Dissertations from 2024
Systematics and Biogeography of Shallow Subterranean Carabidae in the Eastern United States, Curt Harden
Drosophila Model of Cocaine Use Disorder, Jeffrey Hatfield
Application of Human Factors Approaches in Ostomy Nursing Care and Ostomy Self-Care, Marketa Haughey
The Human Side of Adaptive Autonomy: Design Considerations for Adaptive Autonomous Teammates, Allyson Hauptman
Exploring the Use of Social Media Among Theme Park Guests: A Uses and Gratification Theory Approach, William J. Henderson
BAP1: Genotype-Phenotype Correlation, Variant Classification, and Treatment Efficacy, Elizabeth Hobbs
Short-Circuit Modeling and Instantaneous Overvoltage Protection of Renewable Farms, Shah Mohazzem Hossain
Evacuation of Students with Intellectual Disability in Building Fires: A Three-Part Methodology, Haley Hostetter
Mental Health of Healthcare Workers in Kosovo During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Latif Hoxha
The Atheroprotective Impact of Anti-miR-33a-5p/3p in Cultured Pro-Inflammatory Endothelial Cells, Kun Huang
An in Vitro Investigation of Urothelial Cell Function in Response to Hypoxia and Pressure in Relation to Bladder Outlet Obstruction, Britney Hudson
Essays on Education and Family Economics, Yue Hu
Exploring the Synthesis of Biobased and Chemically Recyclable Polysulfone Using Imine Chemistry, Vitasta Jain
Development of Earthquake Hazard Prediction Software For South Carolina and Its Applications, Vishnu Saketh Jella
Efficient First-Order Methods for Some Smooth Nonlinear Optimization Problems, Yunheng Jiang
Quantile Regression and Change Point Analysis of Remote Patient Monitoring Data from CardioMEMS HF System, Shanshan Jia
The Influence of Feed Additives on Laying Hen Health, Welfare, and Egg Quality, Alexa Johnson
Voices From the Countryside: Unveiling the Stories of Rural Teachers in STEM Education, Devan A. Jones
Crystalline Colloidal Arrays: Exploring Light-Matter Interactions, Haley W. Jones
Enhancing Crop Resilience: Physiological and Omics Approaches for Drought and Heat Stress Tolerance in Soybean and Peanut, Jyoti Prasad Kakati
Evaluating the Epidemiological, Hormonal, and Psychosocial Sex-Based Differences in Sports-Related Concussion Outcomes, Samantha Kanny
Applications of Conic Programming Reformulations, Sarah Kelly
A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Powertrain Control Including Shared Learning Among a Fleet of Vehicles, Lindsey Kerbel
Selected Topics on Sequential Designs for Decision Making, Caroline Kerfonta
Exploring Novel Nutrient Acquisition Mechanisms For Maintaining Energy Metabolism in Toxoplasma gondii, Melanie Key
Charge Transport in Two Dimensional Systems With Arbitrary Rashba and Dresselhaus Interactions, Abhishek Khanal
An Efficient Computational Frameworks for Design and Analysis of Metamaterials, Raj Pradip Khawale
Don't Waste Our Time: Key Transformative Structures for Fast Track Learning, Carlita S. King
Understanding Road Users’ Use and Misuse of Fluorescent and Retroreflective Materials at Night, Savana King
A Recreational Therapy-Based Bibliotherapy Program For Perceived Stress and Coping Among Siblings Of Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Lindsey Kirschbaum
Engineering Team Success: Evaluating Perceptions of Teamwork Processes and Emergent States Effects on Team Outcomes, Lauren Kistler
Changes in Near-Field Perception and Reaching Behavior in Virtual Environments Over Time, Kristopher C. Kohm
Structure and Dynamics of Complex Fluids Formed by Ionomers: Experimental-Computational Insight, Chathurika Kosgallana
Can I Get A Witness? Employee Reactions to Witnessing Visible Self-Compassion At Work, Sara Krivacek
Novel Nucleus Pulposus Biomaterial Development and Low Field MRI Assessment for Intervertebral Disc Degeneration, Mario Krussig
Uncertainty Propagation in Dynamical Systems using the Koopman Spectrum: Application to Vehicle Dynamics, Alok Kumar
Domain Decomposition Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems Involving Elastic, Porous, or Poroelastic Structures, Hemanta Kunwar
We Train AI, Why Not Humans, Too? An Exploration of Human-AI Team Training for Future Workplace Viability, Caitlin M. Lancaster
Academic Vocabulary Acquisition in a 3rd Grade Science Classroom: A Mixed-Methods Embedded Study, Nicole Langenhuizen
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and Their Role in Biomolecular Condensates, Danielle Latham
Concert Tickets, Party Matching, Sleeping Barbers, and Single Lane Bridges: Characterizing Student Reasoning about Concurrency, Aubrey Lawson
Single Charge Carrier Dynamics in a Single Polymer Chain, Ming Lei
Cyber Threats, Cyber Risks, and Cybersecurity Responses: Modeling Whole-Of-Nation Strategy Implementation for American Organizations and Citizens, Vincent Leon Guerrero
Exploiting Physical Side-Channel Information for Offensive and Defensive Ends, Sisheng Liang
Carbon "Quantum" Dots: Structures, Properties, and Issues, Weixiong Liang
