Theses from 1957
Merchandising Watermelons in Supermarkets, Louis S. Philhower Jr.
Determination of Fluorides in Water, Edgar E. Sellers
Costs and Requirements in Producing and Harvesting Watermelons, Billy Ray Skelton
A Method for the Study of the Composition of Azeotropes of Binary Liquid Mixtures at Atmospheric and Sub-Atmospheric Pressures, Using the 1-Butanol - Chlorobenzene System, William Sutton Jr.
A Study of the Effect of Light on the Washfastness of Resin Bonded Pigments, W. Frank Taylor
Preparation of Certain New Ether Derivatives of Starch and Preliminary Evaluation of their Properties as Finishing Agents for Cotton Fabrics, DeWitt U. Tilley
A Study of the Characteristics of Selected Programs of Adult Farmer Education in South Carolina, Boyce Todd
Preparation of the Cyclic Hydrazides of Some E-Substituted-4,5-Dicarbethoxypyrimidines, Steve Vazopolos
Some Attempts to Increase the Phenolic Hydroxyl Content of Isolated Lignin, C. G. Westendorff Jr.
Effect of Protective Surface Treatments During Aging on Yield and Flavor of Blue Mold Cheese, Wayne Tiamon Williamson
Effect of Protective Surface Treatments During Aging on Yield and Flavor of Blue Mold Cheese, Wayne Tiamon Williamson
Theses from 1956
Evaluation of the Dermal Toxicity of Malathion, Chlorthion, and Dipterex to Dogs, Carl Columbus Bailey
A Study of Vacuum Treated Market Milk, William Rheuben Bellamy
A Study of the Development of William Gilmore Simms' History of South Carolina, James McMillan Cleland
Plastic and Wax Electrets, John Kenneth Corbin
Determination of Fluorides in Water, Calvin Joseph Cruz
Studies of the Effects of Certain Emulsified Vinyl Polymers as Textile Finishing Agents, Hugh Kitchings Eason
The Effects of Exchangeable Ions on the Physical Characteristics of Vermiculite, Walter S. Ernst
The Historical Development of Junior Colleges in the Region Served by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools 1896 - 1952, Henry Grady Hollingsworth Jr.
A Study of Sulfur Electrets, Andrew Swofford Howard
Relationships Between Several Characteristics of Beef Bulls Fed on Record of Performance Trials, Jaan Kurgvel
Relationships Between Several Characteristics of Beef Bulls Fed on Record of Performance Trials, Jaan Kurgvel
Comparison Of The Sensitivity Of The Larvae Of Artemia Salina (leach) And Aedes Aegypti (linnaeus) To Ddt And Dieldrin, Melvin C. Latha
Comparison of the Sensitivity of the Larvae of Artemia Salina (Leach) and Aedes Aegypti (Linnaeus) to DDT and Dieldrin, Melvin C. Latham
Enrollment in Classes in French and in Spanish in South Carolina High Schools, 1930-1955, Birma Miller McDavid
Aromatic Tobacco Production in Oconee County, South Carolina, 1954, Henslee C. McLellan Jr.
An Evaluation of the Success of Students Presenting Industrial Arts Credits for Entrance at Clemson College, Harvey Eugene Morgan Jr.
Production Practices and Costs in Growing Fall Tomatoes, Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Jerold F. Pittman
An Economic Study of Short Span Bridges for Primary Highways for the State of South Carolina Using Prestressed Concrete Versus Conventional Reinforced Concrete Design and Construction, Joseph Prugh Rostron
Relationship Between the Errors Children make in Spelling and Word Recognition, Melba Opal Schofield
Mortality Of Brine Shrimp, Artemia Salina (leach), As An Index To The Concentration Of Ddt, Dieldrin And Parathion, With Notes On Techniques For Rearing And Counting., Wallace A. Tarpley
Mortality of Brine Shrimp, Artemia salina (Leach), as an Index to the Concentration of DDT, Dieldrin and Parathion, With Notes on Techniques for Rearing and Counting., Wallace A. Tarpley
Merchandising of Fresh Frying Chickens in Retail Food Stores in Selected Non-Metropolitan Areas of South Carolina, 1955, Wendell Hugh Thomas
Alternative Plans and Adjustments for Selected Farms, Piedmont Area, South Carolina 1955, Clyde Eugene Woodall
Theses from 1955
Bionomics and Rearing of Parasitic Copepoda of the Genus Lernaea, James McKenzie Alexander III
Bionomics and Rearing of Parasitic Copepodia of the Genus Lernaea, James McKenzie Alexander III
Bionomics and Rearing of Parasitic Copepodia of the Genus Lernaea, James McKenzie Alexander III
A Study of the Industrial Arts Programs Offered in the Public Schools of South Carolina 1954, Joseph Roberts Austell
Bioassay of Dieldrin in Soil Using Larvae of Aedes aegypti (L.), William A. Banks
A Time and Temperature Study of Electrets Having Various Thicknesses, Richard Austin Branham
A Fine Arts Center and School of Fine and Applied Arts for Clemson College, John Califf
A Study of College Curriculums in Textiles and Characteristics of Supervisory Training Programs in Selected Grey Goods Plants, Henry Towles Crigler Jr.
An Investigation of Geometrical Isomerism in Dibenzalacetone, William Jospeh Day
Lateral And Vertical Movement Of Dieldrin In The Soil, John Patrick Fulmer
Lateral and Vertical Movement of Dieldrin in the Soil, John Patrick Fulmer
Determination of the Size Sample Needed to Estimate Livestock Numbers on Farms in a Selected County, Fred Hubert Garner
Cattle Lice, Their Distribution, Ecology, and Control with Treated Rubbing Devices in South Carolina, Furman Reeves Gressette Jr.
