in the Blood of Dairy Cattle and its Relation to Growth and Milk Production, Joseph Lee
Protein-Bound Iodine in the Blood of Dairy Cattle and its Relation to Growth and Milk Production, Joseph Lee
Economic Analysis of Selected Factors Associated with the Bulk-Tank and Can Methods of Handling Milk on South Carolina Grade a Dairy Farms, Bud J. Lindler
The Effect of Glaze Composition, Body Composition, and Atmosphere upon the Wetting Characteristics of Ceramic Glazes and Bodies, Edward Kerwin MacFarlane
A Taxonomix and Phylogenetic Investigation in the Axillary Sclerites of the Wings of Coleoptera, Abu Saleh Mohamed Abdul Matin
A Comparison of Greenhouse and Field Methods of Evaluating White Clover Clones for Root Knot Resistance, Norman Edward McGlohon
A Comparison Of Greenhouse And Field Methods Of Evaluating White Clover Clones For Root Knot Resistance, Norman Edward McGlohon
The Potential Pollinators Of Cotton In Florence And Darlington Counties, South Carolina, William Wallard McMillian
The Potential Pollinators of Cotton in Florence and Darlington Counties, South Carolina, William Wallard McMillian
The Relationship of Plankton Population Densities to Fish Growth, Virgil Lee Miller
The Relationship Of Plankton Population Densities To Fish Growth, Virgil Lee Miller
A Study of the Viscosity Temperature Relationship in a Series of Lower Normal Alcohols, William Irvin Molony
The Effect of Various Soap and Detergent Types Upon the Water Repellency of Silicone Treated Cotton, William Furman Moore
Determination of Copper and Zinc in Commercial Fertilizers by Colorimetric Methods, Lewis Enos Nance
Case Studies of Sheep Production in the Old "Pendleton District", South Carolina, Adrian L. Padgett
Determination of Manganese in Water, LeRoy Pike
Single Crystal Analysis by X-ray Diffraction, Laurence Bliss Rice
Development of Impact Test and Investigation of Fritted Wollastonite Bodies, John David Sease
Results and Implications of a First-Grade Testing Program in Reading in Southside School, Anderson, South Carolina, 1958-1959, Martha Burden Stewart
Studies on a Eu-Helminthosporium Species Responsible for a Chlorosis in Oats in South Carolina, Mitchell Howard Thomas Jr.
Studies On A Eu-helminthosporium Species Responsible For A Chlorosis In Oats In South Carolina, Mitchell Howard Thomas Jr.
Practices Used by Farmers in the Savannah Valley District of South Carolina in Securing, Treating and Testing Small Grain Seed, 1956-57, Charlie Wilson Thompson
Preferences for Two Agricultural Publications in South Carolina: A Study of Rural Adult Education through Agricultural Agencies, Doris Anita Timmerman
Some Factors Affecting Breeding Performance and Early Lamb Production in Sheep, Ruel L. Wilson
Theses from 1958
The Zooplankton Population of Controlled Aquaria, Harold Carl Ballew
The Zooplankton Population of Controlled Aquaria, Harold Carl Ballew
The Zooplankton Population of Controlled Aquaria, Harold Carl Ballew
A Survey of Excuses Offered for Absences from Honea Path Elementary School September 5, 1955, through January 20, 1956, Curtis E. Bishop
A Survey of Excuses Offered for Absences from Honea Path Elementary School September 5, 1955, through January 20, 1956, Curtis E. Bishop
An Economic Study of the Operation of Combines by Fifty Farmers in Orangeburg County, Manuel Padgett Black
A Study of the Practices Used in Selecting, Feeding, Fitting, and Showing of Baby Beeves by Vocational Agriculture Students in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, from March 15, 1951, to March 14, 1956, Benjamin Earl Blackwell
A Study of the Practices Used in Selecting, Feeding, Fitting, and Showing of Baby Beeves by Vocational Agriculture Students in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, from March 15, 1951, to March 14, 1956, Benjamin Earl Blackwell
Effect of Seeding Rate of Cotton Seed Treated with Thimet on Length on Insect Control, Henry Derrick Blocker
Effect Of Seeding Rate Of Cotton Seed Treated With Thimet On Length Of Insect Control, Henry Derrick Blooker
Percent Crude Protein Content and Yield of Grain of Certain Soft Red Winter Wheat Varieties at Varying Levels of Nitrogen, Carol E. Brown
Preparation of the Cyclic Hydrazides of Some 2-Mercapto- and 2-Alkylmercapto- Derivatives 4,5-Pyrimidinedicarboxylic Acid, Vasco Gomes Camacho
An Evaluation of Selected Factors Affecting Sales of Peaches at a Roadside Market, William Fred Chapman Jr.
An Improved Method for the Production of Lucite Electrets, Daniel Roane Cline
A Study of Thin Films of Barium Titanate, Thomas Frank Collins
Organization and Accomplishments of the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station 1887-1957, Jimmie B. Copeland
Anion Exchange Properties of Vermiculite, Joseph F. Edwards
The Preparation of Some Aromatic Esters of Diphenylphosphinic Acid, Arthur Wayne Garrison
The Limitation of Cooling Schedules by the Alpha - Beta Quartz Inversion, Leon B. Herring
The Effects of Glycerol Level, Equilibration Time and Rate of Freezing on Freezing and Storing of Ram Semen, James Riley Hill
The Effects of Glycerol Level, Equilibration Time and Rate of Freezing on Freezing and Storing of Ram Semen, James Riley Hill
Increasing Farm Income through Improved Management Practices on South Carolina Hog Farms, Edgar M. Huggins
An Evaluation of the Special Twenty Mill Tax Levy for School Purposes in Anderson County, South Carolina, William T. Lander Jr.