Ensuring the Privacy Compliance of Voice Personal Assistant Applications, Song Liao
Multifunctional Surfaces by Ultrafast Laser Multiscale Surface Structuring, Kewei Li
A Manufacturing-to-Response Pathway for Manufacturing Optimization of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Structures, Madhura Limaye
Enhancing Low-Resource Language Performance in Multilingual Large Language Models, Mingqi Li
Characterizing Treatment Patterns and Associated Outcomes for Medicare Beneficiaries with Proximal Humerus Fractures, Sydney Lindros
CEO Career Variety and Corporate Entrepreneurship, Shuang Liu
Statistical Methodologies for Sequential Online Controlled Experiments, Yangyi Li
Virtually Coached Nature-based Activities for Perceived Stress in Rural-dwelling Families with a Teenager with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Deborah R. Logan
Students Willing and Ready to Motivate to Graduate: An Alternative Pathway to Graduation, Laura Lusk
Isolation and Upgrading of Lignin from Agricultural Sources Using Phase Equilibria, Bronson Lynn
Data-Driven Enhanced Energy Management System Applications for Energy Control Centers, Dulip Madurasinghe
Ultra High-Performance Concrete As a High Friction Surface Treatment for Pavements and Bridges, Kyle Maeger
On the Structure, Energy, and Segregation Behavior of Grain Boundaries in Metallic Systems, Yasir Mahmood
Parent Advocacy for Literacy Intervention: A Case Study of Motivations and Experiences, Meghan Malloy
Exploring Natural Products as Alternatives to Antibiotics in Mitigating Necrotic Enteritis and Evaluating Their Impact on the Gut Microbiota of Broiler Chickens, Vishal Manjunatha
Elucidating the Roles of Septin Proteins in Thermotolerance and Cell Wall Integrity in Cryptococcus neoformans, Stephani S. Martinez Barrera
Parental Involvement in Early Warning System Use In a Mid to Low-Poverty School, Carrie McCain
Using Improvement Science to Increase the Achievement Of Multilingual Learners, Jamie L. McCarthy
Examining Policy Diffusion Mechanisms in the Contemporary Local Government Landscape of a Politically Polarized United States, Jacob McCauley
Pelvic Sucker Form and Function in Waterfall Climbing Gobies: Variation in Morphology and Adhesive Performance can Inspire Biomimetic Innovation, Amanda Palecek McClung
Lab to Leadership: How Do Women College Stem Students’ Classroom Experiences Inform Their Leader Identity Development?, Meredith McDevitt
The Game is the Game: Othermothering and HBCU Student Affairs Job Burnout: A Quantitative Study, Adolphus A. McDonald III
A Comprehensive Materials Approach to Thermal Management in Fiber Lasers, Bailey Meehan
A Comparative Study of the Distribution, Risk Factors, Health Service Utilization, and Outcomes of Stroke Between West Africans and African Americans, Ezinne Sylvia Melikam
Relating Elasticity and Other Multiplicative Properties Among Orders in Number Fields and Related Rings, Grant Moles
Linear and Nonlinear Topology Optimization with Morphing Beam Networks, Andrew S. Montalbano
Novel Vector Assignment Approach for Inherent Strain Modeling of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Manufacturing, Lucas M. Morand
Convex Approach to Data-Driven Optimal Control With Safety Constraints Using Linear Transfer Operator, Joseph Raphel Moyalan
Single Cell Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Cancer Cell Lines, Arnab Mutsuddy
Nutrigenetic and Dietary Factors Impacting the Relationship Between Linoleic Acid and Apolipoprotein B, Gregory Nacarelli
An Emergency Response System to Assist the Movement Of Vehicles During Emergency Operations In Urban Transportation Networks, Jamal Nahofti Kohneh
The Role of Kinases Signaling in Organogenesis, Fatemeh Nasehi
Integrating Social and Ecological Insights in the Management Plan for an Emerging Conservation Landscape: Kanha-Pench Corridor, Hrishita Negi
Sufex-Enabled Stereospecific Deoxygenative Diversification of Alcohols, Amaechi Odoh
Mammary Epithelial Cell Derived Extracellular Vesicles Influence Tumorigenic Phenotype Suppression In HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Cells, Brenda Okereke
Offensive Content Detection in Online Social Platforms, Ebuka Okpala
Emerging Agency in Border Communities During Pandemics, William Ordeman
Nuestra Comunidad: A Photovoice Study Examining Latino Youth and Outdoor Recreation, Maira Patino
Quantifying Effects of Partial Genetic Backgrounds to Decode Genetic Drivers of Clinical Phenotypes, Rini Pauly
Socio-Ecological Drivers of Anthropogenic Marine Debris Effects on Coral Reef Communities in the Florida Keys, USA, Tokea Payton
Agricultural Water Use in South Carolina - A Series of Investigations to Support Long-Term Planning, Charles Pellett
Measuring Cannulation Behavior on a Sensorized Simulator: Development, Verification, and Testing of System Components, Lydia Petersen
Exploring Equity In Introductory Biology Genetics Education, Sandy G. Phillips-Long
To the Torus and Beyond: An X-Ray Study of AGN Tori Morphology, Andrealuna Pizzetti