Cattle Lice, Their Distribution, Ecology, And Control With Treated Rubbing Devices In South Carolina, Furman Reeves Gressette Jr.
The Design, Construction, and Testing of an Apparatus for Use by Undergraduate Students for Studying Heat Transfer from Bare and Insulated Horizontal Pipes Containing Steam, James Walter Hammond
An Investigation of the Dehydration Characteristics of Vermiculite, Irvin F. Havens
The Effects of Ultrasonics on Heat Transfer by Convection, Clifton Moody McClure
The Effect of Glycerol Equilibration Time on the Freezizng of Bovine Spermatozoa in Egg Yolk-Sodium Citrate and Skim Milk Semen Diluters, Glen Dewitt O'Dell
The Effect of Glycerol Equilibration Time on the Freezizng of Bovine Spermatozoa in Egg Yolk-Sodium Citrate and Skim Milk Semen Diluters, Glen Dewitt O'Dell
Analysis of Milk Vendor Operations in South Carolina, Jerry Hill Padgett
The Application of Ultrasonics to the Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, William Theodore Roff
Optical Properties of Amorphous Selenium, Warren B. Rogers
Theses from 1954
Scholastic Achievement of College Freshmen as Related to Success in High School and Size of High School from which Graduated, Edgar Miles Berry
A Quantitative Survey Of Certain Ectoparasites Of The European Starling, Sturnus Vulgaris, James Decatur Boykin
A Quantitative Survey of Certain Ectoparasites of the European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris, James Decatur Boykin
The History and Development of Drainage in Horry County 1946-1950, Lewis Jennings Carter
A Study of the Crossing of the Brahman Beef Cattle in the South, William Thomas Clayton
A Study of the Crossing of the Brahman Beef Cattle in the South, William Thomas Clayton
The Incorporation of Bonding Agents in the Dyeing of Fast Colors on Cotton, Peter A. Cook
An Evaluation of Test Scores as Predictors of Success in Learning Basic Metal Processes, James Houston Couch
Some Physiological Relationships Between Insulin and Adrenalin in Fowl Infected With Salmonella gallinarum, Charles Archer Dodson
Some Physiological Relationships Between Insulin And Adrenalin In Fowl Infected With Salmonella Gallinarum, Charles Archer Dodson
Insecticidal Evaluation Of Organic Arsenical Compounds, Jack Dent Early
Insecticidal Evaluation of Organic Arsenical Compounds, Jack Dent Early
Electrostatic Deposition of Insecticidal Dust Particles on Electrically Charged Plates, John William Gillespie
Electrostatic Deposition Of Insecticidal Dust Particles On Electrically Charged Plates, John William Gillespie
A Study of the Effect of High School Major Course and Size of High School on Scholastic Success at Clemson College, Parker Watson Hall
A Colorimetric Method for the Analysis of Fluorides in Water, William Donald Jacobs
An Evaluative Study of Certain English Workbooks for Use in South Carolina High Schools, Thomas R. Johnson Jr.
Extra Work Requests Received by Teachers of Home Economics in South Carolina Public Schools in 1951-1952, Grace C. Kinard
Building and Equipment Costs and Labor Requirements for a Grey Goods Cloth Mill Making Class B Sheeting, Ralph Crenshaw Lathem
The Use of Time by Teachers of Vocational Agriculture in the Piedmont District of South Carolina, Clyde Cornelius Lucas
The Study of Mercerization with Mechanical Pressure Applied, William Luther Mathias
A Survey of the Methods Used in Financing Local Chapters of Future Farmers of America in South Carolina with Suggestions, Steve Rochester
The Relationships of General Comprehension, Mechanical Comprehension, and Mechanical Interest to Achievement in Woodworking, Leroy Aldin Sands
The Spectroscopic Determination of Copper in Soils by the Method of Additions, Josiah Edward Smith Jr.
A Paper Chromatographic Investigation of Maleic Hydrazide, Edgar Lowell Steele
An X-Ray Study of Electrets, Malcolm Finn Steuer
The Occupational Status of the Former Students of Vocational Agriculture of Johnston High School, Johnston, South Carolina, Jacob Frederick Wyse
Theses from 1953
An Analysis of the Records and Account Book Used by Pupils of Vocational Agriculture in South Carolina, Ludy James Blakely Jr.
An Analysis of the Records and Account Book Used by Pupils of Vocational Agriculture in South Carolina, Ludy James Blakely Jr.
Antistatic Agents on Orlon and Dacron, Samuel Williams Boddie
Factors Affecting the Reading Attainment of Children of Primary School Age, Ann King Bryant
A Description and an Evaluation of the Procedures Used in a Reading Program for Third Grade at North Fant School 1951-1952, Alice Kathleen Burriss
An Experimental Investigation of the Structural Use of Plastic Reinforced with Parallel Glass Fibers, Edward Ford Byars
A Study of the Characteristics, the Development, and the Use of Picture Continuity as a Medium of Communication, Jennings B. Christopher
The Development of 4-H Club Work in South Carolina, Lila Evans Clayton
A Follow-Up Study of FFA Students Enrolled in Classes of Vocational Agriculture at Branchville High School, Peter Howard Dantzler
An Evaluative Study of the Practices Used by Teachers of Vocational Agriculture in Developing Supervised Farming Programs with All-Day Pupils in South Carolina, Alvin Hamilton Hawkins
A Study of Consolidation in the Schools of Oconee County, Wickliffe Cook Hutchison
The Production of Milk for Manufacturing Purposes in the Pendleton South Carolina High School Area, Robert Maurice Jones
A Study of the Effects of the Use of a Workbook in the Teaching of Arithmetic, Margaret A. McGee