Theses from 2024
Exploiting Randomness in Secret Sharing, Cailyn Bass
Domination in Graphs and the Removal of a Matching, Geoffrey Boyer
Bounding the Convex Hull Relaxation of the Unit Commitment Problem with the Shapley-Folkman Theorem, Lauren Henderson
Elasticity of Orders in Quadratic Rings of Integers, Jared Kettinger
Cohen-Macaulay Type of Open Neighborhood Ideals of Unmixed Trees, Jounglag Lim
A Post-Quantum Mercurial Signature Scheme, Madison Mabe
Theses from 2023
Cohen-Macaulay Properties of Closed Neighborhood Ideals, Jackson Leaman
Multi-Commodity Flow Models for Logistic Operations within a Contested Environment, Isabel Strinsky
Generalized Vulnerability Measures of Graphs, Julia VanLandingham
Theses from 2022
A Contribution to the Statistical Analysis of Climate-Wildfire Interaction in Northern California, Adam Diaz
Optimal First Order Methods for Reducing Gradient Norm in Unconstrained Convex Smooth Optimization, Yunheng Jiang
Conductors and Rings with Shared Ideals, Sydney Maibach
Efficiency of Homomorphic Encryption Schemes, Kyle Yates
Theses from 2021
Dynamical and Spectral Inverse Problem for the Wave Equation, Antonio Marcello Pierrottet
Image Segmentation Applied to Electrical Impedance Tomography, Scott Randall Scruggs
A Parallelized and Layered Model for the Shallow-Water Equations, Alexander Stevens
Augmented Solvability of Nth Degree Polynomials, Joseph Swanson
Theses from 2020
A Mean-Risk Mixed Integer Nonlinear Program for Network Protection, Amy Elizabeth Burton
Exploratory Data Analysis and Point Process Modeling of Amateur Radio Spots, Nicole Chris
Prime Stability in Intermediate Extensions of Integral Domains, Philip de Castro
A New Family of Fault Tolerant Quantum Reed-Muller Codes, Harrison Beam Eggers
Modeling and Optimization of Self-Healing Polymers, Amy Murdaugh
A Projection-Free Algorithm for Solving Support Vector Machine Models, Seyed Hamid Nazari
Scheduling Control for Many-Server Queues When Customers Change Class, Mary Elizabeth Saine
Worst Case Datasets for Solving Binary Logistic Regression via Deterministic First-Order Methods, Trevor Squires
Detecting Partisan Gerrymandering through Mathematical Analysis: A Case Study of South Carolina, Anna Marie Vagnozzi
Theses from 2019
m-ARY Partitions, Soumendra Ganguly
The Calkin-Wilf Tree and Its Various Properties, Catherine Mary Kenyon
Reliability in a Dynamic Stochastic Environment, John Charles Nicholson
Cohen-Macaulay Type of Weighted Edge Ideals and Path Ideals, Shuai Wei
Theses from 2018
Dimensional Analysis and Variational Formulation of Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) Model, Thowhida Akther
Comparison of Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstruction Algorithms With EIDORS Reconstruction Software, Matthew Brinckerhoff
Finite Element Discretizations for Linear Elasticity, Emma Cinatl
Some data collection and analysis of the distribution of Champion Primes for non-CM Elliptic Curves, Alan R. Hahn
On Quasi-stationary Distributions of Stochastic SIS Epidemic Models, Boyoung Hur
An Introduction to Homological Algebra and its Applications, Todd Anthony Morra
Theses from 2017
Cross Flow Filtration Modeling Using Analytical and Numerical Solutions Along with Implementation as a Web-Based Calculator, Lauren Paige McIntyre
Theses from 2016
Results on Common Left/Right Divisors of Skew Polynomials, Travis Baumbaugh
Boundary Controllability for One-Dimensional Wave and Heat Equations with Potential, Andrew Walton Green
A Boolean Network Model of the L-Arabinose Operon, Andy Jenkins
Theses from 2015
Polygon Distances with Applications to High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Vito Capuano
Nonparametric Regression In Natural Exponential Families: A Simulation Study, YIJUN CHEN
Thresholding of Statistical Maps in Functional Neuroimaging via Independent Filtering, Jaqueline Kwiasowski
Multiplier Operator on Framed Hilbert Spaces, Haodong Li
Theses from 2014
Improved Mixed-Integer Models of a Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem, William Lassiter
Theses from 2013
Error Covariance Matrix Estimation in High Dimensional Approximate Factor Models Using Adaptive Thresholding: A Simulation Study, Paul Chimenti
Secret Sharing and Network Coding, Fiona Knoll
Theses from 2012
Enhanced Physics Schemes for the 2D NS-alpha Models of Incompressible Flow, Michael Dowling
Champion Primes For Elliptic Curves, Jason Hedetniemi
Convex Hull Characterization of Special Polytopes in n-ary Variables, Ruobing Shen
A set of tournaments with many Hamiltonian cycles, Hayato Ushijima-mwesigwa
Numerical study for a viscoelastic fluid-structure interaction problem, Shuhan Xu
Robust Parameter Estimation in the Weibull and the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution, Jing Zhao
Theses from 2011
Optimal Currents in Electrical Impedance Tomography with Robin Boundary Conditions, Cristoffer Cordes
Physical Process Models as Regularization Constraints on Geophysical Imaging Problems, Rachel Grotheer
Theses from 2010
Increased Accuracy and Efficiency in Finite Element Computations of the Leray-Deconvolution Model of Turbulence, Abigail Bowers
A Numerical Study of Subgrid Artificial Viscosity Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations, Keith Galvin
Quantum codes from two-point Hermitian codes, Justine Hyde-volpe
Explicit Level Lowering of 2-Dimensional Modular Galois Representations, Rodney Keaton
Shrinkage Estimation in Partially Linear Models with Measurement Error, Yifang Li
The Steiner Linear Ordering Problem: Application to resource-constrained scheduling problems, Mariah Magagnotti
Compressive Sensing, Yue Mao
Sparse Representation for Detection of Transients Using a Multi-Resolution Representation of the Auto-correlation of Wavelets, Caroline Sieger
Contaminant Flow and Transport Simulation in Cracked Porous Media using Locally Conservative Schemes, Pu Song
Theses from 2009
Sparse Representations in Power Systems Signals, Jack Cooper
Tandem Queues with Non-Stationary Arrivals, Senthil balaji Girimurugan
Portfolio Selection Problem under Uncertainty and Risk, Dimitri Nowak
A Dual Algorithm for the Weighted Euclidean Distance Min-Max Location Problem in R^2 and R^3, Andrea Smith
Construction of a Dimension Two Rank One Drinfeld Module, Catherine Trentacoste
Local Adaptive Smoothing in Kernel Regression Estimation, Qi Zheng
Theses from 2008
The Square Threshold Problem in Number Fields, Matt Lafferty
Dow Jones Index, GARCH(1,1) and Change-Points, Tharanga Wickramarachchi
Theses from 2006
Change-Point Tests for Precipitation Data, Michael Robbins