An Evaluation of the Special Twenty Mill Tax Levy for School Purposes in Anderson County, South Carolina, William T. Lander Jr.
A Comparison of the Scholastic Achievement of High School Girls Electing Advanced Homemaking Courses with that of Girls Electing Other Subjects, Susie Daniel Lee
Factors Related to the Success of Rural Community Organizations, Ollie Weldon Lloyd
An Economic Analysis of the Fertilizer-Purchasing Practices of Farm Owner-Operations in Marlboro County, South Carolina, John Lanston Madden
An Evaluation of Dairy Farmers Practices in Edgefield County with Recommendations for Improvement, Joe Raymond Meredith
Replacement Ratios and Rates for Males Entering and Leaving the Working Age Group in South Carolina, 1950-1960, Alfred Franklin Newton
An Investigation of the Contributions to Higher Education of Selected Industries with Manufacturing Units in South Carolina, Mary Gill Olson
A Study of the Academic Achievement in the Four Consolidated White Elementary Schools of the Pickens Attendance Area, Ernest D. Palmer
A Study of the Academic Achievement in the Four Consolidated White Elementary Schools of the Pickens Attendance Area, Ernest D. Palmer
A Study of the Working Force of a Rural Industry in McCormick County, South Carolina, Patrick Alvan Rush
Protein Supplements and Certain Antibiotics in the Rations of Fattening Swine, John Alexander Salters
The Production, Distribution and Use of Frozen, Active Lactic Acid Cultures, James C. Simmons
The Production, Distribution and Use of Frozen, Active Lactic Acid Cultures, James C. Simmons
Quality of Small Grain Seed Planted in South Carolina in the Fall of 1956, Robert Lee Squires
An Evaluative Study of the Five Major Future Farmers of America Contests in Supervisory District One, South Carolina, 1956-57, Sexton Columbus Vinson
The Influence of Additives on the Speed of Oxidation and Properties of Structural Clay Products, Louis Howard Wright
The Economics of Hog Production in South Carolina, Nathaniel A. Wynn
Theses from 1957
Factors Affecting the Chipping Quality of Irish Potatoes, Robert L. Addison Jr.
The Efforts of Dried Citrus Pulp on Rate of Gain and Carcass Desirability of Steers Fed in Drylot, Roy Lee Bivins
The Efforts of Dried Citrus Pulp on Rate of Gain and Carcass Desirability of Steers Fed in Drylot, Roy Lee Bivins
An Analysis of the Instructional Program of Farm Forestry in the Vocational Agriculture Departments of Edisto District with Suggestions for Improvement, William Rudolph Carter
A Follow-Up Study of the Junior College Graduates of Wesleyan Methodist College 1935-1955, James Benjamin Childs
The Effect of Various Cross Linking Agents Upon the Dyeing Properties of Wool, William Pierce Creighton
A Study of the Travel Allowance of Teachers of Vocational Agriculture in District One, South Carolina, During 1953-1954, William F. Crowther
Permeability as a Fundamental Factor in Bloating Clays, Charles Clifford Fain
A Method of Reproducing Experimental Data for Lucite Electrets, Mills Lawrence Fleming
Reactions of Certain Vinyl-Type Compounds with Cellulose, Talmage Dewitt Foster
A Study of the Development of the Calhoun Falls Public Schools 1896 to 1955, John Henry Fulmer
The Correlation Between Dynamic Test Results Using the Sonic Method and Compressive and Flexure Test Results Upon Plain Concrete Cylinders and Beams, George Rembert Glenn
The Effect of Sodium Methylsiliconate on Textiles, Coy Jefferson Gray
An Investigation of the Oxidation of Maleic and Phthalic Hydrazides, Vannie E. Gray
An Investigation of Rattan as a Reinforcing Agent in Concrete Beams, Alexander Francis Hammond
A Study of the Effect of Livestock Chains on Supervised Farming Programs of Vocational Agricultural Students in Spartanburg County, Frank M. Hart
Field Tests with Thimet and Bayer 19639 Applied by Several Methods for Cotton Insect Control, Alfred Ray Hopkins
A Study of the Effects of Cycle Timing and Warm Up Losses on the Efficiency of an Oil Fired Domestic Type Boiler, William Garraux Hudson
The Effects of Epichlorohydrin on Starch and Cellulose, George Anderson Hutto
An Analysis of the Farm Mechanics Teaching Program Provided by Teachers of Vocational Agriculture in South Carolina, Guy William Jones
Records Being Kept by Agriculture Teachers in Supervisory District One, South Carolina, 1956, William Marion Mahony
Early Season Seedling Damage to Small Grains Associated With Fusarium Species, Martin William McCarter Jr.
Early Season Seedling Damage To Small Grains Associated With Fusarium Species, Martin William McCarter Jr.
A Comparison of Choice Status of Sixty-four Ninth Grade Pupils with their Scores on a Standardized Test of Personality Adjustment, William Eugene Mullinnix
A Comparison of Choice Status of Sixty-four Ninth Grade Pupils with their Scores on a Standardized Test of Personality Adjustment, William Eugene Mullinnix
A Proposed Method of Rating Teaching Materials for Vocational Agriculture, John R. Neal